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Everything posted by TorontoDrew

  1. TorontoDrew

    Who's the Top?

    I'm going to have to win the lottery. I've been slobbering over his videos for a while.
  2. Thanks for the recommendation. I've checked out his ad.
  3. Mist jurisdictions have stopped the second shot. They are focused on getting as many first shots as they can. Supply is low and I would expect second shots to open up once there is more supply.
  4. He doesn't perform oral. I'm not sure it's a French kiss without tongue. It wasn't bad though.
  5. Needs less clothes. RM isn't a dating site
  6. I saw the same resemblance. Yum.
  7. I am a bottom but appreciate a nice ass. I am glad they show it. But I'd like to see what's up front too.
  8. I've provided feedback before and never heard back from them.
  9. Hits all my buttons but I'd have to go to Orlando. Ugh.
  10. I was with him a wile ago. Enjoyed it. Total top. He kisses but no tongue. A bit cocky but that works for me.
  11. The only thing I like is the continuous scroll instead of pages. I'm a Premium member so the rest is okay for me. I'd be mad if I wasn't. The people behind RM are just like any other business and driving towards a paid subscription model.
  12. I got ny vaccine in June after I started reading about it. I also check with any potential partners first. So overall, there hasn't been much of an impact.
  13. I think so. Not model gorgeous but he's attractive. To be honest I was focussing on otherr things.
  14. I live in a big city. Don't want to pay import fees when I can buy locally.
  15. TorontoDrew

    411 Santiiiago

    No experience but doesn't look worth it to me.
  16. Or completely empty depending on the night.
  17. I think he just lists a travel schedule to drum up business.
  18. I asked him if he meant US $ or Canadian. He hasn't responded. I also asked him to confirm his limits. No kissing, no deal. Don't think I'd pay that much for someone with no reviews. I will let you know what he says.
  19. I guess it saves time for both of us. I am a bit of a perv and want to see the pictures though 😁
  20. He's coming to Toronto. I really should take the plunge.
  21. I've traveled a lot and there are arrogant and rude people everywhere. Back to the topic of tipping please.
  22. Suddenly I'm craving 🍑
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