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Posts posted by colonexstacy

  1. On 11/17/2021 at 9:16 PM, Pimpviolin said:

    I was nervous after seeing Capitano’s review but I saw him today and had a great time! Honestly one of the best experiences I’ve had. In full disclosure, though, I hired him as an escort and not a masseur. Take with that what you may… 

    i have an appointment with him but after reading capitanos review, i feel once again enthused having read of your experience not that the other gentleman's experience is not valid. Thank you.

  2. On 4/1/2021 at 11:30 PM, Larsnewpaul said:

    I been with him a couple of time. The massage was decent. He let me play with his dick at the end but he couldnt get it up both times. He may have ED. Hes also very much on roids like so many masseurs and escorts these days.

    lol...sorry but you could not get a guy hard so he must have ED. I have guys who cant get me hard and it has not one damn thing to do with ED. Hone your skills sweety...you'll get them to Rise Up like Sia.

  3. 9 hours ago, DynamicUno said:

    I have to agree, that post seemed a bit gratuitous.  All cities have bad neighborhoods, but unfortunately Detroit has more than it's share and some of it is pretty extreme.  Anyone familiar with Detroit has seen more than their share of "ruin porn", so it's always adviseable to check the neighborhood before venturing out for a meeting.  It should have been enough for the OP to say that he contacted Justinpipesu and didn't feel it was safe enough when seeing the neighborhood.  

    With respect to the provider himself, I checked out the ads that @mistrmikey mentioned on Friendboy and the pics don't look the same to me, and the phone numbers are all different.  That said, something does seem a bit off with Justin, and I don't think I'd consider contacting him anytime soon.

    i read your book Miss Manners and wonder why you feel the need to control and criticize constantly. Why don't you take care of yourself so others can eventually enjoy you. the bitterness is real and makes you less than desireable. 

  4. 3 hours ago, DynamicUno said:

    I have to agree, that post seemed a bit gratuitous.  All cities have bad neighborhoods, but unfortunately Detroit has more than it's share and some of it is pretty extreme.  Anyone familiar with Detroit has seen more than their share of "ruin porn", so it's always adviseable to check the neighborhood before venturing out for a meeting.  It should have been enough for the OP to say that he contacted Justinpipesu and didn't feel it was safe enough when seeing the neighborhood.  

    With respect to the provider himself, I checked out the ads that @mistrmikey mentioned on Friendboy and the pics don't look the same to me, and the phone numbers are all different.  That said, something does seem a bit off with Justin, and I don't think I'd consider contacting him anytime soon.

    You can read my response about that I gave to mark. I always do my homework. And I do not believe as I just said that my post was gratuitous I really felt I should warn people and what I neglected to say in my first post was that I was given an incorrect address. Which was another red flag and I wish I would have said that when I did this. As I said if you want to think I'm going to told us so be here but you neglected or you just don't want to pay attention to the back that I have been in these neighborhoods in the past at other parts of the country because I am new to the midwest. I have walked amongst neighborhoods like this and I have distributive food and I have worked at food pantries. I have no issues whatsoever with people who are at poverty level I have struggled myself economically after I was diagnosed with cancer. What I wanted to let people be aware of is the fact that this neighborhood is riddled with crime. It is not safe and rather than appreciate that go ahead and tell me I'm going towards I really don't care I stand by what I said in my intention was to put out information so people can use the information to make an informed decision. I regret that I forgot to mention that the  reason I called him on the phone was because I had been given an incorrect address. I even had a feeling he had not lived there long at all based on other things he had said. Good day

  5. 15 hours ago, Marc in Calif said:

    Do you live in the Detroit metro area? Did you have to drive to his neighborhood to know what type of area it was? 

    I guess I'm wondering why you didn't already know about the Schoolcraft area and its suitability for an appointment, especially with someone you hadn't met or even spoken by phone or webcam.

    I am new to the midwest. I am about 40 miles south of Detroit and I did not know this area. I looked it up with the GPS and I looked at photos of the neighborhood. What I saw did not resemble this whatsoever. I contacted him prior to my arrival which is why I understand how his voice sounded. I was not near his home originally as I thought I had arrived according to my GPS that he had given an address that was with an incorrect spelling which was another red flag I did not say that in my post because of good God that post was long enough and as for the person who thinks this is gratuitous I disagree. Totally disagree. Do not for one minute assume that I don't do my homework but it's a little hard to do your homework when you're given misinformation now isn't it.

  6. Okay guys so to be serious I feel compelled if that is a right word to tell you about the experience I had as I attempted to meet Justin. The guy I brought up in this thread. I need to put this in context. I have worked with the homeless. I worked 7 years every Monday afternoon at a food pantry. I support those in poverty by trying to help come to remedies that will not keep these people in their unfair unethical unjust economic situations. With that being said I just cannot sit back and be silent knowing that this guy wants $200 to come to his home in what was an absolute horror of a situation. I am going to try to enclose two pictures as evidence of his neighborhood. Let me be emphatically clear that neither of these are his home and that his home is in not in this type of decay. His home was the nicest on the street but it is in a series of decline itself but not at this level. The neighborhood is crime infested. Windows are boarded up and other windows are open with a glass having been broken. There are people sitting out on the streets. It is in a section of Detroit by a street called schoolcraft. I do not fault Justin for the situation he is in. But I cannot be silent knowing that some of you may travel as I did to this destination to discover the situation. I called him on the phone apologizing telling him I did not feel safe. I have no problem with feminine men but this voice was so unbelievably Nelly that it just could not seem to me to have matched physically what I saw in his pictures and yet I know that is unfair of me and I fully admitted. None of this is anything that I would have desired and I was literally stunned. I just feel I need to put this information out there because this is what we do for each other on here. Please take the information and do as you wish. He does appear in his messages as well as when we spoke on the phone to be a genuine nice guy. Thank you for reading.



  7. 42 minutes ago, NJF said:

    It is not rocket science 😂. The only thing listed under the “into” section is nipples. Nothing else will be on the menu.

    Did I say it's rocket science? I don't recall saying that you're going to have to remind me. I didn't look at that section of what he is into. I never even think to look at that damn section because I know what I'm into and if I'm paying them then you get them to me. That is another science called biology and physical chemistry. 😂

  8. Somebody has got to know something about this guy cuz I need to know if the verdict is yay or nay because if this hot stud is as good as he looks and I'm heading up there. Here is what I'm willing to do. Since there's no information on him i will ask everybody to give me 15 or 20 or 30 or 40 even a couple of hundred dollars and I will go experience him and then I will give a full report so you know whether or not the verdict is for him to be engaged or scrolled on to the next prospective blissful encounter. See what I'm willing to do for you. I'm willing to serve all men in any way including this act of kindness here. lol


  9. On 3/6/2022 at 1:44 PM, JFL said:

    I had a session with him around a year ago. If you like a relaxing/ sensual massage he is your guy. He does a “kneading” movement with his fingers that is great. I recommend him.

    what about the face in the body? He looks presently like he's a little chunky and he doesn't show his face and this is the red flag I mean this is more red flag than the Confederate flag. And I'm so old I saw that confederate flag and I should get credit for being the one that took the damn thing down.

  10. On 2/21/2020 at 9:55 PM, CuriousByNature said:

    If I was able to stay awake for almost 3 hours watching Ralph Fiennes slowly die in 'The English Patient', surely a masseur should be able to stay awake long enough to complete a massage... ?

    OH QUEEN no you didnt...comment of the year! lmfao

  11. well for shits sake   if we can't get one  person to tell us everything...can anyone at this point of the finals weeks approaching the eastern standard fall time, please tell us just one widget of information, I will give that extra hour this spring. I want to know now. (jesus help me put down this damn vodka and get to bed). 

  12. 30 minutes ago, Marc in Calif said:

    No. I didn't write "Johnny Depp." 😁

    The member @johnnydeep joined these forums ONLY to post and comment about @apolloleebyalan. To date, this member has contributed only four (4) comments to COM -- all about @apolloleebyalan.

    Conclusion: @johnnydeep = @apolloleebyalan

    And now I'll probably get another cursing private message from this guy. As always, however, I'll respond to him with love. 🥰

    Child I swear I have got to put down the vodka. I'm so confused. LMAO cuz I think you're a great guy and I really found myself thinking did he think Johnny Depp was here. Once again I need to put down the vodka.  I scroll back and I did see that Johnny Depp is a member here. LOL

  13. On 2/19/2023 at 2:35 PM, Marc in Calif said:

    He sent me an unsolicited, vicious private message just because I suspected that @johnnydeep was actually him -- and probably because of my reactions to other posts in this thread.

    I responded with love and compassion. 😍

    Okay okay okay I'll bite. I always see things you say that are very intelligent and I've come to like you. Although I don't know you real well are you being facetious or did you really for some reason think that this damn fool was Johnny Depp? If you did think that and if he was then would be the only rational excuse for Amber Heard beating the shit out of him for a long one to trial on mnsbc that tank and the ratings compared to OJ's trial. Lol

  14. Gentleman did you see his message where he says I am trying to hard on that I am part of the opposing team. Opposing team? Gentleman see what I mean. He thinks there is a whole slew of people out to get him that are all directed by the highest escort in the land whoever the hell that is. Lol. Ultimately he probably is a good guy but was definitely under a different influence at the time of my arrival. Everything I said I stand by. His words opposing team say it all and that comes straight from the horse's mouth. LOL

  15. On 4/12/2021 at 11:16 AM, Aardvark said:

    Sorry but as a public service I need to add my 2 cents to all this Gio love. I've seen him twice. Both times massage was on a bed and massage skills were C+/B-. Sensuality is above average but way too fast. Shorted me by 20 minutes on both visits. Also speaks in that sort of condescending, fake manner of a stripper who's trying to get you into the VIP room, which is a turnoff for me. I've now learned my lesson that the first time wasn't a fluke. Obviously a lot of people have had good experiences with him but just wanted to add another viewpoint.

    This was the same with my experience and I thank you because I really did not know how to put into words what I consider to be fake porn acting. The minute his hand touched a region of my body that rises occasionally he started saying oh yeah baby oh that's it baby oh nice nice baby oh that's nice oh sweet oh wow look at that. And because of this what had temporarily arisen was lowered to half staff in mourning for all that could have been. I was also cheated of a full hour as my session only lasted 40 minutes. He thought it was over because I could not finish so what the hell was the point of even completing an hour worth of services of any kind. I'm sure someday I will not wish that he fries in hell. But currently I have wishful thinking. LOL

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