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Everything posted by BaronArtz

  1. Gorgeous, in many ways ... and not just because of the impressive VPL. What happened to him? Is he still around?
  2. YUM! There is definitely 'something' about Iranian wrestlers ... that subject merits its own thread
  3. But his ad, as of 8/31 says Las Vegas!
  4. Look at the current French President and his spouse. We Europeans are far more accepting.
  5. BaronArtz


    Thanks for letting us know. I thought he had stopped. I would have refrained from contacting him if had.
  6. BaronArtz


    Did he quit? The ad is no longer available as of 8/27/2017 ...
  7. BaronArtz


    His incall rate is $350 now.
  8. They don't. That is what makes them an addict. Thank you for stating the obvious. But they still need to provide cash or 'services' to acquire them. They need help. They don't need to be victims of people abusing them. In this specific case, the abuse ended in death. Do you not have any humanity left in you?
  9. I will say they intrigue me, but I haven't pulled the trigger yet.
  10. What if they desperately needed to make money? They agreed to Mr. Buck's vicious demands because they needed money to survive? Not everybody has ample choices in life. Certainly not when you are young, black, gay and a street prostitute on a boulevard in L.A.
  11. I am generally speaking open-minded about various fetishes. In this case I really recoil at the thought that there is somebody out there who uses his vast financial resources to coerce young - presumably underprivileged - men to come close to overdose just for his own pleasure. I hope there will be legal consequences.
  12. I like the way how NYCPatrick's ass looks ... AND he bottoms: https://rent.men/NYCPatrick
  13. Some of us used to meet at Club 2O in NYC on Sunday evening. It was great fun. I have met privately with 3 forum members. Those were gossipy meetings over lunch or coffee. I was actually surprised how 'normal' everybody looked and acted.
  14. I know an amazing guy in LA. ... he'd be perfect. Wrong geography?
  15. Indeed! He semi-retired, seeing only a few regulars and acting in porn movies. I think Michael Lucas destroyed him / spat him out. He was pretty depressed when I saw him last. I hope he is OK.
  16. Piero appears to have a soft touch of plastic surgery on him, which hints at him advancing in age. I would definitely insist on 'current' pictures before hiring him ...
  17. He is 23? He looks barely of legal age. I want to see valid ID.
  18. What consenting adults do is none of my business. On the other hand, BigRic brings up an interesting point. I sometimes wonder who the men are that offer more money for bareback sex to an escort who says he doesn't do it. Just for the thrill of it? Is it exciting knowing that you forced somebody to do it? You could have a kid out on his luck, having a bad month, needing money for rent - a myriad of other reasons - who then accepts to bareback for more money. Just because he needs it. Or because he is desperate. You got to wonder how consensual it really is. I am sorry, I find that creepy.
  19. Same here. It is very rare that someone older than 30 turns me ON. I made one exception, for 'Gregg' from LA/PS, when he was visiting NY and recommended to me by Dave from man-to-man escorts. Gregg was in his mid-30s at the time. His salt and pepper hair was sexy but his waist was softer than what I'd like to see. I was not immediately smitten with him until we started playing a bit. His sexual technique and his personality made it a thoroughly rewarding experience. I would hire him again if only he still was in the business. Recently, I briefly considered 'Blondviking' who allegedly is 37 (https://rent.men/BLONDViking) He oozes sexuality, has a nice body, a good crotch size but something turned me off ... the unkempt facial hair that makes him look much older maybe? I just couldn't pull the trigger. I am willing to be open-minded about it. So far, it hasn't happened yet.
  20. 'Anthony Breioc' is amazing. He is a very strong guy who gives a very thorough massage. AND he loves ass. He loves touching it, teasing it, playing with it. He is unsatiable about ass. Haven't seen his ad in a while though. Maybe he retired.
  21. Indeed. If somebody did that to me on my wedding day I would have thrown him/her under the next bus.
  22. I agree. And why would she wait until the morning of the wedding to bring these issues up with her prospective husband? Could she not disclose these a bit sooner? That is sort of insensitive to him. Rude even. Sorry, I am not impressed. There are many reasons people marry. Love is not necessarily one of them. As this letter illustrates.
  23. I totally agree! Sometimes some of us are taking it too far. I know it is a competitive business, even fiercely competitive in major markets like LA and NY - with so many young men clamoring for our attention and $$$.
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