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Everything posted by instudiocity

  1. I saw 6’9” Plowboy in Starbucks this morning. Not much to look at, I’d guess him to be heavier than he says. However, the 6’2” guy with him was definitely a milf — man I’d like to fuck.
  2. Why do you think Social Media company founders are Billionaires? They attracted a lot of subscribers?
  3. she obviously isn’t breathing deeply enough.
  4. My goal is to see VictorPowers ass live, up close, and in person. Why not LA, Victor?
  5. I wonder which dude you get? The one with the long hair, or the one laying down?
  6. Nearly the same thing just happened to me, except I was parked under the Arrivals path at LAX. Somehow, I jumped out of my car, grabbed my suitcase out of the trunk to catch a shuttle to the terminal and left my car running. Flash forward to three days later, my key fob can't unlock my car -> dead battery. Ok, so I open with my valet key, put everything in and call for a jumpstart - after all, it's just a dead battery. Three attempts to crank later, the attendant says, "Are you sure you're not out of gas?" I'm thinking, 'No! I've got 3/4's of a tank!' Lo and behold the tank was EMPTY! Lesson, hopefully, learned.
  7. Double spacing before all caps would make it less intense reading... newspapers refer to it as white space... more white space... less intense.
  8. On might conclude Mr. Slater is 'anal-retentive' regarding his revenues? LOL!
  9. Hump day doesn't compete against payday nor play day...
  10. I want Kevin to figure my taxes.
  11. And, “What’s the difference between a vitamin and a hormone?… You can’t make a vitamin!
  12. Hell, the standard line has always been, “You don’t pay a hooker to cum, you pay a hooker to leave!”
  13. instudiocity

    VPN Anyone

    That has more to do with Anazon’s And Netflix’s licensing to stream copyrighted material outside the US. If you were outside the US attempting to stream through a US node if VPNU you would probably be able to stream. The whole idea of the Virtual Private Network is the other end of you connection thinks you are in the city of the VPN node. The data between your node and your device is encrypted.
  14. Why can't you get your own lockbox to hide your key for the firefighter/paramedics to get in? My mother had one of those systems. The first time there was a thunderstorm and subsequent power outage, she thought she was hearing from God as the monitor when off calling her full name. It took 5 calls of her full name before she finally responded to God and just slowed down the paramedics.
  15. Your avatar @samhexum makes me drool...
  16. I doubt the package this guy was delivering was in the box.
  17. My current UPS carrier left a job at Jerry's Deli in Studio City to take the UPS delivery gig. He told me he lost 70 pounds in the first 5 years as a UPS delivery driver. SEVENTY POUNDS! He's not cute, but he's lean as hell and he likes working overtime because he doesn't enjoy his wife. LOL!
  18. Escorts, like every other sales gig in the world, range in income from minimum wage to maximum earnings depending on the who, what, where, when, how, how many and how much as they ply their trade. Sales is the lowest menial task and the highest calling. Figuring out how to market oneself - the who doing what, where and how, is as important as the how many and how much they are selling. Funny thing about life is we all wind up as sales persons, some of us sell our time and talent for income. Some of us sell more time than talent, some sell more talent than time, but everyone earning an income is wrapped up in the dynamic of time/talent/treasure. Hopefully as we each gain treasure, we learn to devote less time and more talent to gaining more treasure. And why the fuck not? There are escorts who deserve a mere pittance for their pitiful performance while there are escorts who deserve our every last dime for their PERFORMANCE. I have experienced both the awkward blow-job and the incredible scene and I never thought the awkward guy deserved more nor the incredible scene guy deserved less. Bottom line to this discussion is, "You really do get what you pay for." Great escorts deserve great income. Poor escorts deserve poor incomes. And clients either get what they paid for or they get fucked. LOL!
  19. instudiocity

    VPN Anyone

    I use VPN Unlimited. A few years ago, I purchased an unlimited account for about $125. I used it as long as I could to watch local MLB games - you may not know that the LA Dodgers sold out to TimeWarnerCable now Spectrum. If you don't subscribe to TWC/Spectrum you can't watch the Dodgers, so for a while I could just sign into the VPN Unlimited VPN in San Francisco and watch local games. That has gone away because MLB now requires Location of the device to watch. But the good news is that now I can set up the VPN, logging in anywhere in the world, and all the data is encrypted from my computer to the VPN node and back. So go ahead local internet provider try to read the encrypted data transmitting through your local access point - waste all the time you want, it's 128 bit encrypted data transmission.
  20. I’d buy a house with him! He’s cute.
  21. In other words, they are not a Public Accommodation... They are a PUBIC Accommodation...
  22. And isn't Utah a state that does not require an helmet?
  23. Like the Mortician said, "Helmet - Open Casket, No Helmet - Closed Casket."
  24. In the mean time, smoke him if you’ve got him.
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