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Peter Eater

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Everything posted by Peter Eater

  1. When he finally did come out, Ed Smart said, “It is not my responsibility to tell the [Mormon] church, its members or its leadership what to believe about the rightness or wrongness of being LGBTQ.” Actually, it is his responsibility - a healthy rather than authoritarian church embraces it, since its followers are the church - but the closet is a cruel legacy. 😕
  2. Kate Beckinsale. A great beauty. How about $1k for a threesome?
  3. Yes. I’d suggest identifying where you are. It’s a very big world.
  4. “…authentic straight man…” Pity.
  5. You might want to check out Kristian Elix on RM, who says the exact opposite and who is one of the top pros in the business - and whose very different attitude is a primary reason why. It’s not at all the same as the emotional/physical turn ons around dating.
  6. Nah, going to the police to file suit and getting a lawyer will cost more money, whether in cash or time and headaches, and not much will come of it. For a lost $100 or so, it isn’t worth it. Try Small Claims Court instead. No lawyer, modest filing fee, better chance for success at getting your money back. https://dol.ny.gov/system/files/documents/2023/02/ls602.pdf
  7. His age is much closer to what might be expected of a QAnon Cuban Trumper profile than is the dreamy Cuban Dream’s
  8. True, but that’s a pretty tiny slice. Some boys just look like boys.
  9. All 50 states and DC have statutory laws restricting tattoos to persons 18 or older. (Minors can’t enter into the necessary contract.) Given the extent of his pro chest tattoo, I’d guess he’s quite legal.
  10. No, but it’s an odd conception of Apollo.
  11. Recently had a super-strong, very powerful massage, so strong that in two spots I asked for lighter pressure (and got it). Overall it was terrific - and didn’t leave a single mark. None. He was well-trained, advertised as therapeutic only, knew what he was doing. I’ll repeat.
  12. Now it probably helps that the king of Morocco, Mohammed VI, is gay.
  13. “worked with thousands of clients” !!! “you deserve a safe space to relieve any load you are bearing.” !!! 🙃
  14. This whole Pride-parade-proves-tolerance discussion is just a distraction. One day a year a large group of people bands together to be out in public - safety in numbers - so that country (Muslim, Christian, etc.) is clearly cool with the homos? Ridiculous. Two men walking down the street holding hands on a random weekday in almost any town or city anywhere in the U.S., except for a handful of well-known exceptions, will be looking over their shoulders. Or, more likely, not walking down the street holding hands.
  15. The leader of the Victimhood Cult, poor beleaguered DJT, surely agrees with you. Not sure whether that applies to two homos sharing a bed in Dubai.
  16. Yes, psychological torture is much preferable to physical torture. Can’t see the scars.
  17. From the Los Angeles Times last night: Authorities recovered human remains Saturday in the Mt. Baldy wilderness near the search area for actor Julian Sands, who has been missing for more than five months. Hikers around Mt. Baldy discovered a body around 10 a.m. and notified authorities, according to a statement from the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department. The body was transported from the wilderness to the county coroner’s office for formal identification this week, the statement said. No other details were available. Sands, a British actor who appeared in “Room With a View,” “Warlock” and “The Killing Fields,” has been missing since Jan. 13.
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