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Posts posted by MsGuy

  1. When we both worked out at the same gym years ago, I admired your gifts. How could I charge a man who brought that much to the table.?


    Gently cup your left hand behind his head, lean in tight and whispher softly in his ear," Count the cash twice, then put it in plain sight on the table."

  2. Seems like entrapment to me:


    Entrapment does not mean what most people think it means.



    Entrapment is a defense to criminal charges, and it's based on interaction between police officers and the defendant prior to (or during) the alleged crime. A typical entrapment scenario arises when law enforcement officers use coercion and other overbearing tactics to induce someone to commit a crime.


    First, the defendant must be a person w/o previous inclination to commit the crime in question.

    Second, the cops must use really nasty behavior to induce him to commit the crime.

    The general idea is to restrain the police from pressuring otherwise law abiding folks into criminality for the purpose of arresting them.

    Third, in entrapment, the burden of proof is on the defendant, not the prosecution.


    I suggest that anyone who was influenced by false reviews on an escort site will have a hard time proving he had no prior inclination to solict prostitution. Further, no judge is going to find that posting an ad &/or false review amounts to coercion or overbearing behavior.


    If all this strikes you as wrong, remove the issue from our hobby and think of all the truly unpleasant tactics undercover cops are allowed to engage in to suppress drug transactions.

  3. And the straight guests didn't even have to ask which guy was the bride...


    "Damien dazzled in a black blazer, which was completely covered in crystals... he walked down the aisle in a crystal crown."

  4. Bnac, you also share a cool story of a long lost sib showing up out of the blue and " being instantly accepted by a huge extended family who accepted him for no other reason than sharing the same dna. " That's the kind of story that gets told and retold at family gatherings for decades.


    Some sociologists maintain than such shared stories are the brick and mortar from which human families are constructed and maintained. The story of your search; The story of that first phone call. The first meeting; how Aunt Sue was the first to notice your laugh was just like your grandfather's. Endless bricks to make a family.

  5. Ilse Koch (probably not related to the American Koch brothers) used to personally select inmates at Buchenwald with interesting tattoos for slaughter, skinning and tanning. Later tried and convicted for war crimes.


    To the best of my recollection, this was purely an artistic endeavour and entirely separate from the folks who tanned skins for lamp shades and book binding.


    The guys rendering corpses to make soap were just assisting in the war effort. Waste not, want no.

  6. This is not a new observation. Several years ago some studies established that 65% to 70% of self-identified gay males had index fingers the same length as their ring fingers (as do straight women). Most straight men have shorter index fingers (as do most lesbians).


    If I recall the articles correctly, the structural differences between male and female brains appear in the fetal brain are around weeks 10-12 which, by amazing coincidence, is also the time at which the relative finger length is set.


    At that time there were a number of guesses as to what might account for all this but not much in the way of clear evidence.


    ps My index finger is of the long variety too.

  7. locals who are keen to get the most out of their animals were being forced to crossbreed the animals to create mules,


    I always heard that jacks (male donkeys) were happy enough to help out. Granted in the case of large breed mares, a ramp might be needed to get the jack in position.


    Maria Skourta, 42, the leader of the Athens branch of Direct Action Everywhere, claims: “We were content with the bulletin because the purpose of our organization is to bring matters to light and initiate conversation.


    “But our goal is not to improve the lives of slaves, it is to free them entirely.


    Seems that "Direct Action Everywhere" is Greek for PETA.

  8. But doing away with EXIT signs is another nail in the coffin of the universality, commonality of the Latin language.


    The USA has become a multi-lingual nation. The signs can not be in all the myriad of languages.




    Trust me on this, English is the new lingua franca.


    It's been a very long time since Latin exited stage left.

  9. This was my go to newspaper for topics on Gay news & entertainment . Used to always cut out the discount coupon for the Gaiety. Before the internet & sites like Grindr the Classifieds were the way to meet people.


    One ad I read in 1967, I can still quote to this day:


    "Multiple amputee seeks same for fun and games."


    Funny how something like that can stick in your brain.

  10. Oops! TBT is correct. Should have googled before typing. Sorry about that.


    Since forever I've been of the (mistaken) belief that only the old silver and gold coins were designated as legal tender.


    Guess there's still room for this old fart to learn new stuff.


    Now if I could just figure out how to keep my computer software up to date. Sigh.

  11. Umami is the name coined by the Japanese chemist who first discovered around 1906 that glutamates impart a distinct meaty or brothy flavor to food. Like yours, my school texts only showed 4 basic tastes, probably because folks in the West were much not much inclined to credit that a slanty-eyed, buck toothed Jap could possibly know more than us about anything scientific.


    I remember puzzling over this very question back in high school and again in college (1960's). My personal direct experience seemed to indicate that meats and broths had a taste that did not reduce to some combination of salty, sweet, bitter and sour, but there it was in the books and who was I to question received wisdom?



  12. Rightly???


    It's been my experience that English is a river that doesn't much respond to the dikes of logic folks try to impose on it, most especially when it comes to spelling.


    Personally, I would use "monies" if I were writing of financial instruments/transactions and the like, but might well lean toward "moneys" as a substitute for "currencies". And, no, that doesn't make the least bit of sense, LOL, but its all a matter of preference in the first place, so why not?




    There are far too many things in the world to get myself aggravated over to let myself get pissed over how someone wants to spell the plural of money. LOL, I mean how often do folks actually use that particular plural in the first place.

  13. Canines and humans have been living together so long (12,000 years+) that dogs have evolved that ability to digest food items commonly found in early human diets. That includes grains like wheat. For most dogs the addition of grain to their food is no problem.


    However, like humans, dogs haven't been on a wheat/rye oat/etc. heavy diet for long enough that all individuals have the genes to handle glutens efficiently. Individual dogs can have most all of the same adverse reactions to glutens (wheat proteins) that some humans do.


    If your dog can handle glutens, and most can, there is no reason to avoid dog chow containing wheat any more than there is for you to avoid bread if you can handle that in your diet. Gluents are a good, cheap source of protein.


    If your pet doesn't do well on a wheat heavy brand of chow. try switching to one that uses rice for a filler. The proteins found in rice don't seem to cause the diseases in humans and dogs caused by those found in wheat and related grains. I've noticed that many or most of the quality brands avoid using wheat as a filler.


    As for particular brands, IMHO once you reach a high quality level, more expensive does not mean better. That said, there's no accounting for taste, in dogs as much as people. Let your companion try out several good quality brands and go with whichever he seems to enjoy the best. As long as he got a good diet, you wouldn't insist on picking out the exact flavor, say, of your child's ice cream. I would think we owe at least that much choice to our pets.


    For "Straightboyz.co" the conceit is that all the straight boys in his New York neighborhood know they can make a quick buck by dropping by his apartment and letting him film them getting a blow job/jerk off by the director (or occasionally his room mate). Rarely, the boy has to return the favor.


    Goofy as the above sounds, I knew a guy who had something similar going. By word of mouth a substantial number of kids knew they could stop by his house and pick up some beer money by letting him suck their toes and lick their feet. Kids would pass the info on to younger friends, maybe bring them by to get them started. The whole thing went on for decades. Sometimes there would be 3 or 4 guys sitting around in his living room playing spades or rook while waiting their turn. Whether things ever went past foot fetish, I have no know,ledge.


    The weirdest thing about it all was that this went on so long some of the boys were sons of boys who had visited in their own beer money days. I swear I'm not lying.


    The whole thing ended in a crash when one of the current guys had a come to Jesus moment at a Baptist revival and fessed up his sins in some considerable detail in front of God and the entire congregation during altar call. NO arrests though. Apparently a few too many sober-sided pillars of the community were reluctant for the details (read names of the suckees) to be revealed. At any rate the sheriff declined to investigate.


    So guys, as unlikely and staged as some of these porn clips seem, just remember stranger things have happened.

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