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Posts posted by bigvalboy

  1. When I was ready to pay for my groceries, the cashier said, "Strip down, facing me."

    When the hysterical screaming and store alarms finally subsided, I found out that she was referring to my credit card.



    lol...I have been saying this for years. Whenever I am at a check out and the guy is cute, I just look down at the credit terminal, and acting a little confused, I motion with my credit card in hand and I say without looking up, "So what do want me to do here, do I strip down and face forward" I always slow down and put a little more emphasis on the "strip down and face forward" part...

    About 30% of the time the guy will get it and we both just start laughing.

  2. My cock is just not part of my ego, it's not that big............the cock that is! I will admit that my biceps and chest do help fill my ego, and that's not being egotistical, that's the truth, I am as shallow and vain as the next guy. please no hate mail....

  3. I find tattoos very erotic and sexy. Done properly, meaning done to the degree that I personally like, I find them and the person wearing them intriguing. The only ones I tend not to like are the tattoos that seem to just be without thought or overall design. I realize it is personal taste, however for me I love most of them.

  4. Yes, it was a happy ending. He remained standing at the side of the table and wasn't really all that interactive for the ending.


    But, he is a super nice guy. I think he might have done more if I had asked. Pretty sure he's straight. He does advertise for overnights and weekends "ask me", so I would see him again and will have to ask, which is not all that easy for me to do.


    Thanks LouieD...good information!

  5. I've been with Lukas Stone for massage only. He's a good-looking, tall Hungarian, has advertised as Attila. He was a playgirl model years ago. The massage was great. I think that's all he does, but I could be wrong. I'd be interested to know, as I think he's hot.


    Don't know about the duo, but they look hot.


    Courious LouieD, does Lukas do a happy ending, and if so what was your opinion on it.? Any info would help, thanks.

  6. LOL!! Very funny. Nothing to contribute, except this video of a woman who missed her flight and has a rather unusual reaction!






    Absolutely Hilarious...I think it was funnier not knowing what she was saying, her reactions were precious...loved it!!

  7. I was born in Atlanta Georgia. I have family Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and both Carolinas. My buddy from Ohio sent these. They are riffs on behavior by some of the fine citizens of those various states. So before anyone gets upset, these are probably some of my relatives we're talking about. Over the next couple of weeks we will hopefully get a few chuckles from some of my family living in these altered STATES.




    A Florida senior citizen drove his brand new Corvette convertible out

    of the dealership. Taking off down the road, he pushed it to 80 mph,

    enjoying the wind blowing through what little hair he had left.

    "Amazing," he thought as he flew down I-95, pushing the pedal even more.


    Looking in his rear view mirror, he saw a Florida State Trooper, blue

    lights flashing and siren blaring. He floored it to 100 mph, then 110,

    then 120. Suddenly he thought, "What am I doing? I'm too old for this!"

    and pulled over to await the trooper's arrival.


    Pulling in behind him, the trooper got out of his vehicle and walked

    up to the Corvette. He looked at his watch, then said, "Sir, my shift

    ends in 30 minutes. Today is Friday. If you can give me a new reason

    for speeding--a reason I've never before heard -- I'll let you go."


    The old gentleman paused then said: "Three years ago, my wife ran off

    with a Florida State Trooper. I thought you were bringing her back.


    "Have a good day, Sir," replied the trooper as he walked away.



    Love it!!!!

  8. You hang out with the wrong crowd. Stay mentally active and adventurous and people will always want to be around you. Maybe not exactly the people you want, but (for me at least) that's never been the case anyway.


    I completely agree here. Walking to dinner last night with a friend of mine in WEHO, We passed three people on the side walk. Two gentlemen were at least in there 80's, and one guy with them was not a day over 25. He was gorgeous, tall, and had a body to die for walking along in his tight little tank top. I said to my friend "There you go, bought and paid for" he looked at me and said "You don't know that" I said "Oh yes I do" to which he replied, "No, you actually don't" I laughed and thought for a moment and said.."ok, I'll give you that one".........One never knows, do one.


    We all have choices. It is all about how you choose to live your life...IMO

  9. The vast majority of guys in their late teens and twenties may be into guys their own age, but there is a nice subset of the age group with a thing for older guys.


    I'm 53. Winter/spring on 2011 I was living in NYC, and hooked up (for free, mind you) with a number of guys from 19--early 30s. Last fall I began a relationship with a guy then 21, now 22, and we are still together. (He's a short, slender guy from China who looks like he might be 16 or 17. Remarkably big cock, too.)


    So I don't feel "dead" yet, by any means!


    Stories like this gives such hope to this AARP crowd...you have no idea!!! I have, as of late, really backed off the hiring. Perhaps in the end, there is hope for a relationship without using the Amex card....

  10. Years ago, when I was in my 40's I hired an escort out of "The Numbers," and once we got home he began telling me how guys in their 80's turned him on.............it was a very disturbing night. I have no intention of seeing a film about the same subject matter. I still have nightmares.

  11. Only mostly Success Sales are shown. Quite a few of these DEALS are still pending by the time the Hour Show is over!


    There are many especially in this Market that DONOT come through!


    Sorry, I didn't completely understand your response. So what is it that you are saying exactly? That he is really not successful and only appears that way because of the show? And most of the deals that he is "supposedly" working on, never really are completed. I have read that in fact he is a very successful agent, and has been for a long time. Now I don't know him personally, but that is just going by what I have read.





    "Only the Strong Survive" Gimme a break!


    I am not sure what you do for a living BG, and I have never lived in NYC much less worked there. I would venture a guess however, that real estate is the same there as it is in any large metropolitan city, certainly probably the same as LA. Having worked high end commercial and residential, I can tell you that it is a fairly tough business and very 'cut throat'. Only a handful of agents make what you might call great money, the rest barely survive, and many of the clients are very tough and demanding to work with. People can get ugly when a lot of money is on the table. I have been cut out of deals and back stabbed by people in my own office.



    High End NYC RE People don't work from Paycheck to Paycheck!



    This is not necessarily true. Now I can't speak for the agents in NYC, but I know several, what some would categorize as extremely successful agents out here in LA, some are personal friends, that in this recent down turn lost there homes and cars. Making money is not a guarantee that someone will have the ability to live within their means or spend their money wisely.


    I got the impression that you thought my post was ridiculous. My only purpose was to give my opinion and show support for the guy, since many here were talking very negative about him. I just wanted to share that and also to give a little incite into the tough job that I personally feels he has. I still maintain it is a tough business.


    I have seen a couple of interviews that he has given and I admire the fact that he did not try to hide his past but rather he embraced.

  12. Well it looks like only a few of us here are on the same page with Fredrik. LOL poor kid, can't get a break. I watch the show fairly regularly, and I don't fine him arrogant at all. I did real estate for years. Residential at first, then moved into commercial. I will say that as you progress up the ladder into multi-million dollar projects, you will find a majority of the agents and indeed many clients are not only self confident ,but very demanding and pushy as well. There is little patience for errors, and sometimes that comes across as arrogant.


    I think that he is in an extremely tough and competive industry in NYC. Often "Only the strong survive"

  13. I just read a review of him on men4rentnow..there was only one..for me it would have to be a pass. He says that he is bi-sexual, he is not into anal really, and will only top. And the reviewer says under 'anal'..receives. Which means that he won't reciprocate.

    Seems pretty limited to me. I am guessing that the kid is really not into gay sex. Just my opinion.

  14. He lists Drugs.."Ask Me"! I won't be asking :rolleyes:


    This dude did do a pretty Hot Video with "Derek Atlas" though..


    Drugs never bothered me..I am always trying to save people..Maybe, just maybe I could save him as well.

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