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Posts posted by colonexstacy

  1. 56 minutes ago, azdr0710 said:

    gee, that image search was easy......pictures are of an online fitness coach, initials BB......rentmasseur, though owned by rentmen, is not quite as easy to report frauds to, but I'll try......

    i suspected that


  2. 9 minutes ago, Harryinny said:

    Masseur experience 5 years and he has just joined RM? His only comment is "I'm fire", that is not a masseur line. The guy in the photos is awesome, hmmm TGTBT?

    yes tgtbt....hence my post....I just don't get it. I also noticed the I"m Fire. LOL. I wrote him and believe me I will update here his anticipated response.....stay tuned...I am. lol

  3. So I happened upon this ad and this is spectacularly the kind of guy I look for. I think he is gorgeous. He's only been a member of rent masseur for one week. I have only been on this site for a few weeks myself so I wonder if anyone here knows anything about this guy...I am learning that they often switch names.  Also he has yet to garner a review.



  4. I understand what you are saying and I'm the one that made the review and I have only been on this site for a short while but I have also asked questions of several other men including Chase and Robert Miami and I have also written the man that you said gave a great review his name is Medin. He and I have become friends and he can clarify for you that my experience was different he and I very much compared notes. There are several others I have also written about but one time I got a notification where they removed one of the things I said because it was about one of the therapists who are not in a particular thread because I was trying to compare him to another one.

  5. So I was going to take a chance in spite of my hesitancy. He and I have messaged each other off and on for over 2 weeks. I had set up appointment with him for his second day of this coming week in Detroit and today I got a message and he was pretty sincere and what he said that he apologized that he is not coming to Detroit after all. From everything that was communicated between he and I my deductive reasoning tells me he is aware of he's not going to get a lot of repeat business here if any at all. He had told me he is sick and tired of having to verify himself because everybody thinks he is either rude or fake or still out of shape. I suspect the boy is passed his prime in this particular business.

  6. I'm thinking about ordering brunch soon in the very near anticipated future prior to viruses sealing our mouths shut twice upon a disturbance. Has anyone experience with CrossFitJock that would enlighten me as I have never had a buffet without knowing if the meat is well done or rare. And rare is the face that is not illuminated in his ad. Is his face and demeanor worth my considerations with the PNC ATM  (At The Moment....up for possible hire)?



  7. On 10/22/2022 at 1:20 AM, RKD said:

    Had him twice. Very average massage. He was clothed most of the time. Good body, no doubt. Extras were there but rushed and finished within 15-20 mins despite an appointment for 60 mins. $200. Would not try again.

    i believe you but my god what a difference in these reviews...he seems selective at best in what he provides...i was ready to hire until you said the session lasted 20 minutes. damn. thanks for the info


  8. A friend of mine on here pm'd me because I had told him I was going to meet Adrian today in Detroit. If anybody else wants to private message me please feel free to but for this form here I will tell you it was exceptional. I had a magnificent massage with an awesome guy when he walked into my hotel room he immediately took command. Not in a domineering way but a hospitable way. He set up his table with fresh linens and he set up his incense burner and the aroma was fabulous he has lotion and plenty of it and he had fabulous taste in music. His focus was on me the entire time. I don't recall how long he has been in the United States but his English is absolutely perfect with no accent. Other than Midwestern if they're actually is one. Lol. I have not felt as good in so long. Some people say Tom Brady should be in the Hall of Fame and undoubtedly he will. Adrian's ass should be in the Hall of Fame of erotic art. The curve on that thing had me spellbound. I told him he should work out in the gym rather than do simply do just squats. LOL it's obviously works every part of his body but oh my God that ass. I really really have no hesitation whatsoever and recommending him.

  9. I knew he would not have all that stuff and I offered to bring it to him I said to him what an awful predicament. I offered to help him with whatever he needed as I have the ability and I have the sincerity to do that because I went through that recently with my luggage ended up on the west coast and I live nowhere near the West coast. It upset me that he seized all communication.

  10. remember how one said he did not have detroit on his profile but flint....well today it has detroit with lansing as current location yet yesteray was cleveland as current house of the day....now he changed his name....Hung_boyy....fyi.....

  11. Okay I don't know if any of you have contacted him for his current visit in Detroit. But it is just not worth it at this point. I am not going to beg somebody to massage me. I don't want to be rude and I don't want to come off that way that he did inform me that his luggage did not arrive when he got off the plane. And I get that. I totally understand. And I told him that so I messaged him this morning. He said it was canceling people. Then this evening I reached out to him and I wish I had not because now I'm going to be up here like I'm begging although he was gracious with his response that he will not commit whatsoever to massage and clients while he is here because of what has happened with his luggage. I don't understand why you would just cancel your business clients because you don't have your luggage. It will arrive when it arrives. So I just thought I would share this although I don't think I'm coming off very good. That I want to let others know it's going to be difficult if you attempt. For now anyhow. Good luck. I'm done

  12. Well it is now the beginning of 2023 and I just saw his ad for the first time and I will tell you one thing we in America don't make reviews like that. Not on that rentmasseur site. Those guys spare no delicious details. LOL. I really wonder if he is touring this time if it's just a way as some people suggested here or to drum up business for his fan page.

  13. odd.....one man above noted how he no longer has detroit as a place in his near travel section...thus mr brazil has been on his account since I contacted him. Yet rm indicates he has not read my messages. Nor has he returned a call.  And his reviews are not up to the hopeful standard of five rating. Probably new to all this at an age of 22. And he has noted that he is open to anything and everything for pleasure. And he says bareback is cool.  So many red flags. His tune will change if he stays around.  I do consider for my own self that if a guys says bareback is cool, as if he welcomes and encourages it, this to be a risk. Not sure if others agree.

  14. 1 hour ago, KeepItReal said:

    Or you could cut back on the snark, text him back "too far outside of my budget" and leave it at that?

    Cut back on the snark? The same snark that you just demonstrated. I think in my old image I know how to handle myself now you run along and take care and fluff your pillow before you get to go to sleep. 

  15. Can I ask all of you a favor? I need help please. Could you help contribute to the cost which is going  to break my PNC savings to see an ophthalmologist. I am having problems with my vision. It has unfortunately  become very distorted. I wrote this guy and asked him how much his rate is and my vision is playing tricks on me. Message replied indicated $400. I did not respond because I am embarrassed to tell him that I possess hysterical blindness  and I was wondering if he said$100 or $150. So if you guys will help me I would appreciate it. LOL

  16. 3 hours ago, Skip said:

    I guess you have reason to be angry. Sorry that I made your day unpleasant. We never know what the next guy is going through, whether it be a providor or a forum contributor. I need to remember that. . I stand by what I said, $350 is on the light side, but I don't face your challenges.  One nuance that I overlooked was the lack of a face picture. If I don't see a face, then my character judgement flags go up and I don't hire. We stand together on that one. Some great photos without a face is a deal breaker at any price. Hope you get healthy my friend. 

    I sincerely sincerely sincerely appreciate your response and the way you worded it and for your acknowledgment. And I apologize that I might have worded mine too aggressively. Thank you for understanding and happy New Year to you.

  17. 3 hours ago, John said:

    Don't be snide.  I don't pay $350 either.  It's the only thing I can do to fight exploding prices. There are others, however, who seem to like to pay more....oops, I was almost snide.

    Thank you what you posted here. I know damn well from this forum that most of us will not pay that price for a hot body without having seen the face. Thank you for telling him not to be snug but what cracks me up with his response where he told you that he has a good judge of character. He knows nothing whatsoever about me and I noted that in a following response.

  18. 48 minutes ago, Skip said:

    I didn't mean to be snide, but hiring is a luxury. I suppose that complaing about rising prices of luxury goods is more than common, but I often look at it as sharing the wealth and helping a guy out. Seems like more of the guys I have seen were nice guys in a hard place or just ones that enjoyed luxury they couldn't afford. Even the ones that took advantage, were just paying back bad treatment from guys that had taken advantage of them. I know call me a Pollyanna . That is probably true but that with my fairly decent abilty to judge character before meeting has served me well.  Smart luck I guess. Sorry if I came across as snide. Neither want to be snide or cheap. 

    Skip precious sweetheart. You say you have a decent ability to judge character before meeting someone get you judge me precious. You see girlfriend you said I was cheap. Don't deny it you said it. I am not cheap whatsoever not at all. Did I not make it clear that I'm not going to pay that for a face I have not seen? Little attitude and see if you can apologize to me the way you did to the other person who seems to have agreed with me as have others. There are several several people as I also indicated regarding John a wonder that all of them have made him mention of his outrageous price. And on this form there are many many men to talk about how they won't pay $300 $400 and 500. 350 is nothing warm in the Midwest sweetheart. And if you would help them to be able to obtain their little luxuries in life then you go right ahead. You know one other little things sweetheart I'm currently going through chemotherapy and it's a little somewhat on the tag expensive with some of the medications like zofran for nausea. And also metformin for the diabetes along with insulin that cost around $180 a month. so you just keep following your little heart by not judging everybody you seem to be after all good judge of character. Right? Don't come at me again!

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