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Posts posted by littlenut

  1. Wow! I was expecting to hear from a few posters, maybe as many as 6 or 7, but the replies have kind of blown me away. It took me a couple of weeks to decide to post, I thought I was a little alone in my sentiments. But clearly I’m not. And for such a variety of reasons.


    As I mentioned, I’m 51, so I don’t feel like age is a big factor for me (yet). But many of the other reasons that have surfaced in the responses strike a chord with me. Cost, type of guys available, difficulty in arranging meetings are all significant factors.


    As I consider things, I think the loss of a few “regulars” that I’d hire is possibly the largest factor. I’m not under any impression that we were more than escort-client, but nor do I think any of them could be easily “replaced”.


    Part of my reason for starting the thread was to understand if my current state is a phase or more permanent change in life. I’m sensing the latter but keeping an open mind.

  2. I was curious if any of you had gone through a period where you just didn’t feel like hiring escorts anymore. If so, I’d welcome any specifics you’d be willing to share (how long? reasons for it? what triggered a return? etc.)


    I’ve hired twice in the last 12 months, most recently in August. Both sessions were good enough, but I just don’t have the urge to continue at this point. I’m 51, I own my own business so free time is tough to come by, and I’ve had a few of my regulars retire/disappear from the scene in the last couple of years. So all of those could be factors in my current headspace. But to be honest, I thought I’d get the desire again but it’s just not happening. To clarify, it’s not a lack of physical desire, but a lack of wanting to go through the “process” and effort that it can take to find someone compatible.


    I’m likely overthinking the situation, which is something I often do in life. Just thought I’d check with folks to see if anyone had experienced similar feelings. Thanks for anything you’d like to share.

  3. I don't know what y'all are talking about, fake pictures. I recently met with all six. Simultaneously. They were exactly like their photos, except where they were hotter and better, and even all wearing the exact same clothing. We met in the back of the Dodge Caravan @rvwnsd mentioned, which was lit by a chandelier and a disco ball, and had seven beds and a jacuzzi in it. And a butler handing out free champagne. We started in Albuquerque, drove to Atlanta, Detroit, and Miami, and ended the trip in Milan. Everyone had multiple orgasms.


    Would you repeat?

  4. Maybe you were not being a cheapo - it is possible he asked for that high rate for a while but did not get enough buyers and then lowered his rate. The people who got the lower rate could be the ones writing the good reviews.


    Maybe you can check the current rate on the $500/hr guy and see if he has come down to something reasonable.


    You never know.


    It’s possible, but from threads/comments on this board, it sounds like he had continued at the rate of 500/hr a couple of months after he quoted me that rate

  5. I turned down someone yesterday asking for 400/hr. So... not even if his rate was for 2.5 hrs, I guess.


    I also turned down someone for 500/hr earlier this year, yet he’s received 24 reviews on RM in 2019 alone. So I was starting to think I was just a cheapo.

  6. Danny's pics are real, at least they were a few years ago when I met him. He was a good kisser, but don't know if he offers the other services you are looking for. Perfectly nice guy, although I didn't have a great connection with him (not much chemistry between us), but that doesn't mean others wouldn't hit it off better.

  7. Quoted me $500/hr, asked if negotiable, said no. Asked for 2 hr rate, quoted $950. Told him rates were out of my range, and hope he enjoyed his time in NY.


    On the plus side, he was very responsive and polite in communications.


    I'm amazed that people are paying that much for an hour. But if he can get it, good for him.

  8. Do you prefer in Calls (seeing the escort in his home/hotel) or Out Calls (seeing the escort in your home/hotel)? What do you like or dislike about each scenario, or does it not matter to you?


    I'm just curious if others have a preference and if so which. Typically, I've done Out Calls, meeting in my hotel room, although I've met traveling guys in their hotels. But I feel a bit awkward visiting an escort in his actual home. Am I alone in this? I can't even put my finger on why exactly I find it unsettling.

  9. Alec and Ryan are no longer together. I never met Ryan, so I don't know him, or how he's doing. Alec started seeing someone else last year, got engaged this summer, but has recently deleted his social media, so I'm no longer getting updates. But was doing great as of a few months ago.

  10. Alec Andrews


    Surprised he didn't get more mentions, but maybe 2 years into retirement people are starting to forget. But one of the nicest guys I've met, in or out of the business. Last I heard, had just gotten engaged to his boyfriend of the last 18 months, so retirement must be agreeing with him.

  11. When I inquired if a certain escort was versatile, he responded "If the chemistry is there". (I am a Top only.)


    He looks great, is well reviewed, and points for being honest up front, I guess. And there's always oral. But I'm trying to decide whether to pass.


    Just curious how others would handle if in my situation.

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