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Posts posted by starman05

  1. he says he does the BFE; I wonder how that works. Does he give you a kiss when you walk in the door, ask you about your day at work and rub your feet?


    Does he listen? Is he playful? Does he say, 'oh, boy, I love you but I can't take your sister and her caveman idiot husband coming over for dinner one more time.'

  2. it's odd; we're living in a world where if you got to a site to check something out, you'll find an ad for it on your FB page; (let's hope THAT doesn't start happening with massage ads!)


    I've had a past provider reach out to me ever six months or so asking if I want a massage; but I haven't liked him enough to repeat.


    It's probably best when the contacting is done by the client.

  3. such a tough situation.


    I knew a guy who fell for his massage therapist; I implored him to keep it professional and my friend would actually do that, but the more he did the therapist kept clouding things, giving my friend, as Debbie on Queer as Folk said about Brian and Michael, 'extra little tidbits of your affection - just enough so that he'll think maybe someday...'


    It's a cruel thing to do to another person.

  4. I don’t know about a straight vibe but the massage was good. Maybe it’s YMMV.


    And I feel like an idiot I really don’t know if he’s the guy in the pics. But the guy is in good shape, good looking.


    Just good?


    Reminds me of that Will & Grace exchange when Grace asks Will how her outfit looks.




    "Fine means good."


    "It's good."


    "Good means crap."


    "Well, if fine means good and good means crap then does crap mean fine?"


    (I think that's how it went.)

  5. Russian. And his pics are OLD ... he has lost 20-30 pounds and is much less muscular. Without turning this into a review, my advice is avoid Alex, definitely do not waste your money or time. He definitely has someone handling his scheduling and texts as he speaks almost no English. If possible, he knows even less about massage or time. It was awkward trying to explain that that he only gave a 40-minute session when I requested 90 minutes ... and yet he wanted to be paid Rate for 60. Suffice to say he didn’t understand and his scheduler didn’t respond when I reached out via text about it.


    geez is it so hard to find a guy who's 6'2" 210 and will give you a strong massage and make you feel safe and allow you to zone out for an hour to escape the crazy world around us all.

  6. Actually sort of a sad story. Debts, IRS, and some family problems.


    ah, that sucks! I know the owner spent a lot of money helping his little dog recover from a horrific attack from a bigger dog (I want to say the breed, but I can't recall it for sure). The dog was injured. The owner was injured freeing his beloved pup from the other dog's grip. I hope they're okay.


    The owner guy is a hot daddy. I got a totally legit massage there from him one time. I think he knew I was kind of tense throughout (I was) and when it was over with the sheet still on me he kinda smacked my butt like a coach would hit a player's behind after a great play, and it got me out of my head which I really needed.

  7. so my favorite massage therapist who used to work out of his apartment starts telling me he's working out of a spa. I went and had a massage. But the whole time I'm thinking the police are going to barge in and I'm calling that one friend we hopefully all have to bail me out.


    I don't want to lose the guy (he's really good), but there's that risk.

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