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Everything posted by BaronArtz

  1. I LOVE driving stick! You can control the car so much better. No comparison!
  2. I am not questioning any of this and if it is all true is of course just awful when it involves minors especially. But I wonder why it takes these victims so long to come forward. Some of the events happened ... 3O years ago? Did they not talk to their parents or anybody else? Why now? Regardless of the outcome, I think that Mr. Levine is one of the greatest conductors of the 2oth century. I am a huge Wagner fan, and nobody conducted these operas like he did. I will never forget 'Die Walkure' with Jessye Norman, conducted by Mr. Levine. In my mind, I will have to separate the musical genius from the person.
  3. Has been around for a long time. This is a new name/profile for him. I could be wrong, but I believe he is a known rip-off artist. One of the scams, allegedly, is to request upfront payment for customized videos. Good luck!
  4. Are you kidding me? He is a total bottom!
  5. Are you in NYC? This guy is a dark blonde. Muscular, although a bit beefier now than in the model-esque pictures of his ad. He LOVES to bottom: https://rent.men/hottmuscleboy/
  6. So totally HOT ... any thoughts on who this is? And better still, how he may be contacted? Appreciate it.
  7. A beautiful young man, with a most unusual physique. Specimens like him are rarely available. He was a bit shy at first, but when I gently massaged his perineum, his butt became like putty in my hands. I will refrain from describing the rest of the session - no need to be graphic. He performed as I wished he did, then added more to it. That's all.
  8. I am going to tear his ass UP. He better have ID that shows he is of legal age ...
  9. Good luck, FF! I hope this will bring you joy and happiness.
  10. His nipples seem to be getting bigger ... or is that just the Vaseline he puts on them?
  11. I see. Thanks! I thought Marty a.k.a. Robbie a.k.a. Tattooed Monster was his travel buddy. https://rent.men/Tattooedmonster
  12. Is he Asian? That's interesting ...
  13. Last night, I gave 5O cents to a panhandler in the subway. A guy sitting in the seat in front of me yelled: 'that's wrong'. People are so weird.
  14. Interesting name - I have never seen him in NYC
  15. From this client's perspective, it would be totally acceptable if you requested travel expenses prepaid and a modest deposit on the fee, for overnight or extended dates.
  16. Yes I do. I find it brings me good luck later on in the day. So what if they buy cigarettes and alcohol with it? Even the Pope said we should give to panhandlers.
  17. Remember 'Barbaro'? A perfectly proportioned thoroughbred who convincingly won the Kentucky Derby a few years ago? After his tragic death on the race track, the owners frequently repeated the mating, i.e. same sire and dam, with the hopes of creating another superstar horse. It never happened. Genetics are powerful, but creating a champion is rare and involves random luck. This is what I think of when I see people spend a lot money, finding the right dam for their seed, hoping to produce superior quality offspring. Sorry, it doesn't work that way.
  18. He is applying the principles of finance to his family life. He is driven by cost analysis, long-term expected payoffs and return on investment. However, the mistake he makes is that he could have married a substantially wealthier wife, executed an attractive pre-nup agreement and all his present financial calculations would be off. Looking at the bigger picture, the friend of the guy you are sorta dating, doesn't seem to be ready for/want/desire a wife. If this is true, he really shouldn't. One shouldn't marry just for the purpose to have kids. There are so many other alternatives.
  19. There is potential, but without face pictures I am not risking it ...
  20. He still looks good! I would totally 'do' him ...
  21. https://www.edgemedianetwork.com/news///251159/teacher_responds_to_students_learning_he_was_a_gay_adult_actor:_it_wasnt_exactly_a_secret The professor's students discover his past. Being that this is in Europe, it is no big deal. A living proof that there is life after porn ... This brings back memories. I thoroughly enjoyed him when he was escorting on the DL The ultimate, responsive muscle bottom he was.
  22. Promising ... GingerMuscle is gay then?
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