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Posts posted by Phil_musc

  1. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-Pwa_ZVz73ac/U0SVDu4TOXI/AAAAAAAE7nM/WHjL52u8M_k/s1600/tumblr_n1imm5npCo1ro76g2o1_500.jpg

    "Well yes, Officer, you see I was out here on my day off signing up unregistered voters. It was hard work and I got tired. So I lay down to take a little snooze, and someone must have come along and stole my clothes. I gotta tell you, I'm pretty pissed about that. Not only was I wearing my new black jockstrap from Amazon, but I had some sweat shorts and my brand new designer tee shirt. Someone must have come along when I was dozing and walked off with them. I tell you, Officer, what a world we live in."

  2. I stayed in pretty good shape using dumbbells, bands and bodyweight exercises - I was smoother than normal, but didn't lose any size. A couple months ago, we invested in our own equipment and turned our living room into a home gym. I'm in better shape than when I was going to the gym because I don't have to wait for equipment, I don't have any excuse for skipping workouts and it is supremely relaxing to lift at home all by myself. As a matter of fact, I'm almost in contest shape.

    Aww c'mon, Rudy, don't tease us! We all wanna see (well, at least I do) Post a pic of your success! We're drooling already.


    I am doing the same amount of formal exercise as ever, and diet even more balanced than previously, but just went out to buy four pairs of pants a size up. I have a lot of wiggle room to slack off due to a lifetime of care and restraint, but the additional time seated activities at home must be adding a molecule of fat per click.


    For myself I decided to just face reality and get ahead of the curve - I went up 3 inches in pants sizes. What the hell - no one is seeing me anyway.


    On a more serious note, my gym re-opened about a month ago and at the time, I wanted to wait to go back until September. Now September is here and I'm itching to get back. I take it that the many fine members on this board would counsel me to wait some more? The gym has put up barricades to cut down on airflow, spaced the equipment better, and is keeping an eye on the amount of people there. If we all wear masks and wipe down the equipment - isn't that enough precautions?

  3. Those of a certain age and beyond may well remember the porn star Al Parker who for most of his career was circumsized. He seemed to have a thing in his movies for guys who were uncut - it was a real fetish for him, I believe. Anyway, near the end of his career as a performer he disappeared for a while and when he came back he had foreskin. At first I thought he must have gone to Lordes, but he did an interview in which he talked about the surgery. Sounded painful. I hope it was worth it for Al. He died a few years later of HIV complications.

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