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Posts posted by deej

  1. This story reminds me of folks getting Chihuahuas when Paris Hilton was famous and all of the sudden getting rid of them because they weren't cool anymore...


    Or they get rid of them because they hadn't realized it's actual work to care for a dog.


    A news story about the glut of small dogs in SoCal shelters back in the Paris Hilton days is what sent me out looking for my last companion (who I found dead on Christmas morning last year). Most of them were aloof (terrified) but this little guy sniffed my hand, rolled over on his back ON my feet, and begged for a tummy rub. I can take a hint. :p


    I'm just now starting over with a new puppy, so I have two years of teething and terrier tugging (he's already pulled down the shower curtain) to look forward to, but one look in that puppy face and I'm happy.

  2. You can complete that picture by putting mayonnaise on fried SPAM, oddly enough.


    (Yes, my childhood had "oddities". On white bread. Always white bread.)


    (For anyone looking for a "blast from the past" from their childhood, you can now buy SPAM as individual slices so you're not stuck with the entire can. I discovered it with amusement but did not indulge.)

  3. Oddly enough! When ze French want to say that something is unimportant, or indeed amounts to nothing at all, they say, 'That's just mayonnaise.' :p


    You can complete that picture by putting mayonnaise on fried SPAM, oddly enough.


    (Yes, my childhood had "oddities". On white bread. Always white bread.)

  4. There was a running gag on the Ellen Show in which she had Nick the Gardener take care of plants and on the stage and then she gets him to take off his shirt to the squealing delight of her audience. Ellen is very adept at showing shirtless men either in photos or having her male guests remove their shirt. It is a bit ironic that Ellen, a lesbian, is objectifying men when she herself has little sexual interest in men but has much interest in ratings. Shirtless men keep the ratings up. That is why i watch her show on the occasions that I do.


    When she brings out male strippers she'll often quip "You're welcome, stay at home moms".

  5. I remember a kerfuffle in 8th or 9th grade science class, all the guys were talking about one of our classmates who got a boner in the shower.


    As a late bloomer, I was envious of the guys who'd hit puberty earlier than me. I still remember a handful of guys who'd REALLY filled out well.


    Kids can be cruel. There's a point in time when guys point at the guys who are "filling out" and laugh. Then the guys who made the change point at guys who haven't yet and laugh. It's a rite of manhood but it can be really cruel.


    If you're a little early and then go a little farther than others, well, you're the school laughing stock. I was called "donkey dick" years before I learned that it was actually desirable in a certain population. It was mortifying at that age. (Until Kenny friendlied up, and he friendlied up a lot.)

  6. The first uncut guy I saw in the showers in middle school. I even remember his name. I still drool over the memory.


    Oh, those middle school showers.


    There was a drummer in the band I was absolutely in lust with. Marching down the street behind him in his tight jeans I'd just plotz over his firm, round butt. Then I saw him in the showers and his dick seemed to hang down to his knees. (Short guy so it wasn't that far, but still.)


    Middle school showers are a melting pot. Some guys are still children and some are well enough through puberty to be men.


    The memories are still vivid 50 years later.

  7. Dogs can do the same. If I went away my German Shepherd would stick her aristocratic nose in the air, turn her back on me & totally ignore me for 24 hours!


    Oh, for sure! My dog (who I lost on Christmas day, rough couple of weeks!) was always boarded when I went away. When I'd pick him up he'd always wag his tail and jump into my arms, but he'd refuse to lick my face.


    I'm pretty sure a few of those kennel employees wondered if it was really my dog. :p

  8. http://wanna-joke.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/funny-picture-comic-cat-training-kitty.jpg


    So true.


    I lost both of my cats to old age in the last two weeks. But for all of their years if I left them alone for a few days they would always be glad to see me when I got home, until I sat down. Then they'd sit exactly out of reach with their backs to me.

  9. Portion control and shopping the parameter of the grocery store mostly is what helped me drop the pounds. I dont know what kids are eating in school these days but back in my day probably the healthiest thing was the made to order sammies and even that was questionable sometimes.


    I can't remember any time when a school lunch was anywhere near healthy. We usually considered ourselves lucky when it approached marginally edible.


    I agree that you should stick with the perimeter of the grocery store. I've been doing that for years because that's where I find things I like to eat. (Mom was a farm kid so I learned to eat like one.)

  10. That could be my dog when my neighbor brought over some cherry tomatoes. She played with them to no end, chasing them around the yard & rolling them around, but would NOT put it in her mouth.


    My dog LOVES tomatoes. I stopped planting them because he'll wait for them to get perfectly ripe and beat me to them.

  11. In general, any dishonesty in the job hunt process is a bad idea. It will invariably backfire.


    But you can just say "resolved health issues". They're not (technically) allowed to pry any further.


    I recently took some time off between jobs because I wanted to and could afford it, and list it on my resume as "Personal Sabbatical". It's easily explainable and can actually lead to a good discussion of your priorities.


    And I'll agree with rwnsd. If an employer has a problem with it there will be other issues with them.

  12. Back a few years ago, one airline (United I think) tried boarding window seats first in group one, middle seats in group two and isle seats in group three. I think it did not work out as it broke up families traveling together.


    I wasn't aware anyone had actually tried it, but experiments proved that boarding window seats, then middle seats, then aisle seats was 50% faster than any other boarding method. Nobody does it for exactly the problem of families flying together.

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