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Posts posted by bigvalboy

  1. I'm sure everyone is aware that the Dreamliner has been cleared to fly once each of the airframes have received the battery fix.


    "Will it ever fly?".....The Ethiopians seem to think so.

  2. Far too many to mention. They were all very funny. I loved the first one about the free Yorkshire Terrier, and the wedding dress, well the list would just go on until I mentioned everyone. Thank you edjames, and with that little bit of laughter, I think I will head off to bed.





    The phone rings and the lady of the house answers, "Hello."


    ''Mrs. Sanders, please."




    ''Mrs. Sanders, this is Doctor Jones at Saint Agnes Laboratory. When your

    husband's doctor sent his biopsy to the lab last week, a biopsy from another

    Mr. Sanders arrived as well. We are now uncertain which one belongs to your

    husband. Frankly, either way, the results are not too good."


    ''What do you mean?" Mrs. Sanders asks nervously.


    "Well, one of the specimens tested positive for Alzheimer's and the other

    one tested positive for HIV(AIDS). We can't tell which is which.."


    ''That's dreadful! Can you do the test again?" questioned Mrs. Sanders.


    "Normally we can, but Obamacare will only pay for these expensive tests one



    ''Well, what am I supposed to do now?"


    ''The folks at Obamacare recommend that you drop your husband off somewhere

    in the middle of town. If he finds his way home, don't sleep with him."


    Very very cute...lol lol....I did not see that one coming!!!

  4. I'd never heard of that movie ( I just found out it was a miniseries not a theatrical movie). But here's a clip for your viewing enjoyment. Alec is shirtless for most of it. ( He's a lucky guy- even in middle age he seems to have pretty much the same frontal hairline). I wonder if he is still that hairy- but maybe now polar bear white.







    I was always really turned on ( secretly) by the younger Alec. I loved seeing him. Surely he and the studio heads knew about his gay appeal- what do y'all think?



    Gman thank you for the post...I must say that I thourghly enjoyed that. I think that he was very sexy back then, and I am not traditionally a hairy chest guy, but that chest looked damn good on him, and I loved the "gay overtones" in the scene...

  5. With what is happening in the Boston area it's hard to know if telling a joke is appropriate. Instead I am posting a video today in hopes that it will take our minds away from all the trouble of this past week.


    I have liked this performer for a long time and have most of his DVDs. He is one of the best ventriloquists I have ever seen. I have seen him perform live a few times and have met him personally for a nice chat. He has also done a number of videotaped concerts for Comedy Central.


    His other characters include Walter (an old cranky guy) and Ahmed (The dead terrorist). But today I am linking to 6 minutes with the character who has been in his act the longest- Peanut.

    After today I will be taking 6 weeks off for a vacation. See you all back in June.


    Enjoy Jeff Dunham and Peanut after a brief commercial break:


    http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=jeff%20dunham%20you%20tube&source=web&cd=5&cad=rja&ved=0CEwQtwIwBA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DoQm _8vX3sYU&ei=hJRxUbreGKWIiwKYvYGYAw&usg=AFQjCNGk269llw3TYaptunKTO5W6YpN1HQ&bvm=bv.45512109,d.cGE ][/color][/size][/font]


    Very very funny...I thought that he was quite good.....We will all miss your posts while you are gone. Have a good vacation.

  6. A Tuesday lift:


    Jennifer’s wedding day was fast approaching. Nothing could dampen her excitement - not even her parent's nasty divorce.



    Her mother had found the PERFECT dress to wear, and would be the best-dressed mother-of-the-bride ever!


    A week later, Jennifer was horrified to learn that her father's new, young wife had bought the exact same dress as her mother!


    Jennifer asked her father's new young wife to exchange it, but she refused. "Absolutely not! I look like a million bucks in this dress,

    And I'm wearing it," she replied.


    Jennifer told her mother who graciously said, ''Never mind sweetheart. I'll get another dress. After all, it's your special day.''


    A few days later, they went shopping, and did find another gorgeous dress for her mother.


    When they stopped for lunch, Jennifer asked her mother, ''Aren't you going to return the other dress? You really don't have another

    Occasion where you could wear it."


    Her mother just smiled and replied, ''Of course I do, dear.....I'm wearing it to the rehearsal dinner the night BEFORE the wedding.''


    Made me laugh out loud!


    That was 'laugh out loud' stuff....I loved it, and so very very clever of the brides mom.

  7. ]IMG]http://www.handsomemasculinemen.com/male-underwear-models/Manly-Male-Underwear-Model.jpg[/img]





    This set is a "Homerun"......You have nice taste in men ML.






    AND..... all you tattoo haters, need not apply. ;)

  8. http://24.media.tumblr.com/05a12bdb05bc469977a00cb6311f33ce/tumblr_mkecgbFWJ41qzp9wro1_500.png




    Thanks Rich....what a nice way to end the weekend.

  9. I have yet to read about this plane, but didn't some old jets have a second story first class lounge complete with bar and couches? Is the idea to bring that back?


    Aaaahhh...those were the "good ol days"

  10. The Dreamliner issues are so far beyond "teething problems" its not funny. A grounding of this type is unprecedented.....at least in my lifetime. If the final fix remains to be only a more robust casing (with nothing to address the root cause of the battery fires), I think the 787 program in total could find itself in serious trouble as airlines and the flying public lose confidence in the aircraft. I still think Boeing can rescue things if a true solution can be found quickly........but yes....time is ticking.


    Anyone suggesting the Dreamliner issues are "teething problems" is simply clueless.


    I think EZE hit the real problem that Boeing has now, 'Public confidence'....that, as they say, is the "64,000 dollar question." I am not as confident about flying as other posters here who are in the airline industry, and I don't have the luxury of flying private, So for me, it will take a long time and some serious convincing before I climb aboard a "Dreamliner." While Boeing might have created this monster, the FAA certainly has it's hands dirty as well. As long as I can hop across "the pond" without the now infamous 787, I intend on doing just that.....there is clearly dirty hands here, and we will most likely 'never' know the truth, which is all any of us really want from Boeing in the first place.

  11. Seemingly not so easy to fix. Dreamliners are still grounded and most airlines that operated them have completely removed them from their forward schedules until August at the earliest......for planning purposes. Boeing have also started laying off people from the 787 production line. First Dreamliner test flight by Boeing was last week and the aircraft included the "fix" to the battery. My understanding of the "fix" is that it is a much more substantial casing around the lithium battery so that when the battery catches fire it will be well-contained within the casing. I understand that they have not yet diagnosed the root problem of why the battery is prone to catching fire and how to prevent that from happening.....although I am willing to be corrected on that statement if someone else has other information. It's also worth noting that Airbus has decided it will not utilize the lithium battery in the A350 as it had previously planned. At this point, Boeing seems to still be committed to the battery type for thee 787. Will that change with time?? Who knows?


    No clear view on when the FAA will re-certify the plane and under what circumstances. Some suggest that the the FAA could re-certify the aircraft but greatly reducing the ETOPS profile......meaning no long over-water flights. That would seriously undermine the value proposition of the aircraft for the airlines that have or are purchasing them.


    This story gets uglier by the week.


    Lastly, BVB asked me on another thread if I would go on the Dreamliner again once it is up and flying. My answer would be that yes I would do a domestic flight on one in the lower 48 as its pretty easy to find a diversion airstrip to land on quickly in the event of an emergency. On the other hand, I don't think I would be doing any long-haul over water flights on a 787 for the next few years until Boeing's current or future battery "fix" is truly proven out.


    Thanks for the response EZE. I am genuinely curious as to the thoughts of fellow travelers. I fly Virgin on all domestic flights, and have not flown international in a couple of years, but starting next year I will be flying to Asia on a routine basis. My concerns about the on going problems and the apparent cover up, or lack of concrete information coming out of Boeing is disturbing to me. Boeing sub-contracting out most of the parts, and then admitting that they may never know the what caused the battery meltdown in the first place, is most unsettling. I know that much of the decisions are political and financial in nature, I get that, as the FAA must be under tremendous pressure to certify. For myself however, I fly out of necessity, and have alway been just a tad bit uneasy about flying, so I am not sure how safe the new Dreamliner" will be regardless how often Boeing tries to spin the public relations channel......

  12. I love nature walks, but never had one so lovely as this. If I found this, I would have to take him home, and offer a hot shower, plus..... and plus a lovely dinner and a place to stay!. He looks like he could be lonely too IMHO.


    There is a Ranger who gives nature tours at Hugh Birch State Park that looks like this guy. I saw him getting coffee one morning at 7-11...suddenly I have decided that I am all into this nature thing.....

  13. Hate it, absolutely hate it. I just don't get turned on by the sensation. I have been with guys that go crazy when I do it to them, but I don't get any enjoyment from it at all...:(

  14. :o:rolleyes::eek::p


    Don't let Tyro fool you. She may not have had a lot (quantity) but she definitely has had lots of quality in her hiring.




    You are exactly right Gman, and her comment about Tyger just let's you see that she is also seeking more than a simple sexual connection, so rare when connecting with escorts these days. One need only meet him to see what Tyro is talking about. He is a thoughtful spirit navigating the world, and not to missed if only to sit and chat over a nice lunch.

  15. There are numerous outstanding escorts that could help in that regard, many post here from time to time. I would think that for purpose of discussion, it would help everyone to know what physical type turns you on. You will need to be attracted to him first and foremost....and if there is a particular scene that you are into, like say for instance bondage. That information I think is needed. A lot of escorts have their specialties.

  16. One more thought...Veryhappycustomer turned me on to a great masseur in West Hollywood, but it was the last week before I moved and I deleted the contact information. He was really fantastic. His pics on the massage site were from the neck down and he looked like someone in his 30's, but when he came to the car to greet me...damn he was gorgeous. Total surfer guy with a nice fat dick and the sweetest man ever. Couldn't have been more than early 20's...Great massage also. As a reference tell VHC that it was the guy in West Hollywood just off of Fountain Blvd, between La Cienaga and Crescent Heights. Two thumbs up on him. I think his name was Jay or Jason? but I could be wrong on that.

  17. ....well we are a week on from the ANA 787 incident. Focus is clearly on the lithium battery. A quick investigation indicates the ANA 787 battery in the last incident had not been "over-charged" thereby ruling out a charging error. It is starting to look like this issue could take months to resolve as the use of highly flammable lithium batteries on the 787 is now under scrutiny. In addition to the unprecedented FAA grounding and investigation, the French and Japanese have investigations underway as well. As I predicted, this may get very ugly.


    If Boeing is smart, they are well into planning a non-lithium battery alternative....Which will be challenging given the amout of electric power a 787 requires.


    Thanks so much for the update EZE...and I think in the end you are right on several fronts. Yes this is more than growing pains and yes it very likely that it will get ugly. As Glutes once said that this might be a PR nightmare. I had read about the charging problems with the batteries, and going to an alternative is problematic, since as you point out the 787 requires large amounts of electric power. The Carbon fiber skins seems to be a real concern. GM solved much of the same problems with the Volt. Of course catching fire at 70 miles an hour on the ground is different than 500 mph at 30,000 feet.

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