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Posts posted by thelovebroadcast

  1. I was curious of what others thought of him but it seems there aren't a lot of people who have seen him.

    I saw him twice -- the first time was maybe 6 or 7 years ago, the second time was maybe about 4 years ago.  
    He gives a great massage and is really nice; beefy muscle guy, older.

    I think he leans way more toward "professional" and doesn't do HE... anymore at least.  The first time I saw him it was way more sensual with MT and a HE, the second time it was, "Okay, we're all finished" and I was surprised.  He is an actual licensed therapist who does a great massage so at the very least if you're looking for a good massage, he's a great.  That said, 90 minutes for $190 and no extras seems a bit steep.  You can find a comparable, if not better, massage at a parlor and pay $100 for 90 minutes.  The guys who don't give up any extras (even just MT) rely heavily on their physique, but at the end of the day, if nothing's happenin', nothing's happenin'.... don't care how decent your body looks.

  2. On 8/13/2023 at 7:12 AM, Italiano said:

    I wish there was some poster here who had a recent positive experience. @NYCgymfit apparently is no longer posting...

    I love his pics.

    I know I'm late to this, but thought I'd chime in with my experience.  I saw him a little under a year ago.

    First, he's very nice, very calm, and I remember him being easy to reach/book with.  Massage was probably around a C-.  He won't do a single thing more than give you a mediocre massage unless you agree to pay more.  I'd almost rather have a will-they-won't-they energy the whole time than to pay for something certain, but that's just my "thing" when it comes to some of the reasons I like getting a massage.

    It feels a little weird to remark on how he may have changed (for the worse) since he took his last set of photos, but it also feels equally weird that someone is okay with using photos that are more than a decade old.  But, I will say, the pics don't resemble the person.  BUT I WILL ALSO SAY, he's handsome, he's muscular.  Just kind of overall felt like he knew how to convince someone to overlook him using old photos AND to pay more for a different experience, which isn't cool to me.  

    Feel free to DM me with any questions.


  3. Pros: he's super nice, very handsome, great body, great conversationalist, warm, etc.  

    I saw him a while ago.  I paid for an hour and a half, and after the HE which was around the 1:05 mark, he started dressing himself and the massage was over.  We started the massage at our agreed upon time (I got there three minutes early) and I was out of there by about an hour and ten minutes later.  I understand the guys rent the rooms for a specific amount of time and they can't go over, but ending the massage almost 30 minutes early is way lame.  This only happened one other time, and it just doesn't sit right with me.  It's like they're stealing upwards of $80 plus tip.  Thankfully that's only happened twice, but... hard to navigate that in the moment.


    As for the massage...  It was really fast, shallow strokes, almost like a cartoon version of a massage therapist.  It wasn't relaxing but it also wasn't therapeutic.  I feel like if it's not sensual and relaxing at least make the massage count for something that benefits the muscles?  I don't think there was any specific technique he used and not a lot of consistency.  Just fast, rigorous movements with a fairly light pressure.  It felt good sometimes, but mostly you just wanted things to chill a bit so it didn't feel so frenetic.  

    If you're not so concerned with the massage technique and are more into the guy, Michael's your man.  Just make sure if you book him to ask about how he manages his hour or hour and a half with you.  

  4. I've seen Rob at least 10 times.  He is my favorite therapist *ever* in NYC.  It's sad he doesn't live here anymore but I'm so glad he comes here often.  He's genuinely very nice, calm, great energy, and very sensual.  He's the real deal if you're into jock dilf type but not drugged up or on steroids like so many of those types of guys are.  I recommend him VERY highly.  Get the hour and a half.

  5. @LookingAround  @PileDriver

    Hey guys!  I listed all the recs on the first page of this thread, but this thread is now three pages deep!  Ha ha.  Here it is with a couple updates:

    W Man Spa on 30th
    Ocean Bodywork in Brooklyn
    East Men Spa 
    Yeah Man Spa (LES)
    27 Men Spa 
    Time's Square Men's Massage
    Bonus suggestion was Russian Turkish Bath House, but a) I already knew about them and b) I don't find the guys who work there are as fun as they used to be pre-pandemic.  
    Renew on 8th Ave and 48th St  
    Rainbow Spa on 49th St between 8th & 9th

    Tai Chi spa in East Village

    Keep in mind that there are explicit M4M massage-type places (like Men Spa, W Man Spa, etc.), but I have to say after living in New York my entire life, it never occurred to me that there are only about 10 of those in the city and there are SO MANY "regular" parlors, so it made me realize... I think the best route is just to keep this conversation going AND just call around and ask for "older masseurs."  I've done that with all the parlors listed above and it's honestly less awkward than I thought it'd be.  I think I felt a little weird calling especially since women work at those parlors as well, but every one of them (except W Man on 30th) was answered by a woman and they were always very direct and nice about it.  

    Thanks to all the guys who have messaged me privately for sharing their recs and experiences.  I'm going to see Peter at Renew next!

  6. On 1/19/2024 at 1:38 PM, Necks said:

    What are you going on about? Stop.

    OP is asking for recommendations for older masseurs, and here you are on your soapbox spewing bullshit. You're like the vegan lady with dreadlocks meme. Stop trying so hard.

    Yeah older masseurs are rarer shut up about that. No one cares about your "this is reality" rant. We're here looking for something specific. Contribute.

    Thank you!

  7. On 1/19/2024 at 12:10 PM, LookingAround said:

    I’m beginning to question how sincere the OP is versus a troll. He seems to want to keep an argument going for the sake of arguing. I’m not buying it. Made up post. 

    A made up post?  I've responded to every message from the actual troll AND I've provided my responses to the group.  Nothing made up about that.

  8. 16 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    I think you're missing the point of this entire conversation.

    We aren't discussing the general public of gay men.

    We are discussing the massage industry as it is marketed to gay men at massage parlors.

    All your comments above are all lovely and granola and all...but they have little to do with the subject at hand.

    90% of everyone here is looking for YOUNG, cute guys to hire. Simple fact of life.

    If  I wanted some old man to touch me, I wouldn't be paying for it.

    The definition of a fetish is something that is very specific that turns on a very small segment of a community. That's what you're asking about. A specific interest that most people don't get into. Nothing insulting about it. It is what it is.

    So if you like old masseurs, by all means GO FOR IT !  🥳

    Seems like a few members managed to scrounge up some examples of what you want inspite of the rarity. So thanks to all who know which corners of the industry to look in.

    Actually all of your points have little to do with the subject at hand.  I was asking for older masseurs and you chime in with insults about older people.  You can go back and read your posts if you want to.  I don't understand how you can't see the whole intent of my posting.  I literally said in my VERY FIRST post that MOST PEOPLE are into younger guys and MOST PARLORS have those younger guys, but I was asking if anyone knew of parlors and/or masseurs who didn't fit that stereotype.  No one is (or ever was) arguing against the fact that most people are looking for younger guys. Your logic to chime in and remind me of something I already stated in my original post is unnecessary.  

    And while we're not discussing *specifically* gay men, you are talking *directly* to other gay men, and you should do so with respect and refrain from insults, especially toward people who fought their entire lives to simply exist.  And these parlors exist for gay, bi, and questioning men to experience physical touch, and some of us need that.  Not just want that, but need that.  So when you argue against someone simply looking for a niche variation of what's normally offered, and you don't have any recommends, you can simply keep your mouth shut.  All that to say, you need to grow up.

  9. 8 hours ago, BaronArtz said:

    @thelovebroadcast you need to decide for yourself what is most important to you - the mature masseur experience or the massage parlor experience,  It is not likely that you will find both at the same time in NYC.  Clients are used to have access to the finest masseurs at all times  and competition among providers is exceptionally keen.  An aging provider, I am sorry to say, is not likely to last long at a commercial parlor.  Demand for them is very limited indeed.

    From what you write here, you are into mature masseurs.  Rentmasseur IS your friend.  Although I have never looked for it, I believe there are choices in the 35 year+ segment,  A few masseurs, while solo practitioners at their own place, sometimes offer sessions at a parlor.   Is this guy too immature for you? I know he works out of a massage parlor:

    Gay Massage & Male Masseur vipmomentsnyc in New York City, NY (rentmasseur.com)

    I hope you will have a good time participating on this forum and wish you much success finding the masseur of your dreams!

    Thanks so much!  I really love Masseur Finder and the others.  I hope the implications in my original post showed that I do know  finding an older guy in a parlour is rare, which is why I decided to create a topic listing to do a broader search to see if anyone has specific experience with older guys at any of the parlors (they do).  It's not lost on me that most older guys also probably care more about their reputation and are smart enough to want to keep their own money (which is something younger guys aren't thinking through just yet).  This is the same reason why younger guys are more prevalent in porn, but it also speaks to the larger demand of people who prefer to look at and pretend to be adored by youthful looking people.  One doesn't need to do too deep of a dive to recognize why this is, specifically in America.  

    Anyway, to everyone who has messaged, thank you.  Keep messaging me and I'll post regular updates.  

    And to @pubic_assistance -- I hope you understand that when you're talking within your community of other gay men (or queer, however you want to identify this group), you should recognize that our bond is special and should be protected.  To liken older people to stale bread, old food, or just a fetish is so beyond insulting to the people who quite literally had to fight for their lives to exist. They are beautiful and should be respected, not made fun of.  It saddens me you can't see this.  

    Maybe you're afraid of growing old, maybe you resent being older, I don't know.  But whatever it is, I hope you can try and heal whatever is inside of you that makes you feel entitled to be negative.  I hope that when/if you are older, you will be shown love and respect by people of all ages.


  10. 12 hours ago, LookingAround said:

    I believe pubic assistance, with whom I disagree almost daily, is mostly right here. (Btw if you believe you already have info to the contrary, why don’t you share it instead of crowing that you know a secret).  
    Chicago has a spa that employs older masseurs. 
    I have not come across this in the MANY gay spas I’ve patronized in NYC where I live. Why? Probably because the rents are high and they need to keep the boys busy and there just isn’t a sufficient market to keep older guys busy. 
    If you (or others) know differently, prove me wrong by letting the cat out of the bag but I believe I and pubic assistance are right. It’s not us trying to be ageist (though I have accused him of such things in the past, lol), I think it’s the marketplace at large in this instance. 


    W Man Spa
    Ocean Bodywork in Brooklyn
    East Men Spa 
    Yeah Man Spa (LES)
    27 Men Spa 
    Time's Square Men's Massage
    Bonus suggestion was Russian Turkish Bath House, but a) I already knew about them and b) I don't find the guys who work there are as fun as they used to be pre-pandemic.  
    Renew on 8th Ave and 48th St  
    Rainbow Spa on 49th St between 8th & 9th

    So now we're at 9 places.  All ya gotta do is ask, I suppose!

  11. 3 hours ago, pubic_assistance said:

    @LookingAround You and I tend to disagree philosophically. This however is a fact, not an opinion. You are correct in your observations.

    I am equally confused about why "sweetie" is insistent I am wrong but simultaneously can't seem to find what they are looking for.

    I think you're more confused by the notion of someone asking for recommendations. 😂  You know if someone asks for something, it doesn't mean that thing they're asking for doesn't exist, right?  They're just asking where/how they can get it?  And I wasn't suggesting that you're wrong, I'm just telling you that just because your understanding or experience of something is contrary to what I'm looking for, it doesn't mean you're right (or that I'm wrong). It just means that you don't know. 

    Anyway, thanks to the *actually helpful* people who have written to me privately.
    W Man Spa
    Ocean Bodywork in Brooklyn
    East Men Spa 
    Yeah Man Spa (LES)
    27 Men Spa 
    Time's Square Men's Massage
    Bonus suggestion was Russian Turkish Bath House, but a) I already knew about them and b) I don't find the guys who work there are as fun as they used to be pre-pandemic.  

    So, there you go.  Less than 24 hours and seven suggestions.  If any other *helpful* people want to chime in or write to me, I'm happy to post any updates.

  12. Just now, pubic_assistance said:

    There's lots of things that exist in other cities that don't work in NYC.


    Sweetie, I grew up here.  New York has everything.  You just need to know where to look.  And whom to ask.  Obviously you're not one of those people who knows, so... why even say anything?  If you're not going to be helpful, best to just keep your opinions to yourself.  Also, there have already been two different guys who have messaged me personally with recommendations.  😂

  13. Just now, pubic_assistance said:

    Massage parlors not serving a menu item that you're searching for is neither gross nor ageist. It's just not what they're selling. There are many very skilled masseurs around who are in their fourth or fifth decade. They don't work at massage parlors. You do occasionally find them at Hotel Spas.

    But some parlors *do* offer masseuses who are older. I have had them in other cities, just not in NYC.  Which is why I'm asking *which* parlors do.  You know?  
    Here's a more adequate analogy: Just because you can't find pho at most restaurants doesn't mean some restaurants don't serve it, you just have to know where to go. 

    And it is ageist to compare people who are older to old food. Old food is gross, hazardous, unwanted, and actually shouldn't be served.  It's not nice to compare people to things that should be in the trash.  

  14. Hello -- this is my first time posting on here.  I've so appreciated everyone's comments and topics, so hopefully I can find some help here!

    Seems like a lot of guys on here (and I'm not trying to say this in a judgmental way, its more of an observation) are really into classically "hot" guys.  Younger, smoother, more toned, boyish features, etc.  Which is great, but my experience with a lot of those guys is that they're usually a) pretty inexperienced and/or b) kind of checked out, which leads to a really, really subpar massage.  

    I'm into guys of all ages, but I really like getting massages from older men.  They're more experienced, more present during the massage, and ultimately leave me feeling like I actually got work done.  I *know* getting a good massage isn't always the #1 reason people choose a masseur, but all-around, I love getting worked on by an older guy (of any race and nationality).  

    I know I can find some of these guys on the obvious websites (rentmasseur, masseurfinder, rentman, etc.)., but I like going to an actual parlor.  However, it seems like most of the parlors in NYC are only staffed with young guys and never older ones.  I know this may be laughable to some of you ("Uhm, why is this guy wanting to not get touched all over by a hot young guy?!" lol), but if any of you know of any parlors in NYC that have guys 40+, that would be great.  Like I said, I'm open to any type of guy - Asian, Middle Eastern, African, White, but I do prefer them to be from a different country. 

    Thanks for reading!

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