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Posts posted by caliguy

  1. Unfortunately, except for a very few lucky guys who getter hotter with AGE, most don't. But I find being a bit beefier as you get older and your muscle tone wanes, is a better look. Otherwise you start looking like Skeletor, unless you shoot yourself up with Restalin and other fillers..

    Ha. I said the same thing in the Steven Draker thread.

  2. SF has the highest rents in the country. Oakland isn't much better though. When the mayor showed up people booed her off the stage and it had nothing to do with the fire. It's for not being proactive in getting affordable housing in her area. I love the area but only the wealthy can afford it or find alternative living circumstances like these people.

  3. More news on Derick "Derelicked" Almena. He had on average 15 tenants who paid on average $1000 each. His lease was $5000. That left him with a whopping $10,000 each month tax free. He has no excuse why he couldn't have the electricity fixed or have fire extinguishers every 10 feet.

    This was a cash cow for Derelicked disguised as an artist space. No wonder the IRS is looking into this as well.

    He didn't like answering questions from Matt Lauer this morning? He'll like the questions from the Alameda D.A. even less.

    Yeah, he didn't sound very prepared in the interview. His main excuse was that he couldn't afford the safety upgrades because he rented out to people that couldn't afford to pay rent. They kept pressing him if he was willing to accept responsibility. I didn't hear anything other then he's very sad and very sorry.



  4. The guy gets rave reviews though from very satisfied clients with multiple reviews under their belts. The only bad one was one client saying what he got didn't match. However, trophy boy was still very good in bed.


    Personally, I'd rather have someone like this then some diva texting on their phone constantly.

  5. I thought $300.00 is the normal going rate in this day and age - at least in a big market like LA. I don't notice a lot of ads for less than that. Or, I should say, the ads that interest me rarely dip below $300.00.

    What peasant tastes. Ads I go for rarely dip below $500. I only go for absolute perfection and that costs money.

  6. One gentleman I visit with has like 100+ pics on RentMen. I've discussed with him the general appeal of that? He feels it's good marketing to keep lots of "fresh" pics. Who am I to argue with his success?

    I honestly like allot of the pics. If I had a bod like that I'd probably be doing the same thing. This is what popped into my mind though..


  7. I caught GC from oral sex. I was disease free in my cock and ass. It made me wonder has anyone else on here ever gotten an oral (STD) infection from giving oral, a cock (STD) infection from being given oral, a throat (STD) infection from rimming, or an anal (STD) infection from being rimmed?

    My understanding of that is eventually the penis will have a discharge and involve painful urination. Easy enough to prevent future transmissions unless you're being a very fast and furious slut. So I've been told anyways:)

  8. Not that I care to find out, but I can only imagine that a session with him would be "interesting."

    I'd like to find out his methods for keeping looking young. That is if he looks like those pics. I wouldn't say 19 but looking early 30 something is still good.

  9. Even people who used to object to it are now active participants. I have a friend who has a partner quite a bit younger. The younger guy is one of those google whores who, during conversation, is constantly googling whatever is being talked about and reporting what he finds. This used to drive my friend crazy and led to a couple serious disagreements between them. But now, my friend sits there with his Ipad in his lap and does the very same thing. Somehow it's different because he's on an Ipad rather than a phone.

    Ha. Well, that could actually work. As long as he's sharing the shit he finds it can add to the moment. PS.. I do that myself so I'm not exactly impartial here. Lol

  10. Staring into the screen of a smartphone just holds no appeal - don't understand it. When I go out to restaurants where techies hang out, it is so comical. Each has his/her smartphone sitting on the table at his/her side. They don't look at each other, just the phones. And there is near-complete silence between them.

    Depends on the circumstances. In that case it's ok since they're all into it. However, going out to dinner with me you'd be best to put the phone down. A certain grace period is ok. I've gotten up more then once to leave though.

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