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builder boy

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Everything posted by builder boy

  1. Several discreet choices.
  2. He does not travel correct.
  3. builder boy


    Stop asking others to set your "so called" meeting up. You know how to reach him yourself. You appear desperate and somewhat unstable, which are traits you've shown before. I for one am moving on. James is a stand up guy and all I need to know.
  4. builder boy


    I simply think your a lunatic. He's far better off to have you out of his life. Look at your posts. Crazy
  5. builder boy


    CLEARLY as well as several others.
  6. builder boy


    I don't owe you squat. And obviously he wants nothing to do with you and who can blame him.
  7. builder boy


    When it comes to you, hands down James any day. Sorry I know your antics. You have shown enough here alone. Ciao
  8. builder boy


    Well I guess your not to "proud" to deal with escorts. lol what a load of crap you are. And yes I am proud of my friendships with several guys. I don't discriminate based on what someone does for a occupation.
  9. builder boy


    Trust me this one is as bad as the orginal poster
  10. builder boy


    And that goes both ways trust me.
  11. builder boy


    Per usual you know nothing you speak of. I have friendships with guys that I have seen in the past, since early 2000's and trust me "the money stopped flowing" years ago! You may be putting your own experiences on others and frankly that's your issue. As far as "cheerleaders" I don't see how stating the facts is anything more than seeing right from wrong. James is a good guy and is certainly not dishonest, nor did he steal anything. You would be better off keep your posts elsewhere as clearly you have no real value to bring to this ridiculous post in the first place
  12. Because I am extremely particular and prefer the very best. I don't have time to meet and greet and prefer a specific type, and with discriminating taste this is the best and easiest way to achieve that.
  13. builder boy


    No I don't see it that way at all, and clearly nor does anyone else. We all know what occurred.
  14. builder boy


    My issue is with a three time no show. You screwed James.
  15. builder boy


    Agreed. And if you don't want people "still going on about this", you shouldn't have started this ridiculous post.
  16. builder boy


    Couldn't agree more. Then in the next breath he's upset because James blocked him. I have spoken to Janes directly and trust me , he was not at fault here. And the cherry on the cake is that he then mentions that he's now seeing Jessie James, and how fantastic he is, as if to say he's so much better than James. It might do well for the good Dr to remember that these 2 fellows are very close and a discussion has already occurred about the Dr's behavior
  17. Just curious, when did you become a moderator on this board? Aren't you a bit new here to be telling us how to act ?
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