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    + DERRIK reacted to Moondance in Men in Polaroids   
    Dear Uncle Frank: A Photographer's Exploration of Gay Myths and Family Truths
    by Pacifico Silano, time.com, November 26, 2013
    My uncle Frank Silano died from complications of AIDS in December 1989. My family rarely spoke of him. He was a mystery to me. The few things I did know were generalities: he was gay, lived in New York and died young. I always wanted to know more, but no one could tell me anything else. It took me a quarter-century to begin unraveling who he was.
    It started with a Polaroid I received when my parents separated. It was the first photograph I had ever seen of my uncle; I had never seen his face before. In the picture he seemed so serious, wearing a coat and tie with the camera's flash reflected in a nearby mirror. It looked like one of those snapshots a family member might take when you're on your way out the door after a holiday dinner or gathering. I studied that Polaroid thinking it might be a clue to who my uncle was. I figured if I could know him, I might have a better sense of myself. Around this time I had a major falling out with my father over being gay. The experience made me feel closer to this outsider that the family forgot.
    My attempts to find more photographs and stories of my uncle yielded no results. It was incredibly frustrating and in many ways I felt defeated. I had intended to make a project about him, but with virtually no source material or support I had to put my focus elsewhere. If I couldn't make a portrait of Frank Silano I decided I would make one about other gay men who died as a result of the AIDS epidemic.
    I took that Polaroid of my uncle and I hung it up on my studio wall. It would serve as motivation and a constant reminder of Frank and of how lucky I am to be gay and alive today.
    In 2010 I began to research the history of the LGBTQ community. I started reading about the Stonewall Riots and the gay rights movement. Fascinated with the sexual liberation and visibility of gay men after 1969, I watched probably every documentary I could about the AIDS epidemic. I collected ephemera and vintage pornography. I found myself drawn to depictions of hyper-masculinity that seemed at odds with the conventional views of gay men.
    I began re-contextualizing images from old magazines, found photographs and negatives, in part as a way of breathing life into the past. When I couldn't find an image that represented my own vision, I would stage a photograph. These ideas became the basis for my project, a series highlighting the innocence and naivety of these men as well as foreshadowing what came later.
    In the summer of 2012 I received an Aaron Siskind Fellowship for this body of work and used the funds to pursue similar ideas. I specifically focused on creating a photo installation titled "Pages of a Blueboy Magazine." Consisting of one hundred cropped headshots of male centerfolds, I chose models from issues that ranged between the years 1974 and 1983 (the year Blueboy published their first article on AIDS). Each man's gaze is meant to draw the viewer in and contemplate the mortality of not only the model but also the men who originally consumed the imagery. The work had its debut at the Bronx Museum of the Art's 2nd AIM Biennial in June 2013.
    My most recent project, Male Fantasy Icon, furthers the themes I've explored in the past. By creating imagery with Al Parker, one of the most famous gay porn stars of the 1970s, I've produced photographs that memorialize and draw attention to a lost generation of gay men. The process of making these new pictures and reworking images from the past has allowed me to catalog and emphasize a neglected history, one that is imbued with my own fantasies of a place and time I feel I know, but that I never lived through.
    In creating all of these photographs, I have gained a better understanding of what life might have been like for my uncle. I'll never hear his stories first-hand, but something has nevertheless been passed on. Sometimes I like to think that he's guiding me through my own work. When I'm lost for an idea in the studio, I'll look up at that old Polaroid and I'll remember how my journey began.

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    + DERRIK reacted to + glutes in Hiring Two Escorts at Once   
    These guys are awesome together!!
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    + DERRIK reacted to + Lance_Navarro in How To Clean Your Ass - Best Instructional I've Seen   
    Agreed 100%! I believe that it is my responsibility to make everything alright, no matter what goes wrong. I'm sure that many have experienced trauma from a douching mishap and a partner that reacted poorly, perhaps to the degree that people have given up bottoming entirely or for a period. I don't ever want to ever be the cause of that.
  4. Like
    + DERRIK reacted to Mocha in Does Latin guys do better?   
    Well from an escorts perspective since you did ask:
    What do you like most about a Latin Lover?
    I like the olive and dark skin tones. Many have a way of giving sex that starts off coy, but gets real hot, real quick. I used to like all the Papi talk, but there's Latin guys who speak no Spanish and it makes no difference. Many also just go with the flow, and seem okay with whatever.
    How does it feel interaction with Latin Escorts?
    I learned Spanish, but it didn't stick. However, I can understand all accents of Latin in English whether it be from Spain, or Mexico, Guatamala, Columbia, Puerto Rico, etc.
    are they Intersting for you or just a one night stand guy?
    Both. Although I've had good relationships with Latin guys, sometimes it's actually YOU GUYS who want only the one night stands from US. Here in Orlando, Florida...these guys seem like they want to hangout but they really just want to fuck. Which is okay, but kinda sucks when I go away for a month and then come back, the guy I thought was interested in something real, is suddenly seeing someone else.
    Do you believe we are Drama boys?
    YES. See above. To me, getting into a relationship too soon and too many times is drama or asking for it it. Some Latin guys just need to stay single and enjoy life. Way too many jaded and broken hearted beautiful guys out there. But good drama and bad drama. I would say, Latin guys tend to be "expressive".
    What don't you like about Latinos?
    I personally don't think you should ask this because it invites ignorant talk. It's like asking a group of non-African American people, "what don't you like about Black people". And not sure if you were here, but we had lots of police shooting incidents over the last 5 years that really bought those questions to the surface. Here in America, people don't like people because of what they see on the news or a bad experience they may have had.
    Any fucking thing someone can say they don't like about a Latino, can apply to anyone. Uncut dicks? White guys have them too. Mexican food? White guys eat it too. Drama? White guys have it too.
  5. Like
    + DERRIK reacted to adannyboy in Who was your teenage crush (the guy that made you realize you REALLY liked guys) ?   
    I fell out of the closet the moment this man appeared on my after school kids shows in 1993
  6. Like
    + DERRIK reacted to actor61 in Overused and empty words   
    Mr. Slater - I'm always so impressed with your intelligence and literacy. I'm planning to contact you when I'm in NYC this fall and am really looking forward to it. I hope this message finds you well. Yours very truly.
  7. Like
    + DERRIK reacted to LaffingBear in Overused and empty words   
    "All other pictures are fake. Mine are real"
  8. Like
    + DERRIK reacted to jawjateck in Overused and empty words   
    str8 acting
    a true 8 inches
  9. Like
    + DERRIK reacted to BabyBoomer in Overused and empty words   
    ~Boomer ~
  10. Like
    + DERRIK got a reaction from + oldNbusted in Overused and empty words   
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    + DERRIK got a reaction from + HornyRetiree in Overused and empty words   
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    + DERRIK reacted to + Lance_Navarro in How To Clean Your Ass - Best Instructional I've Seen   
    This is by far the most honest and thorough instruction manual for anal douching that I have ever seen. Loving the use of cartoons to make it accessible and to dampen the "yuck factor". Because this is a subject that is always coming up, I thought many could benefit. I will absolutely be sharing this with clients that are new to anal sex. Check it out and share your thoughts.
  13. Like
    + DERRIK reacted to hunterlee in Seeking arrangements success!   
    Life is short and your time is precious. With 24 hours in a day, average person sleeps 8 hours a day. That leaves us with 16 hours.
    A normal job is typically 8 hours of work with an hour commute, and an hour lunch. This leaves us with 6 hours of available time for the average normal model individual to spend on activities beyond what I have already mentioned.
    - Career
    - Body
    - Health
    - Friendships
    - Emotional development
    - Emotional growth
    - Family
    - Relaxation / personal time
    - Sleep
    - Education
    - Finding happiness
    There is absolutely no way for anybody to work on every thing all at once. You have to pick what to focus on and other things will get negligent. No one is perfect. However sometimes I hear expectations that absolutely blow my mind. Highly educated, ripped body, highly developed emotionally, has a career, hot, and under 25.
    If someone focuses on their career, family and sleep then that normally leaves very little time for other areas, and that is perfectly ok. You can switch out what someone focuses on however the end result is the same... there may be someone who is able to do everything I've mentioned at once but I don't think it is the norm.
    Point being, why bash someone else's decision on what they decide to focus on?
    If someone decides they need to focus on body, health, and decide they need to find help with money and use their body and health. That's cool.
    If someone decides they want to focus on their education and career and decide they need help with emotional development and use their money from the return of their education and career. Go for it.
    If someone doesn't meet what you are looking for in their focus's. Move on.
    Telling someone they should change what they focus on in their lives because you think it's the right way or suggesting about other people what they should focus on in their lives because you think you are right.
    Some people totally get it and some don't.
  14. Like
    + DERRIK got a reaction from + Marky7832 in 411 on Timarrie Baker   
    Welcome to the forum
    Dont let nasty posts get under your skin
    We welcome all professionals here in the forum
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    + DERRIK got a reaction from + José Soplanucas in 411 on Timarrie Baker   
    Welcome to the forum
    Dont let nasty posts get under your skin
    We welcome all professionals here in the forum
  16. Like
    + DERRIK got a reaction from + Keith30309 in Found in Atlanta   
    I was in Atlanta two weeks ago and hired GalaxyStar whom I found on Rentmen
    He is exactly like his pics and exceeded my expectations. If your into PUPPY that is an added bonus.
    I plan to write up a very favorable review shortly.
  17. Like
    + DERRIK reacted to + tristanbaldwin in Tristan Baldwin   
    Thank you Big-N-Tall for being 'diplomatic' on my behalf, but when someone is that uncouth to call me out in open forum without substantiating their bullshit claim, I'll call them out on it.
    As unsupported as 'They're Wiretapping me!"
  18. Like
    + DERRIK reacted to Dave in Impressed by Legendary Dave DC...   
    Thanks, Tristan. I'm just as impressed with you. Finding an escort who's centered and balanced is already a rare thing. Everything you bring to the table ... well, that's just icing on the cock. Cake.
    Still waiting to have that first threesome with you... wonder if someone's gonna hire us together in 2017! At the very least, I bet we could put on a good show for him
    Thanks funguy and UconnFlyer for the above, too!
  19. Like
    + DERRIK reacted to + Dreamboyy in Have you (Escorts) hooked up with other Escorts?   
    Couldn't have said it better. We are just as horny as everyone else lol
  20. Like
    + DERRIK got a reaction from + bashful in Sex and Violins   
    guys stop fiddling around in here
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    + DERRIK reacted to + WilliamM in ASS REVOLUTION   
    @beachboy That photo could become an excellent Christmas card also.
  22. Like
    + DERRIK reacted to beachboy in ASS REVOLUTION   
    He's gonna need his pecker defrosting! Let me think how......!
  23. Like
    + DERRIK got a reaction from + Truereview in Sex and Violins   
    guys stop fiddling around in here
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    + DERRIK reacted to Zman in Sex and Violins   
    Before you meet be sure to ask if there are any strings attached.
  25. Like
    + DERRIK got a reaction from Zman in Sex and Violins   
    guys stop fiddling around in here
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