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Posts posted by Strafe13

  1. Just be very careful regarding the commonwealth islands like Jamaica and Barbados. They tend to be virulently anti gay though there are some recent imorovements. Don't know why exactly they so are since the UK is very gay-friendly.


    My understanding is that it has much to do with the British anti-sodomy laws that were left in place even after independence. Many former British colonies suffered from virulent homophobia, due in large part, activists say, to the legacy of those laws which are still on the books. For some reason, those particular laws really resonated in the former colonies and have taken on new meaning long after the formal end of colonialism. The phenomenon is not so different from the "one drop rule" of racial classification that the U.S. also inherited.


    More to the OP's question, I think Brazil offers a lot of what he's looking for.

  2. I just saw him at my place. He is an exquisite specimen of muscle jock. Definitely better than the pictures---much. Very handsome face. Huge hard, curvy muscles. Warm, friendly guy.

    Review will be written soon.


    Glad to hear you had a great time, RexB. If I may ask, what are his rates? He doesn't provide them in his ad. And, if you can say, what was his endowment like? He lists 9 inches or 22 cm, but his private pictures don't seem to match that. Thanks in advance.

  3. I've asked about BDG once or twice on this forum, but no one has provided any info on him. I first noticed him on A4A and RB, and finally on RM. On the last of those sites, he actually noticed that I'd viewed his RM ad, and he struck up a conversation, but it kind of "died" after an exchange of two or three messages. For what it's worth, he was polite and I was open to meeting him if the stars had aligned, so to speak.

  4. As disturbing as that is to read on an ad in late 2015, I actually appreciate the honesty. In years past, some on this board have defended not only the right of working guys to have such racially exclusionary policies, but also the morality of omitting it from ads, thus leaving a potential client at the mercy of being rejected on sight should the escort have failed to discern the client's race or ethnicity before an initial appointment. I appreciate my racism upfront, so I can plan around it, thank you.

  5. I second grabbing a drink at the Hancock! I recently took a friend who was visiting from Denver. Be ready to wait in line to get up though. Dress is casual, nothing fancy. If you do a boat tour be sure to sit up top. You wont see anything on the bottom. If you take the El, I wouldnt suggest going past Chinatown unless you are with a local or very adventurous like myself. Rogers Park which is the cities most diverse hood and my hood has a few gay bars by the Morse red line stop. I've never been to them but they seem to be popular for the area. Depending on what types of food you like I might be able to stear you in the direction of some kick ass eats. Enjoy your stay in my lovely kick any other cities ass city!





    Thanks so much, Greg. Since you asked, I love steak, seafood, Italian food, and desserts. I'm a total foodie, so besides gay stuff, I'd love to plan my forays into town around best places to chow down.

  6. I posted the below paragraph in another person's thread in the Deli re: a Chicago escort, but it should really be here (sorry for hijacking). Any help would be appreciated.


    What are the names and locations of gay bars and strip clubs in Chicago? I'll be there for the first time next month (Nov) and would like to know where to go during the weekend and nights. I've heard that Boystown is a neighborhood to visit, but I don't know which venues to go to. There's also a known sauna or bathhouse, isn't there? Forgive me, but I'm a Chicago virgin.

  7. What are the names and locations of the bars and strip clubs in Chicago? I'll be there for the first time next month (Nov) and would like to know where to go during the weekend and nights. I've heard that boystown is a neighborhood to visit, but I don't know which venues to go to. There's also a known sauna or bathhouse, isn't there? Forgive me, but I'm a Chicago virgin.

  8. I've never had that "falling in love in that moment" experience with any random hookups, but have had it several times with garotos in Brazil when on vacation, and a few times with American pros like Andrew Justice and Jason Markus. I even had it with a gay4pay stripper here in NYC, which was weird and unexpected, but still quite nice.


    I almost had such an experience with Ryan Thick in Los Angeles earlier this year, but I had a mental block that prevented me from completely falling into the experience. I hope to see him again, and go over that cliff next time! That's probably my favorite part about this wonderful hobby of ours. :)


    Strangely, I had one intense connection with an escort here in the NYC area. It wasn't the "falling in love in that moment" experience, and we didn't even do everything I'd hoped to do. But it was so intense that I actually never hired him again, although I've cordially greeted him when running into him at other events. I really felt like I could actually fall for him, as in he's my kind of man personality-wise. It kind of scared me that I would not be able to handle my potential feelings, and that's why I never hired him again, and I got the sense in our subsequent encounters that he was wondering why we never hooked up again. Has anyone else ever had such an experience, and has it affected your hiring like that?

  9. Based on the version of events you summarized, ending with the racially coded characterization of Brown as a "6'4" 280# sociopathic thug," it seems clear that you bought Officer Wilson's account, hook, line and sinker, despite the fact that he was never cross-examined, many people who've reviewed the whole transcript have said his story sounds completely unbelievable (see e.g., http://www.vox.com/2014/11/25/7281165/darren-wilsons-story-side), and it conflicts with many eyewitness accounts. It's still hard for me to see how Wilson could have had an objectively reasonable belief that he needed to fire 12 rounds at an unarmed man who had fled, and was no where near him, even if they did have a scuffle a few moments earlier by his squad car. Reading Wilson's testimony, I was sickened by the disturbingly racist way in which he characterized Brown, using the pronoun "it," saying he looked like a demon, describing Brown as hulk Hogan and himself as a 5-yr old holding onto him (both men are/were 6'4", although Brown was approximately 80lbs heavier), and saying that Brown, who was already bleeding from being shot, made an aggressive snorting sound as he prepared to charge at Wilson to run through the bullets. Seriously?!? You know, because black people are animalistic snorting hulks, who are invulnerable and feel no pain, and can run through bullets.


    There are always inconsistencies in witness accounts, and the primary purpose of a trial is to sort those things out (such as via cross-examination of witnesses) so as to reveal the truth, but this clearly biased DA made sure we'll never get that by employing such an extremely unusual practice (see http://web.law.columbia.edu/social-justice/forum-on-ferguson/facts), essentially rigging this grand jury proceeding to ensure there was no indictment.


    Most of what Frequentflier says is true, and I'm definitely a strong supporter of body cameras, which protect all involved. Things would go a lot better, however, if parents would teach their children to at least show a little respect for the police officers who put their bodies and limbs at risk in the name of public safety. Even if you believe the officer is being an A-hole, it's not OK to just punch him in the face because you feel like it. And when a police officer tells you to drop the gun, you fucking drop it. You don't swing it around, even if it's a really neat-looking replica or toy gun. Police officers don't have the luxury to be contemplating how serious the risk to their life is when they are faced with such situations. The A-holes are those who beat up cops who are on duty, or who point replica guns at the cops. From my understanding of the forensic evidence, Michael Brown was a seriously messed up guy who brought this all upon himself. The victim is the officer, a man who had never previously discharged his weapon on duty, but whose career may be ruined for defending his life against a 6'4" 280# sociopathic thug.
  10. Don't know about the ad, just that the Markus Patrick from the soap operas is the guy I saw dancing at Adonis Lounge in L.A. If this is the guy who posted the ad, he certainly wouldn't be the first working guy to use multiple photos spanning several years, or to misrepresent his age. This forum is full of threads where guys complain about that. Before this thread, I had no idea he was even English, since I didn't have a lap dance with him or even speak to him. Either way, the only way for the OP to find out is to hire the guy in the ad.


    If you go to Google, and enter Markus Patrick, you will see the same person as shown in the photos of the Backpage ad.. However, the photos are not current. Google has a bio on Markus Patrick along with current photos. Clearly, the currrent photos show a 40 year old man, not a 25 year old man as stated in the ad.


    There is a 15 year age discrepancy in the ad versus the biography -


    Come on - 15 years difference in age and it is the same person?.


    Furthermore, the bio says that the real Marcus Patrick is an English actor and is age 40 years old. Check it out.



    Based on the links to videos, it appears that the real gentleman is, indeed, a go go boy as you stated.


    However, the 15 year age difference in the ad versus the actual age is too far off to consider the ad legitimate.


    Here is a bio on Markus Patrick, the 40 year old English actor - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcus_Patrick


    If it really is the same person (factoring in the false claim in the ad of age 25), I am rather surprised. But, thanks for the links.


  11. I'm a little confused, because Marcus Patrick, the go-go dancer who used to be a soap actor, is real, and I've seen him dancing at the Adonis Lounge in L.A. As to an English actor, I've no clue who you're talking about or if that's the same Marcus Patrick that I've seen dancing (if so, I had no idea that he was English). He also promoted a single this year, so it looks like he has interests beyond acting, dancing, and maybe escorting (I think he had a rentboy ad up earlier this year, but I'm not 100% sure). But the guy in those pictures was at the Adonis Lounge and is the same guy in the music video promo for the single. As to whether this particular ad is fake, I cannot say. But if it is, it's not because Patrick isn't, or hasn't been, a go-go dancer in L.A.


    The ad is fake. The photos are more than 15 years old. They belong to a 40 year old English actor named Markus Patrick.


    I am confident that the actor did not post the stupid ad or knows nothing about the ad's existence.


    Google the images and you will see that the photos are bogus.


    Wait a minute, you said you know that he is a go go boy in LA. Where in the world did you get that? A 40 year old English actor is a go go boy in LA? Quite funny.

  12. Quite interesting. If all the shots were from the front, that seems to seriously discredit the witness accounts which said he was running away with his hands in the air. I never expected that. I guess it just highlights the importance of not rushing to judgment until all the facts are in. Mob mentality is not the best way to the truth.


    I saw the interview of the man who assisted in the private autopsy. He said on air that the bullet that hit the inside of the right arm was consistent with being struck from the front as if he had his hands in the air trying to surrender, as witnesses described. The wound could also be consistent with being struck from behind while running away, due to the flexibility of the arms, and their likely positioning when one is running. Either way, the autopsy seems to be quite consistent with the varying witnesses' accounts. The situation is just so tragic. Even sadder, it's not at all an anomaly.

  13. I really do appreciate the feedback, gentlemen.


    Uwsman2, I've had an eye on Eli for quite some time, and his rentboy ad comes and goes. His masseur ad tends to be more constant. I agree with Cajun that Eli does appear to be very handsome. I may have to take one for the team! ;-)


    Nvr2thick, I'm glad someone else recognized the torso pic used by Aslan. I actually tend to prefer ads with amateur pics over the more professional shots. Feels more real to me. The butt and cock pics seem consistent to me. I did get a pvt msg indicating that he's a real guy, so I'm not that concerned about the torso pic. I'm encouraged by the msg, so I may reach out, here.


    Thanks again, guys!

  14. Anyone have any experience with these middle eastern type guys based in NYC?


    Aslan Osman (http://www.rentboy.com/Listing.aspx?lid=428810&iid=486166&scid=119452793&sp=2&pos=35&locid=1569&type=escort). His torso pick looks very familiar, but he does in calls, which are very convenient for me. I love the simple way he describes himself.


    Eliron, also goes by Lio or Eli (http://www.rentboy.com/Listing.aspx?lid=174963&scid=119529483&sp=1&pos=2&locid=1569&iid=67512&type=escort). He also does limited in calls, which is a plus. He does massages too (http://www.masseurfinder.com/members/lio.shtml). Had my eye on him for a while as both an escort and masseur.


    Feel free to send a private message if uncomfortable sharing publicly. Thanks in advance, gents.

  15. I think he was disparaging HIV-positive people as having inflicted the disease upon themselves, thus implying that Obamacare shouldn't prevent insurance companies from refusing to offer them coverage. Of course, many medical maladies could be cynically viewed as having been "self-inflicted" in some way, so I'm not sure how such an argument makes sense, but there you go, seeker.



    Any DATA to support your claim that 99% of pre-existing conditions that would disqualify people from insurance are 'self inflicted'?

  16. Ok, I'm just a little confused here. And though I may take flack I'm going to dive right in.

    First, I don't agree with bareback in porn. I think it sets a poor example.

    However, it is my understanding that this studio does thorough testing of their guys to ensure safety and has strict rules in place in order to stay employed with them and to assist in the safety issue.

    Not only that, wouldn't you be playing safe if you hired him?

    So why is his BB history such a big deal? Especially if he's still safe? (which granted we don't know at this point)

    What about the guys you do hire? Just because they don't mention it doesn't mean they don't do it.

    I just am not sure I understand why there's such a red flag as compared to others.


    While I don't subscribe to many posters' aversion to escorts they know have done BB in or out of porn, I suppose the concern is more of an emotional, rather than a strictly logical or rational reaction. I'm like you, in that since I insist on using condoms, then the escort's BB history doesn't matter, so long as I confirm that they'll play safe with me. This is also because I take the position that every sex partner is potentially HIV positive, and since I won't be celibate or categorically shun or exclude positive guys, it's just my responsibility to protect myself. From this perspective, the guy's history is irrelevant because it's all about my conduct. But I recognize that not everyone is Mr. Spock or Data from the Star Trek universe, and doesn't have to approach things from such a strict logical perspective.

  17. No what I would hope and expect if the escort is a stand up guy is that he would let the guy know ahead of time that he couldn't work with the client and would never charge him in the 1st place.




    Agree with you here, Gar1eth. The problem, I guess, is that how would the escort so alert the client? A major point of contention in the previous thread on this topic, was my calling out those escorts who refused to disclose such racial restrictions in their ads. Assuming they won't do that because (drumroll, irony,...) they don't want to be judged by others who would see the ad, even if most of the viewers may not be in the excluded group, then the alternative would be to communicate that to each prospective client beforehand. Do you put that in a text or e-mail? For escorts who don't want the info published in their ads, I'd suspect they wouldn't want it reduced in their own writings also. So then they'd likely have to communicate it only via telephone conversation, which risks a level of embarrassment or humiliation on the part of the client similar to the face-to-face meeting due to the level of verbal interaction. I guess it just puts the escort in an awkward position (again, cue the irony - anyone have Alanis Morrisette's number?). Overall, it just seems like a very strange and counterproductive prejudice to hold in this kind of profession, particularly since the job is all about being intimate with people towards whom you wouldn't likely feel a regular sexual or romantic attraction in the first place. I guess that's why sociologists have often referred to racial (and other forms of) prejudice as irrational.

  18. My goodness, what happened here? I'm pretty sure the guy didn't call you stupid. He said that he considers discrimination to be stupid. Your use of the comma after the word discrimination, shows that you meant to call him stupid, while his failure to use the comma indicates that it is the discrimination, and not you, that he felt was stupid. Even if it's up in the air, why would you jump to that conclusion and then subject everyone else to the budding war of words between you?


    And just because the law is routinely and flagrantly ignored by the very people to whom it's meant to apply, doesn't make your point, but actually only further demonstrates that your opponent is in the right, in that people go to such lengths to mask their illegal behavior. Whether escorts provide a service akin to housing, or other service industries seems to be the operative analogy in question in this conversation. But if you're going to cite the illegal actions of bigoted landlords, then it seems that you've ceded the central point and the moral high ground. The idea that you wouldn't want an escort with racial prejudices in his romantic/sexual attractions going through with the session seems indistinguishable (to me) from the argument that a couple wouldn't want a prejudiced service provider making their wedding cake or catering their event. As a practical matter, that's likely true, but it completely fails to grapple with the heart of the issue at hand.


    And if you so choose to consider discrimination in and of itself without the legalese, stupid - go right ahead, stupid.


    And if you so choose to file a complaint against a sex-worker for discriminating against you in their preferences, go right ahead. I believe the agency for filing such complaint is the Federal Court system. And if you are so cross with me that you'd say a sex-worker who has contrary preferences to their client should still spend the hour with the client - not having sex and collecting the hourly rate, with total disregard to the consequences of an angered client filing a negative review, I can add another item to your stupid list (double entendré intended)!

    So far as your example of the apartment for rent, it doesn't fly. Discrimination in apartment rentals occur frequently. Consider an ad for an apartment that charges a monthly rent amount but not showing a security deposit amount. The landlord may freely adjust the amount of the security deposit based on credit checks, pets and his very own whim so that he makes it more advantageous for the preferred renter than for the less desirable applicants. And unless the denied applicant files a complaint, no one will ever investigate the landlord's basis for the disproportionate security deposit amounts.


    I have seen landlords in my neighborhood go from calm, mild-mannered nice people to total flipped out whackos when an undesirable candidate for tenancy even looked at an apartment. That might explain some reviews where the escort "appeared to be on something", "acted strangely" and my favorite, didn't "put me at ease." We only find out about those when someone writes a review.


    Things are not always as they appear, and the laws of the land often go unenforced. So go ahead and complain about escorts discriminating according to their personal preferences - see what that gets you, stupid.

  19. Gman, I'd have to take issue of your use of 'discrimination' in the matter of escorts preferences. We do have a Constitution right to freedom of association and none of us are required to check our preferences at the door when it comes to with whom we get naked and with whom we shall not.


    To take away an escort's right to have his preferences is discriminating, not his expression of his preferences in a service oriented business.


    An escort's intimacy is a far cry from a 'White's Only' lunch counter in Selma Alabama in 1963, in my mind.


    I think you're taking issue with the use of the term "discrimination" because you're misunderstanding its meaning. Both examples you've provided are, in fact, discrimination. More specifically, they're examples of racial discrimination. However, the lunch counter is what's known as impermissible discrimination because it's done in the offering of commercial or professional services to the public, while picking one's romantic & sexual partners has always been thought of as permissible discrimination for the reasons you've touched upon. Admittedly, what escorts do straddles the fence between these areas.


    I was involved in that last forum discussion that BVB mentioned (that's how he and I became friends), and my position has always been this: we all have our own internal prejudices on a whole host of issues, and they affect how we see the world, including who we're attracted to. Sometimes it can be consciously controlled, sometimes not, and we often don't care to find out because we don't try or never even question it. But if an escort cannot put those issues aside, he should be upfront about it in his ads and marketing, so that the prospective client knows in advance. There is no excuse for the unprofessionalism inherent in the humiliating and demeaning experience of a client finding out for the first time upon meeting the escort that he will be rejected because of his race.

  20. I can vouch that both JLA and Rod Hagen are very good at what they do, and you should have a good time with either (or both!).


    However, as awesome as JLA is,* I don't know if he'd be ideal for a first-time bottom. Don't get me wrong, he's very skilled. But he's also very well endowed. For one's first time, you may want to build your way up to that. On the other hand, I have no doubt he knows how to handle himself so the bottom isn't hurt or anything like that. But you may not want to take your first swimming lesson in the deep end of the pool, if you get my drift.


    Plus, there's the corollary harm of inadvertently becoming a size Queen if you start off bottoming for a really large guy and it goes well. It kinda ruins you for other men. I speak from personal experience. ;-)


    *Seriously, I want to bear his children, do his laundry, cook his meals, maintain his home, and otherwise be Mrs. JLA, circa 1950. <3

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