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Posts posted by Strafe13

  1. I met Jed last week at the Adonis Lounge private event in NYC, and enjoyed a lap dance with him. I don't know what that one negative reviewer was thinking, because Jed looks exactly like his photos. He's large and ripped -- in excellent shape. I don't have any knowledge or experience as to Jed's escorting skills, but he was super hot and sexy as a stripper.


    P.S. Jed also has a sexy Australian accent, although I think he was marketed by Adonis Lounge as being South African.

  2. I thought about hiring him, but since he didn't have any Daddy's reviews, and no one on the forum seemed to have any experience with him, I was excited to see that he was going to appear as a featured star at the Spunk strip show two Thursdays back. I thought I could speak to him in person, and get a feel for him. I went to the bar and stayed until after 1am, but he never showed up. :( So, while I wish I had personal experience to share, I can't help the OP out. But Mr. Duran is really sexy.

  3. Met Alex in the fall. His stamina is impressive, his member is much larger than it appears in photos (although not a full 10" as @jeepo1 said), and he wore me out. That's never happened before, and I've gone on bottoming extravaganzas in Brazil. I plan on seeing him again, but I've got to psych myself up for it.

  4. Well then, flatter away! I've always thought he was just the sexiest guy, and way hotter than the guy he used to market himself with. I wasn't in a position to hire back when he was active, and I've regretted missing out on him ever since.

  5. The late, great Arpad Miklos. I was never in a financial position to hire him those years ago. I was really sad to hear of his passing.


    @Juan Vancouver and Thor, based out of Vancouver. I've never been there, and, as far as I know, they haven't traveled to NYC in the many years I've had my eye on them.


    Brandan Steele. He's based in southeast Florida, where, up until very recently, I hadn't been in over a decade. I was there this month, but couldn't coordinate anything with him.


    Gabriel Clark. He's based in Montreal, where I've never been, and he doesn't travel to NYC or the U.S. from what I hear.


    There are others, but I can't recall them all right now. I may edit this post, or start a new contribution to this thread later, if my memory improves.

  6. I just want to say thanks to everyone for this thread. Every straight guy porn star discussed was smoking hot. It was well worth my time to Google them, and, in some cases, start following them on Twitter. Good job, gentlemen.


    P.S. I initially thought Scott Nails was the least attractive of the men based on the photos posted here. But then I saw his videos and photos and practically creamed my pants. It's a shame he's retired.

  7. There are guys who will fuck and suck with a hokup, but not kiss, because it's too intimate.


    I'm sort of in that camp. Not that I won't kiss a guy I'm just hooking up with, but kissing does feel more intimate to me, despite the fact that, as a bottom, there's a really intimate aspect of the sexual act I'm more inclined to participate in. I can do a hookup with a guy I'm not super into, but it won't involve kissing. But if I'm really into a guy I'm just hooking up with, kissing will take it to the next level. And it's rare that I've had a really enjoyable escort experience that hasn't involved great kissing.

  8. This seems to be an abusive misuse of the legal system. If litigant had to pay for the defendants expenses, thing like this would be much less likely. Tort reform is desperately needed in this country.


    I understand the impulse for this, but I believe that kind of "reform" would be counterproductive. There are far too many people who have legitimate legal claims, but cannot afford lawyers and court fees so as to press them. I think it's terrible that economics plays the dominant role in whether people can access the justice system. Making tort plaintiffs pay defendants' legal fees if they lose, would exacerbate the injustice in what is already an unfair process. The courts already have mechanisms to prevent certain individuals from abusing the system, including making repeat offenders such as this guy obtain permission before initiating new lawsuits, and/or imposing monetary sanctions for frivolous conduct. I'm unsure whether such mechanisms were employed here.

  9. QTR, thank you SO MUCH for proving my point. How in the world you have come up with such man-hating idea? In our society, people are innocent till proven guilty. But not with you. I shudder to think what the world would be like if you were in charge.


    This forum was started by a Gay man and it's for Gay/Bisexual men and their escorts. And these men on this forum I have learned are quite intelligent, witty, kind, insightful, and deep. We come here for support, information, humor, and community. I really want you to reconsider your (incessant) need to throw in our faces how men accused of rape are (in your eyes and should be in others eyes) guilty. If we wanted to read such anti-men propaganda, the media is FULL of options. Do you truly think we come to this forum for this?


    An analogy: there is a breast cancer forum started by a female breast cancer survivor written for breast cancer survivors and those currently battling it's terrible assault. A man starts posting how breast mammograms are being done too frequently and a waste of money and the science doesnt support yearly mammograms. Don't you think the women on the forum would get mad at the guy screaming out that mammograms save lives? Are you even for one second considering what you post and it's location?





    It is my STRONG opinion that due to the fact that the men on this forum are reluctant to join in (too much) controversy or painful topics. I suspect this reluctance applies to this topic of rape/rape allegations/presumed guilt. Who wants to get involved with this? But two of us on this forum HAVE commented on this (Unicorn: I am not suggesting you agree with everything I write, only that you made the same observation as I did). I think there are others who have made the same observations but just won't join this tempest. And I respect this, cuz I greatly respect my peers on this forum. Amazing men.


    In regard to assuming men are guilty when they are accused of rape, I ask once again that you stop such assertions on this forum. I am certain there are more receptive forums.


    Where's that "dislike" button again? This is a "man-hating idea" like Donald Trump is a paragon of tact and courteous public interactions. Such rabid anti-feminist drivel does not represent my views, nor, I suspect, does it represent the views of the majority of this forum's members. Keep on posting QTR. I enjoy your perspective on these, and many other issues.

  10. I've seen Mike a few times, and for what it's worth, Jake and Mike were both in DC at the same time a few weeks ago. My gut tells me it's the same person.


    I double checked and looked at both ads just now. I am now second-guessing my previous post because the resemblance between the men depicted in the photos in both ads is striking. It still seems strange to create separate personas which aren't even that distinct or unique. FWIW, Masters's ad presently lists him as being in NYC, where he's based, while Archer's ad presently lists him as in Fort Wayne, Indiana, but indicates that he visits NYC. Strange indeed. I guess one could hire them both for a three-way to solve the mystery! :-)

  11. Wow they clearly seem to be, and both are against sending face pics. I wonder has anyone hired both?


    "Clearly"? That's a bit of an overstatement. I've only hired Mike Masters, and while I see a similarity in build, I don't think he looks like this new Jake Archer person. While it's probably a tan, Archer appears to have much darker skin. Archer's pics also show the bottom portion of his face, and while he appears to be handsome, he does not in my opinion look like Masters, who I thought was one of the most handsome white men I'd ever personally met. Although both decline sharing face pics, Masters provides way more public photos than the three Archer provides. It's certainly possible that I'm wrong, but since Masters still has an active ad, it seems weird that he'd create a new one for another persona.

  12. YES Strafe, this is a very complicated issue and affects people deeply, but I will bet my life that many of those yapping about racism here with this escort thread are staunch supporters of Donald Trump who arrogantly makes his racist comments to widespread approval. You cannot CHOOSE the times and circumstances for Racism. You either are or you aint....


    As for this comment: It is not the same as those jerks who callously put "no fats, fems, or old guys" in a dating profile. It is much deeper than that. It IS very much the same thing and just as hurtful to those people that are Fat, fem or Old. Diminishing the feelings of these people is a bit insensitive of you.


    Now this is venturing into the realm of absurdity. I find it difficult to believe that most of the people on this thread "yapping about racism here" (and I interpret that as your characterization of those who think excluding entire racial groups is abhorrent) would be supporting the most blatantly racist political campaign we've seen in decades. I get that you're invested in articulating the contrarian/non-PC position, but resorting to such hyperbole only does you a disservice.


    And with all due respect, when it comes to the portion of my post that you quoted in red font, I don't think you know what you're talking about. I recall from our past disagreement on this topic that you don't identify as a person of color, so I suspect that you have no personal experience as a victim of racism, although I think you previously analogized it to anti-semitism (but my memory could be off on that last part). I'm both a person of color and have been overweight my whole life. I've experienced all manner of discrimination on both of those grounds, and the impact is much deeper when I'm mistreated because of my race, due to the immense historical and cultural baggage attached to that subject. In our society, race means something with respect to identity (at least to those for whom race has historically been a marker of inferiority, and the means through which individual and institutional/structural mistreatment has been applied) that is entirely different from other characteristics. I never said that being mistreated for other reasons does not hurt. But it is markedly different. If you disagree, then that's your prerogative, but on certain subjects, where personal experience and wisdom really matters, not all opinions are equal.



  13. We are each in control of ourselves; if we choose not to hire him, we dont and move along, but we have no right to tell OTHERS how to behave. That's the real injustice here..


    I sympathize with much of what you've written, but have to draw the line here. No one can make others open their hearts and minds, and let go of their prejudices, which almost all of us have in some shape or form. But I categorically reject the false equivalency between the experience of being the subject of discriminatory practices, and that of being subject to the backlash against such practices. The "real injustice" is not that members of this community have taken these two escorts (including the guy in the other thread) to task for their racially discriminatory business practices.


    I suppose it's better that Dakota, unlike that POS referenced in the other thread, informs prospective clients in advance that he refuses black clients, so as to avoid an awkward encounter down the road. But that's where white privilege comes into play. It may be awkward for the white escort, but it's far more than awkward for the client of color. As someone who has personally experienced racial discrimination, I can tell you that it's deeply offensive, hurtful, anger-inducing, and does violence to one's spirit. That's not to say that you want to give power to others so that they can hurt you. But there are certain things, given this particular cultural and historical backdrop, that resonate much more deeply, so "just let it fucking go" doesn't even begin to address that. It is not the same as those jerks who callously put "no fats, fems, or old guys" in a dating profile. It is much deeper than that.


    I don't believe Dakota has ever explained his reasons on this thread, despite chiming in with some cute comments here and there, including a since-deleted joke about black guys being super hung (kind of inappropriate to invoke racial stereotypes here given the overall subject matter, but hey...). No one but Dakota himself knows the true motivation behind his actions.* He may not perceive himself to be racist, and might just not be sexually attracted to black guys, while having no other issues with blacks or any other groups of people. So it may be as simple as his belief or assumption that he could not perform with a black man. Or he may actually have full-blown racist attitudes against black people, and therefore want nothing to do with them in any capacity, including escort work. Or maybe it's somewhere between those extremes. Only Dakota can say what his real reasons are, assuming he's even given it that much thought. I get the sense from his comments that this is not a big deal to him, and if so, then it's unlikely this has been a subject of deep introspection. In any event, I think it's unfortunate that anyone has racial prejudices on any level, including the selection of their sexual and romantic partners. But life isn't perfect, and neither are we. I wish the best to Dakota and everyone else who's participated in these two threads.


    *The other escort seemed to have a particular prejudice against American blacks, since he was willing to make an exception with the client who started that thread because he had a British accent. That suggests that it wasn't about sexual attraction, per se, but racial prejudice, particularly as animated by American-style racist attitudes against black Americans.

  14. http://www.towleroad.com/2016/03/michael-sam-2/


    The latest issue of Attitude magazine seems so appropriate here.


    Michael Sam appears on the cover of Attitude‘s May issue and talks to the magazine about coming out, racism, and homophobia. Speaking about racism in the ‘gay community’, Sam says,


    “It’s terrible. ...You want to be accepted by other people but you don’t even accept someone just because of the colour of their skin? I just don’t understand that at all. How are you saying that, ‘oh, I want people to accept me because I’m gay but I don’t accept you because you’re black, or because you’re white or because you’re Asian’."

  15. That is strange. Did you text or in site email? I hit him up about 6 weeks ago and he replied the following day. I did ask about his location and he said he is in Long Beach but switches it up with the surrounding cities because he will travel. He also goes to PS and SD. I have not taken the plunge because I was looking to travel but not to LB.


    I actually texted the number listed in his ad. I'd have driven to Long Beach if needed, but he never gave me the opportunity. That being said, he's definitely my type, so I'd still consider hiring him if he was available and responsive. Perhaps on my next trip...

  16. I texted TopHungJock on two occasions earlier this year in advance of my trip to L.A., but he never replied. His ad has varied between listing his home location as San Diego, Orange County, Los Angeles, and, now, Long Beach, while also listing some of these as travel locations. I couldn't figure out if he ignored my queries b/c he wasn't where I was going to be, he wasn't interested in me specifically, or just poor business habits. Good luck!

  17. Has Brendan stopped escorting? I can't find his profile on Rentmen any longer.


    I saw him at the Adonis Lounge stripper event in West Hollywood back in December 2015, at which time I believe his ad was up. I follow him on Twitter, and don't think I saw anything saying that he was retiring from escorting. But I've never hired him, nor even had a lap dance from him, so I can't offer any personal experience besides that he's quite handsome in person. Guess I should have spoken with him so I could have heard a sexy Irish accent! :)

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