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Everything posted by instudiocity

  1. That’s a given but some of these tightwads need to crack open their wallets and let ol’ GW blink from seeing the light.
  2. I wuz wondaring whut happened to him, myself.
  3. I’d expect my regular $300 guy to charge me $300. I expect I’ll be dropping $300 extra as a tip so his income lapse will not be as severe. But them he’s already received the equivalent of a couple dates since this CoVid started. But seriously, guys who hire and don’t have an emergency fund to see themselves and their companions through tough times SCARE me.
  4. instudiocity

    CUM !

    You aren’t the only one.?
  5. My cousin & I were born in 1956. He didn’t come out to me. I saw the 4 lb tub in his closet. He knew I knew when I asked, “Shouldn’t that be closer to your bed? I must admit, I’ve never used It for lube.
  6. And twice the usual number of 100 mph+ speeders, apparently.
  7. Better to ask, “Can you show me where the Crisco is?”
  8. Your. Definition of speeding doesn’t count ;-0. Laws only operate if you break them ;-)
  9. Um, aren’t you repeatedly being mailed proofs to the contrary? For $150 in tuition, one would think you’d get an education, aka “Learn your lessons.” Repeated violations will result in points on your license, higher auto insurance premiums, classification as an ‘habitual offender’, license suspension and even license revocation. FYI, when you signed the form down at the DMV, you certified, under penalty of perjury, that you would obey the traffic laws of the state Of New York.
  10. Your skepticism is WISE. Buying a pig in a poke typically means your going to get a greasy bag of lard.
  11. I dunno, who here wouldn’t enjoy a $2,400/month boost?
  12. 40 hours x 52 weeks = 2080 hours 8 hours/mo x 12 months = 96 hours 96 hours divided by 2080 hours = 4.6% drop in “pay” but you have 12 days off, too. Rough estimate but illustrative… Count your blessings.
  13. Aficionado? Not being a grammar nut, but one needs to think through your phonetic malapropism to get your meaning. i confused officianado to mean you face-fucked a cop or something.
  14. More reflective thought than wishful thinking… Anyone could have Rona move in...
  15. I’m not interested in taking the test until the quantity of tests available rises to near surplus levels, unless My symptoms Were to rise to the level that warrants a test.
  16. Yours sounds like classic food poisoning.. We all had fever, sore lungs, cough, chills, sore throat, aches & stiffness to varying degrees. One is mid-30’s runner, high altitude hike/camper, the other is late 30’s daily gym attender, benches 3 multiples of his weight, and me, old, fat and lazy. It got us all differently. I thought I was going to be the ambulance driver a couple of times.
  17. My two roommates And I compared notes on the last illness that went through our household in December. We are beginning to suspect we all had ‘Rona move in with us. They are young & healthy. I’m old, diet managed diabetic, obese by definition, and use a CPAP. Maybe we will all test positive for ‘Rona?
  18. Um, he didn’t need alternative income sources, yet?
  19. Um, he didn’t need alternative income sources, yet?
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