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Everything posted by WSPigBrooklyn

  1. Right now there are 22 men on RM advertising availability on Fire Island. They range from twinks to muscle men. Some are on the island. Others just advertise their ability to travel to the island. Of course if it is someone traveling I would expect it's going to be a bit more costly. Also make certain you don't keep them beyond the last ferry leaving.
  2. Sorry to be the outlier but I just need to find the right escort. There was ne once who hinted at it but I was naive or not as depraved as I am now.
  3. I agree that the label is unreliable e.g. if the provider posts available for the next six hours and then gets booked, they seldom take down the post (I do not recall noticing that ever being done) even though a good deal of that time they are not available and even after they have finished with the first client they may not wish to move on with a new one until a suitable refresher period has passed. But the original post asked if indicating availability at 2,3 or 4 am was a warning sign and I pose it is not in and of itself one.
  4. /that is the hour at which most establishments have closed and many guys head home for the night horny as hell and many unfortunately without a sex partner so it is natural that business increases.
  5. I have found that all the providers I have been with come with butts prepared for my eager probing hungry tongue!
  6. My name may give me away but this is one of my favorite things to do with an escort (or with anybody really but escorts are hotter!)
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