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Everything posted by robberbaron4u

  1. Having watched Hulu's HARLOTS, I am tempted to open a bawdy boys' house. . .
  2. The man can follow a script. . .as stated, the scenario as played is too "pat" to be credible; the "theatre" that is the Royal Family has become tedious and its actors tiresome. Bring on the Chorus Boys. . .
  3. Has anyone given any thought that the "chase" was a "orchestrated" event, a "pity ploy" staged by two people who felt that they had been denied their share of the limelight in past weeks? The whole scenario just seems too "pat" to be creditable as a spontaneous event.
  4. Hmmm...the "flick" Death Becomes Her comes to mind. Whatever has become of poor Peter?
  5. The Miami market is saturated with the like; at one time, the pool parties at Casa Malinka on Hisbiscus Island were an open market for "shopping" with "Kosta", a gorgeous White Russian boy, acting in the capacity of major domo and " floor manager"..
  6. Mojojoy worms, something of a culinary delight in Columbia but not as tasty as sauteed "Big Butt Ants". Personally, I have never ventured beyond crispy fried squirrel tails.
  7. Tempus does indeed fugit...
  8. Ain't no dust on me...
  9. He has been discussed, under a prior stage name, in postings to the forum. IvyLeagueHungVers?
  10. Nonetheless, he cannot be faulted for false modesty or honesty. Of course, as you have stated, his prospects might be "pie in the sky".
  11. Rent a "power suit" , practice a "hot potato" dialect, order up a Manhattan cocktail and he is all yours...
  12. This is his rack rate card: 1 hour massage $250; 1 hour massage with happy ending ("hand-job") $500; 1 hour, bottom served up, $750; overnight, $1500.
  13. I am in agreement with you; if he is marketing himself to "twinks", he will have no client inventory as "young, bright things" tend to "bump" with their like kind without monetary compensation.
  14. Perhaps. . .however, as with many young men who turn to escorting, he is inexperienced in the how and the why and the wheretofor of the thing, and, too he is alone in the world and the only one to nourish his self-esteem is he, himself.
  15. Shall we allow that he is discriminating in his acquaintance? Most clients have a preference for a particular "type" of escort; shall we throw stones at an escort who has a particular type of client in mind?
  16. Stop it, I say! As with the majority of youths new to the business, he is given to hubris and "puffing". I have offered him my assistance in editing his promotional literature. As everyone knows, I relish a "project" with promise.
  17. Antuann / Rentmen.eu / Miami. Svelte, pretty bottom boy in the "rescue escort" category; attentive and accomodating when petted down; however, he is new to the business and requires patience in handling. I have advised him to lose the beard stubble as it detracts from his youtful countenance.
  18. "An internationally signed and published fitness, underwear and swimsuit model". . .I dareay he is not given to false modesty..
  19. Ah, me. . ."fame and fortune" have gone to his head, the "big one" not "the little one". In the beginning of his career as an "escort", he was very attentive; "celebrity" of sorts precludes such attentions with him, that is, it is a "privilege" to be a client, and you should be grateful for that which you get from him. . By nature, he is a "big bottom boy" in his sexual position orientation. That stated, he is a very pretty piece of work.
  20. Services are a la carte and dessert is very expensive.
  21. Prior to the AIDS pandemic, the escort industry at New Orleans flourished; indeed, several agencies did business in that city. As you stated, the "pickins' are slim" these days; I "import" on the occasions NOLA is on my calendar.
  22. Derivation of "rescue dog" without any intent to demean the escort on my part.
  23. HungLovingCutie is a mature " rescue escort". Homing fee is applicable.
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