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    + FreshFluff reacted to + Truereview in Friday Funnies   
  2. Like
    + FreshFluff reacted to AdamSmith in Friday Funnies   
    (I resemble this remark.)

  3. Like
    + FreshFluff reacted to + Truereview in Friday Funnies   
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    + FreshFluff reacted to + WmClarke in Friday Funnies   
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    + FreshFluff reacted to bigvalboy in Friday Funnies   
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    + FreshFluff reacted to bigvalboy in 19 Reasons Middle-Age Gay Men Need to Get Over Their Midlife Crises   

  7. Like
    + FreshFluff reacted to bigvalboy in 19 Reasons Middle-Age Gay Men Need to Get Over Their Midlife Crises   
    Oh to be young again. If you only knew.....

    a poem by Beatrice Boyle, USA
    I have seen spring’s awakening
    And basked in summer’s sun
    I have watched in awe
    As autumn’s colors softly sprung
    Now that winter’s here
    Amid the softly falling snow
    I mourn for the beauty
    That was lost so long ago.
    Oh sweet bird of youth
    You lavished me with your love
    Whispering sweet nothings
    Under twinkling stars above
    You led me to believe
    I’d spend eternity with you
    Then without a warning
    You disappeared from view!
    Down through the years
    I have searched for you in vain
    All I have are memories
    Of you that remain
    Now, most of my songs
    Have been sung
    But I cling to the melody
    Of when we were young
  8. Like
    + FreshFluff reacted to bigvalboy in 19 Reasons Middle-Age Gay Men Need to Get Over Their Midlife Crises   
    Well Dahlin, you can fuck that bullshit. And if by remake, you mean a face lift, well that is being considered......as to the rest of it, I'm right with the Lord, and I plan on leaving this world with a smile on my face.
    P.S. Seriously for a moment. I applaud your life and all that you have done to better the lives of those that could not do for themselves. You are to be commended.
    I was never bright enough, focused enough, nor aware enough to make any such contribution, but in my own small way, I would like to think that I made a difference in the lives of those around me, and that I am leaving this world just a little bit better than I found it... If after I am gone, on some warm and cloudless summer day, someone that I had an acquaintance with, happens to remember me, and that memory brings a smile to their face, then that alone will suffice for me, and I will consider it a life well lived...cheers
  9. Like
    + FreshFluff reacted to bigvalboy in 19 Reasons Middle-Age Gay Men Need to Get Over Their Midlife Crises   
    For me...#19
    19. Because if you could write a letter to one of those friends who died of AIDS-related complications, and said you were going through a midlife crisis, how do you think he’d respond? Love every minute of this, for him, for them, for us
    And because I started partying when I was 40, and I haven't stopped yet. They're going to bury me in my red dress, white pearls and six inch pumps.
  10. Like
    + FreshFluff reacted to + Gar1eth in Friday Funnies   
    In memoriam: Franklyn Bruce Modell (6 September 1917 – 27 May 2016)

  11. Like
    + FreshFluff reacted to TruHart1 in Friday Funnies   
    ...and in the news:

  12. Like
    + FreshFluff reacted to bigvalboy in Friday Funnies   
    Ok no...but I can understand why some would think that.
  13. Like
    + FreshFluff reacted to + Truereview in Friday Funnies   
  14. Like
    + FreshFluff reacted to geminibear in Friday Funnies   
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    + FreshFluff reacted to + Truereview in Friday Funnies   
  16. Like
    + FreshFluff reacted to + purplekow in What band had you hooked from the first song you heard from them?   
    The Archies Sugar Sugar i dare you to listen all the way through and then try to get the tune out of your head. It has been rattling around in the large empty spaces of my brain for 47 years.
    Love me some Reggie and Moose (not pictured)
  17. Like
    + FreshFluff reacted to bigvalboy in What band had you hooked from the first song you heard from them?   
    Stood there boldly
    Sweatin' in the sun
    Felt like a million
    Felt like number one
    The height of summer
    I'd never felt that strong
    Like a rock
    I was eighteen
    Didn't have a care
    Working for peanuts
    Not a dime to spare
    But I was lean and
    Solid everywhere
    Like a rock
    My hands were steady
    My eyes were clear and bright
    My walk had purpose
    My steps were quick and light
    And I held firmly
    To what I felt was right
    Like a rock
    Like a rock, I was strong as I could be
    Like a rock, nothin' ever got to me
    Like a rock, I was something to see
    Like a rock
    And I stood arrow straight
    Unencumbered by the weight
    Of all these hustlers and their schemes
    I stood proud, I stood tall
    High above it all
    I still believed in my dreams
    Twenty years now
    Where'd they go?
    Twenty years
    I don't know
    Sit and I wonder sometimes
    Where they've gone
    And sometimes late at night
    When I'm bathed in the firelight
    The moon comes callin' a ghostly white
    And I recall
    I recall
    Like a rock. standin' arrow straight
    Like a rock, chargin' from the gate
    Like a rock, carryin' the weight
    Like a rock
    Like a rock, the sun upon my skin
    Like a rock, hard against the wind
    Like a rock, I see myself again
    Like a rock


  18. Like
    + FreshFluff reacted to Will Do in In Honor of National Masturbation Month   
    I was riding my bike one day and, lo and behold, there was a Playgirl magazine on the sidewalk - tattered, torn and had been rained on. But OMG - it was a gift from heaven above for this once 13 yo who couldn't decide between guys or girls.
    The issue with Peter Lupus from Mission Impossible. Greek, ahhhh........
    I hid it in an elderly neighbor's garden house and I did yard work for her..........sometime. Usually I made excuses to visit MY magazine. Can't even say how many times I came ALL over that floor.
  19. Like
    + FreshFluff reacted to + Gar1eth in Friday Funnies   
  20. Like
    + FreshFluff got a reaction from + honcho in LOSING WEIGHT ... and the even bigger challenge of keeping it off   
    They have...?

  21. Like
    + FreshFluff got a reaction from Kenny in LOSING WEIGHT ... and the even bigger challenge of keeping it off   
    Liking the sandwich instead of the little cookies doesn't make one a connoisseur.
    /Larry Wilmore
  22. Like
    + FreshFluff got a reaction from Kenny in LOSING WEIGHT ... and the even bigger challenge of keeping it off   
    The NYT does some good reporting here, but here's something that's always annoyed me about the NYT's style.
    Why does it always have to over-weight the negative on health stories, even ones about developments that are clearly positive? Now that Cahill has regained the weight, they can say he "looks as handsome as a model" after he lost it. But if they had interviewed him right after the show, they would have written something like, "Cahill looks like a model at first glance. But look at him a moment longer and it's clear that, while he's glowing and happy, he looks a little deflated, more like a balloon that's had some air let out."
    In fact, the problem is more general: NYT stories about any sort of change usually end with with some quote about how the status quo still stands. I'm too lazy to find examples, but I'm surprised that Twitter (other than Bernie supporters et al.) hasn't seized on this. Let's use weight maintenance as an example again. If a true magic diet pill is ever discovered, you can bet the NYT's story will end with a quote from some doctor who will say, "Fads come and go, but nothing will ever work like the old fashioned way."
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    + FreshFluff reacted to bigvalboy in Friday Funnies   
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    + FreshFluff reacted to jjkrkwood in LOSING WEIGHT ... and the even bigger challenge of keeping it off   
    Actually it does. Wise choice if you enjoy soda to cut out the sugar and order Diet, although all the other unpronounceable chemicals will most likely Kill you.
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