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builder boy

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Everything posted by builder boy

  1. builder boy


    James is NOTHING but a CLASS ACT. You don't deserve the deposit back and really shouldn't have posted these things here or at MSS. No wonder he blocked you, and then bragging about Jessie James to boot. Agreed this should come down. James is always on point and a regular house guest. I wouldn't let this persuade me whatsoever
  2. I just personally think 5000 an overnite of 9000 for 2 evenings is crazy. But maybe that's just me.
  3. Does anyone think 5k a nite expensive?
  4. Well my apologies. I thought u were an advocate of vins. As far as James goes, he's the best. I can't imagine this at all
  5. He's fabulous bar none. I have had him for so many weekends. 5 star period. And as far as experiences go, you have raved about Vin Marco and if you want to discuss things. So yes three sides to every story.
  6. So many fantastic built men anyway. Take Reese for example one of my favorites and a stellar body and quality. To many great choices. Bye bye
  7. Just reporting my experiences. Whether you believe or not is up to you.
  8. Because having seen the likes of James XXX, Reese, Kyle Strong, and plenty more I know these men are quality and reliable. When someone flakes on three separate weekend appts I will consistently share that experience. As far as the drug reference you can read previous threads just as well as I can. Hope that clears things up.
  9. Yup, that's what he quoted for a massage!!
  10. 3 no shows, habitual drug user, much better quality available.
  11. You clearly are a man of exceptional taste !!!
  12. Will do. What a body !!!
  13. builder boy

    LA guys

    Curious if anyone has had any experience with either Musclemenm or Spanishmuscle? They look great, and I apologize ahead for not posting their links.
  14. No phone or email. Strange.
  15. builder boy

    Michael V Info

    And 2k a night with 40 percent deposit. No thank you.
  16. Typical. Sorry as better choices.
  17. Good luck. Hope he shows and that's just the start.
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