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Decatur Guy

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Posts posted by Decatur Guy

  1. Jason Branch did a handful of BDSM videos, I don't know who they were for. They seemed on the low-budget end but they are hot videos.


    Yeah, I've seen them. That's back when they were policed more and couldn't showed someone tied up getting fucked, etc.

  2. Gosh, now I can't stop. Here's another: Max Grand. I think I might have had a sexual encounter with him in D.C. about 10-15 years ago. I say might because I was in a sex club there and either had an encounter with him or someone who looks just like him. I didn't ask. At any rate, either Max Grand or someone who looks a lot like him gave me some intense nipple play, deep kissed me and I sucked him.



  3. I understand your point of view but in the USA usually fat people are also poor, the cheapest food is usually the unhealthiest choice. If you go to Appalachia and our cities ghettos you'll see a lot of overweight children.


    We know what's good and bad for us to eat and it is up to us to make a choice but what if we can't afford vegetables and have to end up at McDonald's over and over again. You can easily tell a wealthy family by simply looking at the wife, if she's in shape, it's very likely to be an upper class family. Have you notice that redneck wives are usually fat?


    I've noticed a tendency among poorer white families in the South for the women of the family to be very overweight while the men of the family are often rail thin, and not in a healthy way.

  4. I think obesity dwells in the intersection of disease and lifestyle. It seems pretty clear that some people can "get away" with eating lots of fatty foods, sweets, carbs, etc., more than others. (Heck, I could get away with it a lot better 10 years ago than I can today). I'm not commenting on the long-term wisdom of doing that, but just observing some people can eat that way and not be anywhere close to fat.


    At the same time, it's pretty clear people make eating and exercise choices that make a weight gain tendency much worse.


    I can't tell you how many times I've been to dinner with a friend, who at one point in the conversation exclaims how remarkable it is I haven't gained a lot of weight (as he or she has), only to order an appetizer, an entree, dessert and alcohol while I order two appetizers or one entree and water. And to a person, they never put it together (at least out loud) that they consumed easily twice the calories and spent three times the money I did.


    P.S.: I'm not a paragon of physique healthiness. I've never had a six pack (though there have been times my stomach was almost flat). I have skinny arms, something of a belly, a butt that's starting to droop and chest fat. But at 5-11 and 172, I'm reasonably HWP. It used to come somewhat easily. Now I have to really work at it. I don't think I have it in me to flattened my stomach and muscle up, but I am going to aim in that direction. Right now, I'll be happy with less stomach and chest fat and a little more muscle. I'm an avid walker, but I start to fall apart after that.

  5. Tom Isern would be perfect for this. He LOVES this kind of thing, and while making a client give him intense oral is his main pleasure, he's also into fucking ass, getting rimmed and a lot more as long as he's the dominant one.


    He's also got a lot of contacts in the escort community and would know the right partner to team up on you.

  6. 1) how many hands -- Even though I'm right-handed, I jack with left hand


    2) Lubed or dry? -- Lubed


    3) clothed or nude? -- Nude in summer, through pajamas or shorts/sweatshirt if cold


    4) standing, lying down, kneeling? -- Usually sitting


    5) butt play or no butt play? -- Can't do butt play to myself. Not sure why. But I can't.


    6) toys ? -- No toys.


    7) audience, group or solo ? -- Solo.


    8) porn playing or silence? -- Porn

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