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Everything posted by DERRIK

  1. I’ve read about entrepreneurs in LA five nights a week the pick up a car detail it. Do oil and stuff return car by 6am every morning must be nice
  2. Doesn’t participate in the forum
  3. many men reach retirement age and like to Fish They think the dream job is open a fish and tackle shop on Lake Lure Often they are blinded by the idea of sitting around all day and telling fishing stories and fail in understand all that will be involved in starting a business
  4. guys. he is certainly recognizable in the business
  5. I not much of a museum visitor but I found the Holocaust Memorial in DC very moving i decided on the spur of the moment to visit a museum and picked the Holocaust because it had no line No one could take the tour and not have tears when finished
  6. Mike Lindel has a special on Giza sheets Any takers? ?
  7. In USA - the number one complaint from new car buyers - sqeeks/out side noise In Asia - the number one complaint from new car buyers - smells
  8. one thing fascinating about Benjamin's blog - he archives 18 years of postings. Great reading them Great to see his postings over history and world over.
  9. looks like we're stuck with Trump's lack of planning for a while the good news we've got 50 states doing their own thing - 1000's of cities and counties Biden and the governors can look around and see what's working and not working - mimic best practices
  10. I think the last 12 months has aged us 1 year plus some.
  11. My magic 8 ball says Biden will stop air traffic to fight virus look for airlines to drop
  12. Hmm Dekko gay movies now that I wouldn’t bitch about it being in other language indeed it might make it hotter
  13. a complaint on Amazon Prime and other streamers They list and promote films that are not in English - film starts first three/four minutes no dialogue - then I figure out movie not in language I understand it be nice that make language clear on details of movie
  14. kinda like someone running for president with a desire to fuck up everything.
  15. I joined the guys at the DC Luncheon 2016 winter. Had a great time putting faces:) with the name here. Subsequently hired two of the professionals I met there.
  16. gosh This man drives me crazy his sexual aura is outstanding
  17. Pre covid I would occasionally spot attractive guys on sites and invite them to lunch - kinda get to know each other. We agree on a rate for lunch only. Afterwards either I make an offer to meet up and outline my expectations or they approach me. This has been a good time saver for me There have been guys that during lunch I decide we got a good match to go out again - I usually feel good that I dodged a bullet.
  18. 73 YO here. 248 lbs Is it too late to start ? I need to get ready for retirement
  19. because of current conditions a lot of businessmen working from home need to set up day use of luxury hotels for zooming he/she has been zoomed out from kitchen table, pets running around house, children wandering in the big zoom with new client leaves no room for mishap SMART hotels are recognizing this new market and are marketing to it
  20. It is likely it is real. we all have the ability to pick up on tells from others. I have not had affinity to gambling (cards, races, etc). If I did - there is good chance I could be in a crowd and pick the right person to ask where I could find a game. If I was into cocaine - I could find someone to help me score. Since I don't have either propensity - I would not be likely to score.
  21. Now I have to show my age I was in high school in the early 60's and extremely republican (even then I preferred anyone but Goldwater) Students could get the NYT everyday at school or the Herald Tribune (the Trib had better political cartoons, and Art Buckwald) our small group of republican students took pride that each morning there was a large stack of NYT and small stack of Tribune outside the cafeteria This in the day when we had Republicans to brag about (John Lindsay, Romney, Rockefeller, Dirksen, Baker)
  22. I rarely think about going on gay cruise BUT the idea of traveling and bringing along a hot companion might be interesting I am a voyeur at heart. - the prospect of bring a professional with me AND agreeing that any hookups be done in our cabin with me watching would be very hot.
  23. Ron I guess some would be willing to do this task for a little $ as you suggest perhaps you might get more willing partners if you offered something better than $
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