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  1. I'm more than fine with the comparisons to the other provider(s)- as I said, from what I've read, the other provider seems to have been extremely well-liked by everyone who did meet him in person, and he seemed to have had all 5-star reviews back when I saw his ad. But I'm here clarifying for the general public that they are not going to get him by hiring me and that we are different people. I have videochatted with many people already, I keep doing so, and I have verified myself to many clients and users of this forum. I have over 800 unanswered texts, so I apologize if I couldn't get to your text yet. I'll try getting a helper to help with answering texts. Even so, all in all, I'm very discreet and plan to stay relatively discreet. No one is forcing anyone to hire anyone. Each to their own. I keep answering texts in the order they were received, I'm very behind because I do many things outside of RM. I have videochated with countless people, and I keep videochatting in the order the texts are received. Thanks again, wishing you all an amazing Sunday
  2. We are not identical at all... very far from identical - I'll actually give it to him that he's way more handsome than I. Identical is, say, this https://www.google.com/search?q=taylor+swift+look+alike&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwijpqe54oCEAxW8M2IAHWWwA9sQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=taylor+swift+look+alike&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzILCAAQgAQQsQMQgwEyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIICAAQCBAHEB4yCAgAEAgQBxAeMggIABAIEAcQHjIGCAAQBRAeMgYIABAFEB4yBggAEAUQHjIGCAAQBRAeUOUGWOUGYLkMaABwAHgAgAFCiAF-kgEBMpgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=eaS2ZeOFCrzniLMP5eCO2A0&bih=738&biw=1536&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS945US947 And there are countless people around the world who are identical, even every celebrity has someone who looks exactly like them out there, but we are actually very different and we look different I'll try reaching out to him, but we do not live together or nearby each other, thanks for the suggestion. One thing is for sure: there's no need to attack, bicker, fight, or offend anyone, even more, someone you have never met in person.
  3. Once again, no attacks, no bickering, even worse when it's directed to someone you haven't even met- I can prove over videochat I'm not the provider you guys linked/are talking about (whom you haven't even met in person either, but from what I've read he seems to have been extremely well-liked by all people who did meet him in person, and he seemed to have had all 5-star reviews back when I saw his ad). I'm only here to provide and add up, not to fight, offend, or accuse anyone. Keep your spirits up; it gets better. After winter comes spring. No bickering. There's no need to attack, fight, or offend anyone. Happy New Year to you all. Thanks for the love and the nice DMs from many of you.
  4. PhDBottom and Nine Inch Dom PhD Tall are different people, not the same guy, that profile wasn't my profile.
  5. Hi everyone. A client told me to come to this forum. I'm not Ivy, and I did a videochat with a couple of forum members here in the past months and I proved that, and I'm happy to do a video chat with anyone here for free to prove that. I did read Ivy's site earlier last year, and I thought, "Why not me?" recently. Thanks again for the love and nice DMs I received on here and on RM Messenger- I deliver what I promise and I offer a satisfaction guarantee or your money back. Have a great week
  6. A guy doesn't need to put the entire cock inside someone right away. A guy can put just 1 inch inside, or just 2 inches inside, take it slow, watch the partner, see in their expression if they want more, or/and leave the rest out until the bottom asks for more- whatever people plan before the meeting. What matters is that I do my thing beforehand to help them have multiple orgasms and cum hands-free, and that's what only I do Throughout my life, I dated guys who were tops before meeting me, and their first time getting fucked was getting fucked by me. Most people I dated. Even before RM, I lost count of the number of guys who had their first time with me, and after getting fucked by me, they became Vers, or they say they "only bottom to" me and are tops with other people, or their partner, or in case of some clients, they bottom to me but before they were a top or even straight And some say they only like getting fucked by me, not by other guys. Some clients are only tops in their marriage, and they came/come to me to bottom, and in most cases have their first time with me and become regulars. And then they only bottom to me - and are a top with their partners. Some say they tried it with other guys and didn't like it; they liked it just with me. Each to their own. Thanks for the love and support guys. NineInDomPhDTall
  7. PS: sometimes Google Forms doesn't record a form entry; it doesn't record every input. I googled that issue, and it exists; many people on Reddit confirmed it. So, if you'd like, shoot me an email in addition to the form if you didn't receive a reply, and I'll get back to you when I can. Thanks again, have a great weekend. NineInDomPhDTall - https://rent.men/NineInDomPhDTall
  8. Hi everyone! I have been overly busy with the bookings I have + work, and I'm thankful for all the love, support, and fun I have been experiencing with all of you. I have over 800 unanswered texts, so I apologize if I couldn't get to your text yet. I'll try getting a helper to help with answering texts. I'm discreet and plan to stay relatively discreet. So far, most of my clients have never heard of this forum (most of them beginners and very discreet men having their first or second time), but I'll start asking them to post their experiences here. My profile gets about 1000 views a day, so I'd say 90% of the people who hire actually don't have an account on this forum, let alone post here much. The universe/volume of clients is way bigger than we think. My account is new, and I did a video chat with a couple of forum users here to prove myself. Thanks again! Every forum member here who has met Dean in person said he was their best experience, so thanks for the comparisons, but as I said, I did video chat and showed myself to a couple of forum members here and proved myself. I look forward to seeing some of you, and as I mentioned, I offer a satisfaction guarantee to everyone I see, and everyone so far has been satisfied. You guys rock. Have a great weekend. NineInDomPhDTall - https://rent.men/NineInDomPhDTall
  9. I hope everyone is having a good night. I won't keep following this thread (I haven't been following it). I have already video-chatted with a couple of members of this forum and proved myself to be real. I give clear instructions on how to connect on my profile and website. Please follow them if you'd like, and I will reply when possible. Thanks for contacting me. Happy holidays. Fahayek, I wish I were with you tonight, but sometime soon. I worked and studied all day today and yesterday and didn't check messages at all. I am working and studying tomorrow, too. If schedules align, I'm looking forward to connecting soon. Thanks. I am sending love to everyone.
  10. Thanks for the love, everyone. I have been very busy with work, school, and holidays. If you saw a typing status here, it's a bug. Texts get disorganized if I take a day off, but I'll reply when I can. The profile is real. Have a good one. NineInDomPhDTall
  11. This is my first account ever on this forum. Thank you
  12. I sent you a DM. Thanks NineInDomPhDTall
  13. I'm discreet because of my career and hope to remain somewhat discreet. I'll post around 4 pictures. As I said I'll finish my ad towards the end of the week. Thanks!
  14. Just DM me your info, and let's schedule. Thank you.
  15. I saw someone has merged the topics. 99% of the posts on the first page here talk about another provider. I'd appreciate it if this merging of topics you did was undone. It makes sense that we work to avoid confusion for readers, people who read just the first page, or avoid further promoting another provider on someone else's topic, however good he is. The entire first page became people promoting another provider, and it'll confuse people who are not forum members. Moderator, I am happy to video chat with you to prove myself, as I mentioned. Let's keep this topic and future ones spam-free, jokes-free, and reserved for users who have met me to post about their experience and not discuss other providers. Thank you
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