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Everything posted by instudiocity

  1. Interesting weeds though, why would the spouses be there if granny had not gotten laid?
  2. The two happiest days in a boat owner's life - The Day He Buys It and THE DAY HE SELLS IT!
  3. French, Arcadian, and Creole all have roots in Lose-Anner.
  4. yep, if he'd stick that in his mouth, he'd stick ANYTHING in his mouth.
  5. how about, He's Tall As Fuck? And even though it can't be seen in these photos, the boy is HUNG!
  6. Somehow Jackhammer's Friday Funnies got hijacked by "NERD CENTRAL"
  7. That's tree-hugger driving a hybrid is juxtaposed to one who visualizes Whirled Peas which I take as a sarcastic rendering of most liberals position on World Peace.
  8. I think it's more the dichotomy between a tree-hugger driving a hybrid car who visualizes whirled peas... I mean, it's oxymoronic, right? Getting one of 10,000 hybrid in the car-pool lane placards is just adding, "HUH?"
  9. Yes and especially since it's a bumper sticker to a Prius driver in my neighborhood with car pool lane stickers allowing her to carpool with 1 occupant.
  10. Wouldn't it be Beaver Cleavered? See the double entendré? I saw it Lick-a-dee SPLIT!
  11. In Alabama we call 'em peckerheads.
  12. interestingly, all wine containers are glassdeaux
  13. The thought never entered my mind. Not sure why it's important enough to point out to me.
  14. You haven't eaten tacos at Taco Bell. Me? I prefer the Bell.
  15. I shall never look upon a closed eye again without thinking "ASSHOLE!"
  16. There's nothing like Hot Chocolate in the morning - or the moaning, either.
  17. Watch who you're calling December! I'm September if I'm a month. But my attractions go to April and May most often.
  18. I'd object to the the word "giving" here. He's selling that shit at confiscatory rates!
  19. More like the "Best All-Purpose Lube" with 2000 uses! http://wd40.com
  20. not necessarily an attribute of escorts exclusively.
  21. Dood, I was spoofing you on your use of the conjuction 'and' in place of the article, 'an'. In your post, you wrote, His name was Joey and Italian, as though he had two names. What I believe you meant to write was His name was Joey, an Italian. It struck me as funny...
  22. I can't do that, I've still got all my teeth.
  23. He had two names? Did you call him both at the same time? "Hey, Joey Italian!" or just one, "Hey, Joey!" or "Hey, Italian?" or how about, "Hey, Italian Joey!"
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