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former lurker

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Everything posted by former lurker

  1. @HungCody continues to provide great info about real experience with guys. He comes across as putting his interest into action in a timely and consistent way. And we, the more ponder/wait-for-more-info types of clients benefit from his openness in sharing those experiences. I find myself thinking "I wish I was a little more like that. Maybe I'll be that way more in the future and get some great experiences out of it.
  2. I'm guessing the director's/producers found it useful to time the surgery as current and thus more organically include the thoughts about having the surgery front and center. If she'd already had the surgery, it would have prompted viewers to wonder why she's still focused on the thinking that led to the surgery. Either way, these characters are created and modified with both an eye to making their lives/characters more nuanced and more complex over time and there's always a trade off in depicting timing as present-tense vs. past-tense w/r/t big decisions and the surrounding facts, thoughts, and felt consequences for the character. Your post demonstrates that timing the surgery as new prompts wondering about why she didn't have it sooner, and is that consistent with her character/it's portrayal. Mine demonstrates other questions that are avoided/would have been prompted by depicting the surgery as having occurred in the past.
  3. It's not hard to find this information. Read first post in this thread.
  4. Both extremely hot, and both dabbled in non-porn acting. David Taylor had a few roles, including as a bodyguard/assistant to a gay tabloid owner on Ray Donovan. I always thought David Taylor was pure perfection. I didn't know he escorted. Can you say more about what he was like as an escort?
  5. Guys won't realize someone has a "vision issue" unless that is communicated. Did you explain why you find texting difficult? As to some escort's reluctance to do phone calls, there are plenty of reasons for that. First, some guys don't want to deal with pretend clients who are looking for phone sex for free. Others don't want calls because they are often either with a client or at another job. I'd hope that if you explain why a phone call is important to you and the vision issue, you could arrange a time for a very brief chat.
  6. What exactly gave you the impression he isn't serious about a meeting and what it would involve? I'd assume if he was willing to do what's app with you it's a sign of seriousness.
  7. Some guys don't want identifying pictures in their ads purely for legal reasons -- they don't want it to be as simple as showing the ad with the face pics to make a case of solicitation/prostitution.
  8. A few quibbles: both Persian and Arab are ethnicities, not religions. There are both Persian and Arab Jews and Christians, as well as Persian and Arab Muslims. Also, there has been a fair amount of cross-pollination of Arabs and Persians through the centuries as different groups ruled in the area encompassing Iran and the broader Middle East. There are plenty of people who are of both Persian and Arabic descent, although it's more common for them to identify themselves as one or the other rather than as a mix of the two (much the same as many people of mixed race in the U.S. identify as one or the other -- you will find many Black folks who say if you're at all Black, you're Black in this country because you will be treated as such and it will impact your life as such).
  9. I believe that used to be the case with SC, but hasn't been since SC was bought by MindGeek which owns a number of labels/sites (Men, etc.). There are several SC models that have advertised on RentMen while working for SC, including Jax, Manny, Cam, Asher & Deacon (briefly and together), and a number of others. Jack has been advertising as Otavani (or something similar) for a number of years, including while active on SC. Still others like Harley have escorted after leaving SC, or were escorts before SC like Ayden (who, IIRC, is now with Corbin Fisher under a new name) and Aidan (who now goes by Tryp Bates, but escorted before, during and after his SC days). Some of the guys escorted under different names while with SC, and didn't hype their SC connection. Since the sale to MindGeek it's much more common to see guys reference their SC connection.
  10. Agreed. There were built-in limits, but Trump's plainly responsible for both the active dismantling of guard rails and the willful refusal to acknowledge the science and take concerted action to deal with the crisis. He's too focused on how to spin the situation to create political wedges to simply do what is needed.
  11. I just want to highlight one important point you've made -- our health care system is a fractured patchwork and not readily adapted and/or scaled to manage a novel disease crisis like corona. That point should be remembered the next time we have a national debate about reforming health care coverage and delivery. We tend not to focus on systemic limitations and think of them as too remote to factor into our approach. Perhaps corona will cause some change in that calculation.
  12. A lot of these posts assume this is all being hashed out in a court or with a government agency. Most likely, he's dealing with his child's mother over such issues as him paying to support the child and that she's made his access to the child contingent on such payments. I'm guessing that his porn work is something she has in her back pocket to get what she feels he should pay. If that's the case, it's not so much what a court would say re: custody but keeping the mother of the kid happy that will ultimately factor into his being able to have meaningful contact with the child.
  13. Personal use isn't usually prosecuted, trafficking/dealing is. The penalties depend on the amount of them sold, whether it's an organized operation, and some other factors. Steroids are considered controlled substances. There are guidelines for penalties (fines, prison sentences) that depend on the type of substance and the amount posessed and or sold. If the amount you possess isn't more than one might have for personal use, it's much less likely to result in prosecution and if it does, much less likely to involve any lengthy sentence. If the amount is larger an intent to sell can be inferred from the amount.
  14. Tyler St. James was indeed convicted of leading a steroid trafficking operation involving his family. I've never heard or read anything suggesting Tyler Saint has been arrested or convicted of any crime, let alone trafficking in illegal substances.
  15. There's a lot going on in the various countries to explain their numbers. It would be more instructive if they broke out the trends (when the virus hit each country and the fatality rates over time). My suspicion is that the UK, Spain and Italy have such high fatality rates because of the rapid spread early on and that the rates there are much lower than they are currently in the U.S. Sweden is an interesting point -- it likely has to do with it's botched approached to senior citizens and I'd bet that the rates there started off lower and grew over time. I saw another graph that suggested most of the European countries have had diminishing new cases and new deaths over time while the U.S. continues to experience record new cases and concommitent deaths. Part of the issue with the U.S. is legal/cultural (and, of course, political). We divide government and authority among states and the feds, and we tend to resist top-down imposition of rules. And our overall medical system is a patchwork of private and public insurance, medical institutions, etc, that are loosely integrated.
  16. So many on this list that I'd jump at the chance to hire, but Brad Stone and TJ are the two who jump to the front of my imagination, especially Brad Stone.
  17. I'd place the lion's share on the WH/Executive Branch. The Congress is primarily responsible for funding, but the Executive Branch has to adopt the measures and request any additional funding. Instead of doing so, we've seen the agencies (CDC notably) doing their thing, while the WH downplays the issue and engages in sniping over the measures taken by the states. Where the Congress IS at fault is the Senate's lack of interest in funding the states to make up for their additional costs due to the virus.
  18. Governor Cuomo says he's concerned NY may see a "second wave" of cases back in NY from other states where the approach hasn't been as rigorous and where the spread of the virus is escalating. He distinguished this from the "second wave" previously predicted where mutations/adaptations of the virus result in a new round of infections (which is still predicted).
  19. Careless and thoughtless comments aren't "taken out of context". As the writer, it's up to you to supply the context and to be aware of how you come across. If your goal is to get others to help you out with their thoughts, coming off as judgemental and above other clients is counterproductive.
  20. I apologize if I placed my post in response to one where it didn't quite fit. Scrolling back, I see there is some discussion of whether paying for "time" rather than specific performance is a real thing. That provoking a characterization by Marylander of a "must come" attitude on the part of some clients. It was the stream of that discussion to which I thought it made sense to point out the tension between wanting the escort to "enjoy" the time and being insistent on specific performance/performance on command.
  21. Your observations (and these photos) are consistent with what I've seen, heard and read. And it makes sense to me that protests organized with the attitude that the virus is real and precautions are needed but that the message conveyed by the protest is important enough to assemble would be conducted by people looking to mitigate the risks of spreading the virus. On the other hand, assembling as a means of protesting the restrictions imposed by the response to the virus are much more likely to be chock full of people for whom the act of assembly is defiance of the medical warnings and are more likely to be conducted without the same level of care for the risks of spreading the virus.
  22. Perhaps a brief primer in the structure of our government and our rights will help you understand. States have broad, general powers in all areas with delineated exceptions. The Federal Government is a government of enumerated (listed) powers. Some of those federal powers are exclusive to the feds, most may also be regulated by the states so long as the states' laws don't conflict with the federal laws (that's because the Federal government has "supreme" authority in those areas specifically listed in the Constitution). There are, however, certain rights retained by the people that neither the states nor the Federal Government may restrict (freedom of speech, political assembly, freedom of the press, etc.). To regulate those activities, the feds or the states must have greater cause to do so and may only do so in a limited fashion. Thus, the government can't ban political rallies, but it can limit the size of crowds, require the wearing of masks, etc. Those are referred to as "time, place and manner" limits. It would not be okay for the government to simply disallow political assembly outright. Restricting circuit parties, gatherings in bars, closing beaches and stadiums for athletics or concerts do not raise the same concerns because those activities are not political speech in the same way a candidate's rally or a civil rights protest are. If you really can't see the difference, you should take a few classes on the first amendment. I suspect you can see the difference, it just undercuts your argument of a double standard so you pretend the distinctions don't exist or don't matter.
  23. The truth is we have no idea what any guy may take to maintain an erection before meeting with us.
  24. If SoCal is your example, it's atypical of the rallies around the country, and it's an area where there has been a resurgence of covid cases. Not so in most other large cities with large BLM protest marches. What other large scale or crowded gatherings have been allowed in SoCal preceding the recent surge?
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