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Posts posted by starman05

  1. actually, and please no attacking here if you haven't had a good experience with him, but I knew a great guy, a massage therapist; no escorting (with me), but every encounter felt so freakin' intimate. He went to Burning Man over a decade ago and literally got burned, horribly. I don't think he was ever able to do massage again. There were other reasons to stop seeing him, but I have fond memories of happier times.

  2. I can't recall his name it's been soooo long ago but back in the 90s, there was a beautiful soloflex looking young man (I was too) in WeHo; his ad said 'legit only' and as I was terrified of AIDS (as opposed to today being more sane about it but still very cautious) he was perfect. He was really good at what he did and he lived in a loft, I want to say in the Melrose / La Cienega area give or take.


    One day, he just went to town on me. I couldn't believe. Came out of the blue. He disappeared, ads vanished. A different time.

  3. Can anyone help with LA Spooners? no, they're not a sports team...just wondering if anyone knows anyone who'd be willing to spoon for an hour or so.


    it's been a stressful year (few years) and I could use someone to just spoon and give a little TLC


    nothing more; nothing less.


    I'm in Los Angeles

  4. it's a really bad sign. I think I'd have more respect for someone who was just upfront from the beginning.


    I never like to negotiate extras. First and foremost, I want a great massage; I want to drift away and relax, forget about my woes and leave feeling satisfied. That doesn't necessarily mean a HE.


    If someone's not going to be upfront from the beginning, it makes it harder to zone out once I'm on the table.

  5. What does bump mean?


    Pittlookalike writing 'bump' is a short way to bump a thread back up to the top; the thread doesn't really judge what a poster has contributed to the thread; but by writing 'bump' or anything really, the thread will get pushed to the top again.

  6. All great advice, I’d love to be kept on as a special client but I do have every reason to believe that he’s moving on. I think I need to say goodbye to him too. If it were to continue I think I’d end up falling for him. It’s rare to have a chance to say goodbye. We can all relate to abruptly losing someone or being ghosted. If I get that last goodbye and it’s sweet then I have a nice memory for life. If it doesn’t happen, I still have some sweet memories. Either way, I’ll miss him. Thx for feedback and responses.

  7. I think there’s a window where I can see him one last time


    The debate is will it hurt more in the end if I see him again or if I just cherish past memories


    On a scale of 1 to 10 in terms of making me feel great, he’s an 857, easily.


    I know what I need to do but what would you do?

  8. I booked jake (barehands) today and got a fine service in my opinion, he was accommodating, I think I will go back. In general it was a bit pricey, massage was good enough for me, no HE (Its not a necessity to my taste).

    was he an incall? I notice he's offering them now. Torn on this one; HE isn't necessary and reviews say he's nice and good (which are necessary!) but I can't get the image of him pushing Westsideguy's hand aside. :(

  9. what's this guy charging that he should be able to live in a nicer part of town? I would have no idea how many massages he was doing a month or what his other expenses and obligations that has him living where he does. like others, I"m not sure of the point of this post. It sounds like this was never going to be a match.

  10. I think that's my problem. I found a great one, and I'm crushing like a girl in middle school. LOL

    this is tough; the temptation to be go and see him often is real. Think about pulling back when you start draining your 401K. Seriously, try to keep it all in perspective. It's tough emotionally and financially. I hear tell.

  11. He shorted me on time, by a lot. Hadn't showered in a while. But that was just one session. Sounds like he's been on his game with most of you.

    ET, that sucks. Give him another try maybe? I had a terrific experience.

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