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Posts posted by Cash4Trash

  1. I saw this on Friday and liked it a good deal. The director, Chloe Zhao, has said it's a doc-drama - a scripted film telling the true story of rodeo cowboy Brady Janreau who suffered a catastrophic head injury while in the ring. All of the "actors" are amateurs including Brady, his father, his sister and friends basically playing their story. You become immersed in their world. Helps that the star - Brady - is attractive and charismatic.



    Here's an interesting interview with the director. https://mubi.com/notebook/posts/better-than-wages-chloe-zhao-discusses-the-rider


    Check it out.

  2. I haven't tried it yet because I'm not a big fan of satire. It becomes tedious to me very quickly. If satire is just a jumping off point of a comedy drama, that would be something I'm interested in.

    Thematically it's about how authority figures, peers and social media can imprint who you are onto you before you discover yourself. I've never seen what is essentially a gross out faux documentary with an underlying serious theme before.

    But before we get all artsy phartzy it's funny as hell as we try to learn whether Dylan painted the dicks on the teachers cars. And if not Dylan who? And did Alex get the hand job or not? And, and, and...

  3. Sounds like it will share the fate of On Your Feet (Gloria Estefan) and Motown, The Musical. A couple of years on Broadway and tour like hell for the next 20.

    They've got a couple of months to work on the book. The Temptations musical was just in San Francisco and may be on it's way as well. Escape From Margaritaville

    opens in the spring. (Jimmy Buffet) Four hits so far this fall 1) The Band's Visit 2) Once On This Island 3) SpongeBob SquarePants The Musical and 4) The Children.

    Frozen and Harry Potter in the spring - it's going to be one helluva year.

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