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Posts posted by Gabrieltop

  1. On 6/17/2023 at 10:50 PM, josh282282 said:

    You should remove that comment about gabriel's rate. I don't think it's appropriate 


    Hi Gabriel/Tom.

    The above is a cut/paste of the note you privately sent me on Thursday here on this site.

    On this particular subject, I think a public discussion between us is better than a private one.  I do not take private messages sent to me to public view, but this is clearly a public discussion. 

    In sum, I respectfully disagree with you that my comment in 2021 on your rate was inappropriate.

     In my comment from 2021, I discussed your rate, not your body size, skills, or personality.

    This is capitalism and I have every right to decide what rate I feel is too high.  And this is a forum where clients talk about their experiences with escorts. 

    To be sure, you have every right to price your services at any rate you want.   Its a two-way street this capitalism.

    I'm just at a loss to understand your argument that I should remove a comment I made about your rate from 2021. 

    At this time, I will not be taking my comment down. 

    But I genuinely wish you the very best in your endeavors, both escorting and personal.



    Josh, Thanks first of all for your kind words. however, Tom is my regular client and not me... he signed up to defend me, that's what he told me. Believe it or not, it's true. 

    The reason I asked you to remove private conversations in 2021 is cz we charge different rates in different cities or countries and if I'm charging 500 in Nyc or Dubai someone who reads will ask me to lower my rate for him. It's up to you if you won't remove it but imagine I post your number and our conversation screenshots on here. (I still have it, Never delete any conversation with any number but don't worry I will never do it...) That's exactly how I feel when you published my texts and rates.  

    P.S. To be honest with all of you I no longer care how many hateful comments you will write on here. I'm staying away from it and from any negative energy. If any of you gonna bring this energy when we meet please don't make an appointment with me... 

    Life is too short and I will always try to be a good man despite lots of hateful people in this world.

    You don't need to respond. 

    Take care.

  2. 2 hours ago, Peter Eater said:

    Very nice photo, but there’s really no way to know if it was taken this week or three years ago, prior to your unfortunate woes. (Sorry you went through that.) Next time, take a photo with a newspaper in it, which confirms the picture’s date. 😘

    True! I didn't think about that:)) I will consider or maybe send you one. :)  However,  clients who have been in my apartment will know it's new as I moved to LA and this apartment recently from NYC.  ❤️

  3. 50 minutes ago, KennF said:

    Hi Gabriel. 

    Thank you for the post.

    The forum can attract one offs or even competitors that take a stab at drumming up issues.  It isn't exclusive to any one place.

    After reading your response, I was left with more, not less, doubts about all the peeps involved. 

    The original flame out was more or less dismissed.  Those kind of direct reviews, in public, from a newbie are not something I put any stock in.

    The same reaction tends from the 180 degree response.  

    Now your comments are understandable, but it sounded more of a gut reaction and defensive.   That isn't to say you shouldn't react.  Most of the readers here didn't say or do anything to trigger this.  When some starts with the 'I will only respond once and that's it' approach... well that's not helpful marketing.   

    I accept that you RM profile reviews are genuine and sincere.  But your style here reads unapproachable. 

    So, my thought...is that someone I would want to be around for an experience?   By the way, that's the purpose of my response.  To find out.

    Hi mate, Hope you doing well.  I said I will respond once only as reading it was stressful, and honestly, I don't want to get into a discussion on here to prove something and get into negativity as I'm always trying to avoid it. If you have any questions you can message me privet. :) ❤️

  4. 6 minutes ago, Gabrieltop said:
    Hey guys! Hope everyone is doing well.
    This is Gabriel,  A few of my clients sent me this link and I've decided to respond as some comments have been pretty hateful about me.
    First of all, I won't get into an argument or discussion with any of you as I won't win it, You're many and I'm one. Secondly, it will make me down only and I will respond once.
    My Rentmen reviews are real and trustworthy as the client only can leave one review and must verify his account. Also must be a Premium client (Paid client to RM) which means the client should provide Bank card details and pay For RM which means every review is verified by RM webmasters and Communication by RM chat must be between the client and the escort and reviews are actually from people I've met.  (Comments on this website aren't verified and anyone can write whatever they want).
    Also, I'm not. fat, flabby, or uncomfortable to be around.  I know I can't be everyone's cup of tea (not the end of the world) and also we can't connect with everyone intimacy however I always try my best to provide the best energy and service I can. 
    Someone said I was fat, I had never been fat but I gained a few pounds in 2021 when I was going through a breakup and my only sister (30 years old) was killed and I was very depressed, I stopped taking care of myself, Body, mind, and everything. I was not even able to go home to be with my family as I didn't have a Green card yet and I wasn't allowed to leave the US. I'm not saying this to make you pity for me but I was going through a lot and I even stopped doing this job in 2021 for 2 years as I couldn't do it anymore. I wasn't in a good mental state... I understand you don't care about it as you guys care about looks only and looking at us like a piece of meat but sometimes life isn't easy. 
    So after 2 years of Break, I decided to come back when I was ready for it and I lost those extra pounds too long ago. I've got lots of regular clients and many clients told me I look better in Person and most of my clients are happy with me. 
    If you're the type of guy that thinks you pay me and you own me I'm not your guy, but if you're respectful and nice you will get along with me.  If you're enjoying a nice guy, with Good energy, friendly, Clean living, a None drug user. The guy who can be a sweet, cuddling person, or The guy who enjoys being verbally dominant and Alpha male Then I'm your guy.  
    Also, I always appreciate feedback or complaints in Person or by texting me directly instead of posting here bad comments. I wonder why only negative stuff is on this website and why happy clients don't write reviews on this platform. I also don't believe they're real. or why someone would write hatefully about someone that you never met.
    Guys, come and see me, don't hesitate to meet me and if you are not into me you can leave immediately without any drama. ( I know you won't leave tho)
    I've decided to take a picture today and post it here too, so you can see what I look like today. (06/16/2023) 😉😅❤️
    Take care and hugs & love. xoxoxo


  5. Hey guys! Hope everyone is doing well.
    This is Gabriel,  A few of my clients sent me this link and I've decided to respond as some comments have been pretty hateful about me.
    First of all, I won't get into an argument or discussion with any of you as I won't win it, You're many and I'm one. Secondly, it will make me down only and I will respond once.
    My Rentmen reviews are real and trustworthy as the client only can leave one review and must verify his account. Also must be a Premium client (Paid client to RM) which means the client should provide Bank card details and pay For RM which means every review is verified by RM webmasters and Communication by RM chat must be between the client and the escort and reviews are actually from people I've met.  (Comments on this website aren't verified and anyone can write whatever they want).
    Also, I'm not. fat, flabby, or uncomfortable to be around.  I know I can't be everyone's cup of tea (not the end of the world) and also we can't connect with everyone intimacy however I always try my best to provide the best energy and service I can. 
    Someone said I was fat, I had never been fat but I gained a few pounds in 2021 when I was going through a breakup and my only sister (30 years old) was killed and I was very depressed, I stopped taking care of myself, Body, mind, and everything. I was not even able to go home to be with my family as I didn't have a Green card yet and I wasn't allowed to leave the US. I'm not saying this to make you pity me but I was going through a lot and I even stopped doing this job in 2021 for 2 years as I couldn't do it anymore. I wasn't in a good mental state... I understand you don't care about it as you guys care about looks only and looking at us like a piece of meat but sometimes life isn't easy. 
    So after 2 years of Break, I decided to come back when I was ready for it and I lost those extra pounds too long ago. I've got lots of regular clients and many clients told me I look better in Person and most of my clients are happy with me. 
    If you're the type of guy that thinks you pay me and you own me I'm not your guy, but if you're respectful and nice you will get along with me.  If you're enjoying a nice guy, with Good energy, friendly, Clean living, The guy who can be a sweet, cuddling person, or The guy who enjoys being verbally dominant and Alpha male Then I'm your guy.  
    Also, I always appreciate feedback or complaints in Person or by texting me directly instead of posting here bad comments. I wonder why only negative stuff is on this website and why happy clients don't write reviews on this platform. I also don't believe they're real. or why someone would write hatefully about someone that you never met.
    Guys, come and see me, don't hesitate to meet me and if you are not into me you can leave inimitable without any drama. ( I know you won't leave tho)
    I've decided to take a picture today and post it here too, so you can see what I look like today. (06/16/2023) 😉😅❤️
    Take care and hugs & love. xoxoxo
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