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Posts posted by colonexstacy

  1. 28 minutes ago, DWsoccer said:

    🙄  I invite you to hire him, and then I will be glad to accept your apology.  😘  As I said before, the person in the pictures is based in Dubai, and this person is NOT currently in the US.

    Again, it is possible that this person is handsome and muscular.  He might even be a polite and friendly young man.  He is NOT the person in the pictures, so at the very least there is some kind of integrity issue.  Maybe he just wants discretion or privacy, and he could possibly be a good hire.......but he is NOT the person pictured.  

    28 minutes ago, DWsoccer said:

    🙄  I invite you to hire him, and then I will be glad to accept your apology.  😘  As I said before, the person in the pictures is based in Dubai, and this person is NOT currently in the US.

    Again, it is possible that this person is handsome and muscular.  He might even be a polite and friendly young man.  He is NOT the person in the pictures, so at the very least there is some kind of integrity issue.  Maybe he just wants discretion or privacy, and he could possibly be a good hire.......but he is NOT the person pictured.  

    LOL sister you want my apology? LOL LOL I met him and I would say you need glasses sister. It is definitely him I have no reason to say otherwise I told him that there were some misgivings being said about him so he sent me a picture in advance and the picture is of the guy that is in the ad and I had a fabulous time and I would rehire him. He was exceptional. Now I will not go so far as to say maybe by some weird coincidence he wasn't able to accommodate and had to get someone to step in for him. In all honestly I've heard of that kind of thing. Gays are notorious for running with other gays that look just like them. After all look at all these gay loving couples. Some of them look like twins. LOL apology? We don't think so


    On 4/24/2023 at 10:49 AM, DWsoccer said:

    Interestingly, "Marklom" just got another review and it says that the pictures are "accurate".   This is a bit annoying, because I know for a fact that these are stolen pictures.  However, the word "accurate" is tricky, because it's not exact.  It may very well be that the provider is handsome/muscular.......so the pics are accurate.  But they are not of him.  The last reviewer even says that he is "better" than the pics.  Who knows?  

    Okay if you know for a fact then I want to know what the facts are because he messaged me and seems very pleasant. He also called me $200 as is exactly what his ad says. Personally I have a feeling you are hurting his business. When people say I know for a fact then tell us the facts. If you say these are pictures of somebody in Dubai who tell us who tell us how you know this otherwise how do I know that you're not just some burnt client and believe me there are some burnt clients that come on here and say stuff that really discourage the rest of us from wanting to initiate and continue initiating setting up an appointment.

  2. 8 hours ago, DWsoccer said:

    Interestingly, "Marklom" just got another review and it says that the pictures are "accurate".   This is a bit annoying, because I know for a fact that these are stolen pictures.  However, the word "accurate" is tricky, because it's not exact.  It may very well be that the provider is handsome/muscular.......so the pics are accurate.  But they are not of him.  The last reviewer even says that he is "better" than the pics.  Who knows?  

    Okay if you know for a fact then I want to know what the facts are because he messaged me and seems very pleasant. He also called me $200 as is exactly what his ad says. Personally I have a feeling you are hurting his business. When people say I know for a fact then tell us the facts. If you say these are pictures of somebody in Dubai who tell us who tell us how you know this otherwise how do I know that you're not just some burnt client and believe me there are some burnt clients that come on here and say stuff that really discourage the rest of us from wanting to initiate and continue initiating setting up an appointment.

  3. Is anybody at home in Fort Lauderdale and I don't mean because of the recent flooding. There are so many guys that every time I look at their profile it says they have no reviews yet. How can there be so many guys with no reviews and they're the only ones I'm interested in? Lol. Does anyone have anybody they would recommend? I'm going to be there in 2 weeks i'm trying it hard to believe that there's no hot guy that has been around for a while. With credibility!

  4. I don't know what the hell that guy means saying something about a damn cigar. lol. Anyhow I messaged him on RM and he said to MSM him. So I did  moments ago and he still has not responded. Its been at least 30 seconds. I'll give a report once I have him. And in a timely manner as opposed to all this damn waiting. lol

  5. I never know how to find information on the guys on that particular site that I am mentioning here especially when they have a common name like brad. Come on somebody has got to have something on that guy he looks hot but my experience with these guys on that side is very limited in terms of what all they are willing to do and I'm not looking for angle or but my God I'm going to touch that damn body and he better get hard. Anyone here with experience and you better spill the beans because I've got 24 hours I'm going to be in this city pittsburgh. God pray for me.


  6. so this little mother f***ker Adrenaline asked for a pic and I obliged. he wanted to know about my physical attributes. He blocked me upon receipt and no further communication allowed. What I dont get it that if they want to be please sexually then why the hell pay them. They are the provider and he wants 250 but if he is getting off then pay my ass. lol. I do not recommend this guy....discrimination...i am not a greek god but damn back in the day i could have sold my ass but all i needed was a guy to buy me a bourbon or two or four or seven.....

  7. Ok ok ok .... The face? What about the face? I'm not going to hire anybody without knowing what the hell they look at. When I talk about mystery meat I'm talking about spending $10 in a restaurant and seeing what the hell they tossed on the damn plate next to the wilted salad. If he wants $1,500 for an overnight by God then I want to know what the hell I'm getting up front. This isn't something you can return like an Amazon shower curtain. Thank God for Kohl's by the way and that we can go there for returns which in case they know me by name by now. And they are always so snide like what is this bitch not happy with her order for now???

  8. I am so sorry I did not see this question until now I had major surgery recently. I cannot recommend this guy enough. I'm going to be totally honest I am utterly embarrassed that I'm sitting here trying to remember him and the encounter because I have had the service anesthesia and my memory currently is shot. I did post a review by him and my handle for the review is rise occasionally. LOL. I just remember a great feeling that I can't remember the details other than what I said in my review. It was an erotic massage not an escort experience. I was delighted.

  9. On 12/5/2020 at 11:45 AM, Monarchy79 said:

    I took the plunge and saw him last night....

    The name “Tito” in itself is a bit off putting. He’s more like a Vlad, an Igor, or a Mikhail. He’s either Russian, or Eastern European, But NOTHING like these Eastern European “models”, “Instagram guys”, or “rent men twinks or twunks”, who are usually discussed here.


    Very nice guy, and very focused. Travelled with his table, very clean and sanitized setup as well. There was no draping, but his reasoning for you being naked is not for any reason but for him to thoroughly massage and stretch everything with ease. I truly believe that he’s a heterosexual (but not in a negative way).


    He has extensive massage skills that are proven on the table. His massage isn’t sensual, erotic, or even therapeutic. This is a strictly intense athlete’s massage. Like post-Russian-Professional- gymnastic-athlete-massage. Like a Muy-Thai-Boxer’s recovery treatment. It’s like getting a massage in a Turkish or Russian bath.


    He massaged everything from head to toe... and there was no inkling or hint of any possibility of “fun” happening.


    This is the type of guy you see after an intense sporting event, or after continuous athletic training. This is not a massage you get to “feel good”, or be aroused, or have your “root chakras titillated”...


    From the intense trigger point work, and stretching, I feel like a new man. Released the pressure from every knot I had.


    If he lived in my town, I’d definitely see him once a quarter. If you workout, or are an avid runner or cyclist.... get on his table.

    Thank you for this great information It helped me make a decision because he just arrived in Detroit. I won't see him because I can get that massage from a lot of other people. I'm not paying $140 unless there's definite arousal. As a people who hope for diversity I hope that they will come we can say somebody is a head or sexual and leave it without any other qualification. But I get what you're saying. Thank you

  10. I reached out to him moments ago and I will let you know of the outcome. And then I will ask each of you to send me $50 to help pay for the research I'm doing that will benefit you. Lol. I will let you know however.

  11. 1 hour ago, RubMyThighs said:

    That is repulsive. The best revenge is to spread the word that this masseur is an awful person. I am blocking him on rentmasseur now. I’m so sorry he did this to you. 

    Thank you so much. I cannot deny the part of this would be revenge but in all honesty because I really don't give a damn about him the main reason I'm doing it is because there are people here I have come to like and I don't want them to ever have to experience anything like that. Thank you for your support.

  12. 10 hours ago, CuriousGuy714 said:

    Can’t believe anyone had the nerve to say that to u @colonexstacy! You’re completely right though. Most of the “masseurs” on these sites are just hustlers looking to make a quick buck (apologies to those who are actually licensed/certified and good at what they do). I don’t understand why some feel they have to be attracted to their client or only work on guys who are extremely fit. This is a job and they’re performing a service! 

    I also hope your treatment is successful and as pain free as possible. I know too many people with cancer and it’s definitely a tough fight! But it’s just an uphill battle so stay strong!! Modern medicine has come so far and I know this sounds completely cheesy but a positive and healthy attitude does help. And don’t let one bad apple ruin your outlook because I guarantee you there’s a compassionate and dedicated massage therapist out there who would be more than happy to give u the massage u deserve!! :)

    Thank you I am truly grateful and I have a very positive outlook and I probably did not sound positive but I really do that was just a bad moment and I debated keeping it to myself but then I feel that people should be told about these guys after all that's what our site here is for. I appreciate your kind words and encouragement. I have treatment tomorrow and I know I will be sick for just a couple of days and I will share something else with you. I have been in recovery from alcohol for 33 years. One of the ways I cope with the sickness from my cancer treatment is that I remind myself that for the last 6 months of my drinking 33 years ago I felt that way every day with the tremors and the shakes and the vomiting. So two days a week twice a month is not so bad! LOL have a beautiful day

  13. 2 hours ago, CuriousByNature said:

    Oh my gosh - that is horrendous.  I can guarantee you are not repulsive - that guy's attitude is what is repulsive.  I'm sorry to hear that you are going through all that you are dealing with healthwise, but I am glad you are still here to post about this - and I most definitely hope that your treatments will be successful and that you will have many more years to find masseurs that are kind, compassionate and competent.  I have no doubt they exist, and there are others here who can likely point you in the right direction.  Please try not to let this horrible experience define your future plans and goals in any way, or take your focus from what is important - the inner beauty that the cancer cannot touch.  If you have difficulty finding someone to do massage while you are undergoing this health crisis, perhaps it would be good to see a Registered Massage Therapist for purely therapeutic massage in a clinic - to still have the experience of touch without any concern about being turned away for aesthetic reasons.  The guy you contacted must be such an ass.  Not worth your time, or your money at all!

    I really needed to hear that and I cannot thank you enough. I will certainly get a massage at massage envy which is better than nothing I just hate what I have to go through sometimes to do that because it usually does not work out most therapists do not want to massage somebody who has cancer. I don't know if you have ever seen the intake forms but they always ask if you have cancer and it was quite obvious that I do. That was another reason why I come to the sensual sites. Thank you for understanding for the great encouragement. I usually have pretty good self-esteem but cancer has taken some of that but not my spirit I think earlier I was just in a horrific pain because he was just so vicious but I really should not give him credibility because he has none. Thank you again.

  14. I'm doing my best not to cry. I know everything I wrote above did not include me telling you all that were hurt so much is I understand if I am repulsive but are you telling me I'm so repulsive to even $200 isn't worth touching me? I long to be touched but I hate most of these providers. They are cons and they are scams but occasionally you find somebody sensational. I know I'm not alone in this experience. We all deserve better.

  15. I am going to be very revealing about myself here. I am sobbing my eyes out. I'm going through chemotherapy. I feel horrible about my appearance. I also have a humongous scar across my forehead from brain surgery in 2021. I contacted this guy and he asked for a picture. I was hesitant. I sent a picture to another guy that asked one time and then he simply responded by saying he was going to pass. I don't know why these guys sometimes but not often on our pics? Aren't they just on the fucking hustle for our money? All I wanted was an erotic massage no oral no anal. I long to be touched and I don't have that in my life anymore because I'm disgusting to look at. I try to have the best disposition I can. Against my better judgment I sent Jasson a pic. He then told me something came up and he wasn't available after we had already set up 8:00 to be the time we would meet. I sent another message asking him just to be up front with me and stop making up bullshit. His response was "YOURE OLD AND UGLY AF." I am 64 years old but probably look closer to 70 as this disease I have has aged me. Now I can understand why on this thread there's really been no one out of almost 50 responses that has talked about their experience with him. Much of the content here we can discussion other than Jasson himself. But there you have it . 

  16. 1 hour ago, KrisParr said:

    This text is awfully familiar. Is it posted elsewhere? Perhaps LiamV will enlighten us with his version.  His RM 93 reviews are still 5.0 - just saying.

    I'm sure his rating on rent man is more than likely deserved because he's incredibly sexy and maybe some men overlooked some of the stuff I experienced but I have to absolutely believe that he was hosted in their homes or if he provided the host and then it was done somewhere other than the child's room where I had to experience them in his friend's house. He moves around a lot between Indianapolis and St Louis and it appears he stays in the Fisher's section of Indianapolis in a friends home. I always wonder about these guys that make three and $400 per client yet have nothing to show for it.

  17. 18 minutes ago, amused1 said:

    I recall some comment, 2 years ago maybe, that Liam was rather fastidious about cleanliness? It seems to me there was a mention of extensive tooth brushing and flossing. Anyone else recall something like this?

    Well I did not mention that in my narrative up above but he did floss his teeth before we begin and after. I'm not kidding. I swear everything I have said about this guy is true. The one thing I cannot find is there was another site where it appeared the clients were women who would hire him as an exotic dancer. I know it's him but I cannot remember the site. Anyhow about 80% of the women said he was sexy and erotic and performed greatly in spite of his quirks. His quirks ts have definitely been noted time and again. 

  18. Sorry but I disagree with everything here. It was a worse experience of my life. With an escort that is. I showed up to the house where this was to take place and then he announced in this marvelous home that was actually a friends where he was just staying on the couch and then we went upstairs to a bedroom that turned out to be the daughter of the actual owner of the home. There was something dumping on the hall in stencils and there were Disney Frozen figurines. Throughout the room. The bed was a child's twin bed and this is a upon the bed that we did the deed. I hated every minute of her but I paid him when I walked in the door which I will never do again.It almost sounds like this is fabricated but I can assure you and I swear on the finest escorts asked that this in fact happened.It was just bloody awful. None of you make mention of his quirks which are very much mentioned in other reviews on other sites. He is an incredible germaphobe. He will also explain you that when he urinates he has to sit down because a hole in his dick is so big that if he doesn't sit splatters everywhere. lol

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