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Posts posted by wisconsinguy

  1. A couple of quickies!

    For the record... That's an electrical spiked senso wheel device being used... as evidenced by the "simile" on the guy's face!


    http://ruscapturedboys.com/tour/daaebab1e3aeb366edce5deaa780c7b4/thumbs/IMG_9288.jpg http://ruscapturedboys.com/tour/daaebab1e3aeb366edce5deaa780c7b4/thumbs/IMG_9221.jpg

    Do I bring a car battery?
  2. Pain relief is almost always the overriding goal. Occasionally, the nerve compression can pose a serious risk to the sufferer's well being, as in cauda equina syndrome, but the main goal in almost all spine surgeries is symptom control. It is for this reason that even an aggressive surgeon doesn't like to operate on someone whose imaging shows serious problems but whose symptoms aren't particularly bad. Outcomes of spine surgeries are still uncertain enough that the surgeon risks making someone worse who wasn't particularly suffering in the first place.
    This is just me. I have been through the worst of a spinal incidents. This is what I believe on a personal and professional basis. !) Everything should be evaluated before surgery. 2) If you decided on surgery...remember...outcomes differ from every individual. I may have great resolve of my pain, and u may have none.
  3. I strongly agree with those proponents of physical therapy and exercise as well as weight control. Weighing in at a body weight close to ideal will definitely lower your risk of back and neck disease and will also make rehabing any injury a lot easier. No one here has mentioned acupuncture and massage. While i am not a great proponent of these modalities, one should not overlook them either. I strongly agree that back and neck surgery should be done only after all other efforts have failed, or it symptoms are progressing unremittingly. The main benefit of surgery is relief of the nerve compression and one must realize that pain relief is not the goal of the surgery although it is a highly desirable effect in a majority but definitely not all cases.
    I both agree and disagree with PK. Most individuals go into orthopedic surgery with an outcome of pain relief or at least a hope of diminished pain. I have been cut from head to toe. I have had multiple orthopedic surgeries. Yes, do explore alternatives to surgery. But, after you do your research, and surgery is recommended, go for it. I love my job, and have no intention of retiring. That is what propels me to correct my skeletal as needed. I have always viewed surgery as a mode for pain relief. I know the consequences of compressed nerves. But, relief of nerve compression, should eventually result in pain relief or intensity.
  4. Gman, I also understand your discomfort. I don't want to this to be about my previous woes. Just another twist to what others say is more common then I believe you were led to believe. Over 10 years ago I started with lower extremity weakness. Then lower rt sided back and leg pain. CT showed a "small bulging of a lower disc." Two separate neurosurgeons said too small to remove. Then off to the neurologist. By this time, I was taking opiates routinely. The major neuro diseases were ruled out. I was diagnosed with Idiopathic Nerve Disease. Lots of steroids on an increasing basis, with increase in opiates. Helped the back and leg pain, but not the leg weakness. I tore my right hamstring during this time pulling myself up the stairs. But one morning, I simply could not move, sit, turn due to the pain. I had changed neurologist by then. Admitted to the hospital. MRI that day, Morphine PCA, and another MRI early the next AM. Showed a "massive amount of inflammation around that 'small bulging disc.' Discectomy that afternoon, home the next day. The first month after was not easy. I also went to a pain management specialist after the surgery. He recommended the maximum daily dose of Ibuprofen along with the maximum daily dose of acetaminophen (referred to as the 'poor mans Celebrex'). Within about 10 days I was reducing my dose of narcs (was taking oral morphine) sleeping better, and finally feeling relief. Shortly after, I bought a couple of ski poles and started my walking again. My entire point to this is, the inflammatory process around any area of our spinal cord can rebound with it's consequences. My thoughts to you as well:

    1) Give the Meloxicam a good trial. I have great respect for the NSAID's. They come with their own precautions.

    2) Heat always helped me. If I could get a hot tub, I would. Also, a heating pad helped sometimes.

    3) And, I developed a great respect for my skeletal system as well. I try and keep my weight down, stay away from wheat and sweets. For me, diet has proved to be a big factor in orthopedic issues.

    I so wish you well. When patients came into the ER, or admitted to the nursing units for "back pain" we would often say, "just another druggie." I stopped thinking that many years ago. Good luck Gman

  5. A quickie post... Self explanatory... Except possibly for the parkay floor. What's that all about!?



    Maybe that could be my next step?

    Is this adjustable, or does "one clamp pressure fits all theme?"

  6. That doesn't mean I have twenty-five year-olds chasing me non-stop. I am also invisible to most men under 40. It doesn't bother me though, and I don't know why not. I know that it bothers other men my age. Part of it is that I get my validation from other things. I have a fabulous partner who loves me deeply, I'm very skilled in a challenging profession, etc., etc. In my work, I also get to spend a lot of time with cute, smart young MBAs and engineers in the tech industry, and enjoy it thoroughly, but I don't have any desire to chase after them.


    Also, I've never been that interested in the very young. Most of my hires, for example are in their late 30s or early 40s.

    Rudynate, I like your thought "I'm invisible to most men under 40." Fine with me as well. Being involved with an escort who is not only physically fit, sexy +, but also in tune and engaged to life to max, is a huge turn on. Plus, humor!!! To have been on earth long enough to having multiple experiences, and coming up smiling is another draw. I have found what I was looking for.
  7. Although I am a client, I explain to my guys that 1/2 of MY pleasure is knowing what THEY like and I ask them to tell me. That way we both have great fun. Some do but some just say they like it all and are not very specific.
    I up that to 75% on their pleasure. If I think a person is enjoying the encounter, it really makes the session great. WG2






  8. I have posted a couple of threads in this area. I have enjoyed the post greatly, and never felt that I could not post a question or comment on a different topic. Simply, since a couple of guys are enjoying friendly banter. Both WG and BVB are valuable contributors in many areas. I say, have with it as long as it lasts! Could be said for something else! OK, I missed something. "Nippy Niner's?"
  9. On this sheet of paper is a web site for weight loss. I did spend sometime looking at sample menus. Many of them include "no or low fat diets." If this is truly going to be our newest "trend" it many take a long time before reiepe books to catch up. This has remnants of the the protein diet. Which I quickly lost 40 lbs.

    It's addition of sugars and simple carbs that does us in! The web is: wwww.dashdiet.org.

  10. I had my annual physical yesterday, with my PCP whom WOW, (walks on water). We both good heartedly banter about a number of issues when we meet. On the inside of his exam door, he had the cover of a recent Time magazine: "Eat Butter." As I left, he gave me a copy of what the docs are passing out to patients as they leave clinics in my network. There are many comments, so I'll pick out a few. Interesting, and such an abrupt turn a round.


    1)Eat MORE natural whole food fats (even saturated) (such as in butter, (non-hydrogenated lard, bacon, sausage, olive oil, tree-nut oils, heavy cream, full fat cheese, full whole milk yogurt, avocado, eggs (any, including red meat, pork, fowl, fish, wild game)--stay AWAY from "low fat or non-fat."


    2)**(AVOID man made/processed fat: margarine, safflower/canola/vegtable/peanut/soybean/corn oils, Crisco (crystalized cottonseed oil) store bought mayonnaise)--These CAUSE heart disease, stroke, and CANCER. These fats when heated break down into checmicals, including FORMALDEHYDE!


    3) Eat more like you grand--parents ate----they didn't have margarine, Crisco, or other vegtable oilproducts, didn't eat anywhere near the sugar and white flower products that we consume, and ate more natural whole food fat.


    There is more, but some of the highlights. Looks like like food tide is changing again!!! I have been seeing these articles pop up recently here and there, but it appears we may be seeing more of the research studies. Credible I sure hope!

  11. Well after the Gates of Hell experience noted above... and I know that the sculpture was by Rodin not Ridin... :) I think something of a different nature might be in order... different but just as hot... if in a deliciously different manner.






    I just wish that the scene were not cut short before things were just about to get more interesting... Though it is not difficult to figure out what happened next!


    At any rate, I just love the tongue action in this scene!

    WG1, Thanks! There is sooo much a person can learn from this one!!!
  12. Getting the thread back on track... A nice looking vanilla threesome for the Fetish Forum! But for how long will they be playing vanilla!!!???





    Damn that guy in the middle! He is lucky indeed! YUM!!!!

    Perhaps u will be the guy in the middle when u meet w r fiends the next tiime.
  13. Well, from what I found out the review has already been written. However, it was written in Italian. All that needs to be done is for it to be translated into English and "la recensione sarebbe completa! Fatto subito!" ...the review would be complete and already done! "Non vedo l'ora!" I can't wait! It will be a classic and keep all of us Fetish Forum guys on the edge of our seats!
    It's going to take me all day just to look up those two lines!!!
  14. Come Sergente Schultz... Non so niente! (Like Sergeant Schultz... I know nothing!) ;)



    I just spoke to him and he had an outstanding time! Could not have been better.


    When he does recover, he will write a review. Until that time, you should know that parts of him are still singing!

    Spoke with him as well today. He is under the impression that a great time was had by all.
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