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Peter Eater

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Everything posted by Peter Eater

  1. Yes, incest often manifests within situations of abuse.
  2. Terrific photo set (though I don’t understand the incest fetish).
  3. She could be right. Often, having promiscuous sex is a way to prevent having an intimate personal relationship. Kissing can enhance the illusion of intimacy with someone you know will not be around in the morning (or in 20 minutes). And frequency of the sex act isn’t what determines sex addiction; acting out takes many forms, including porn, masturbation, failing at relationships, app cruising, street cruising, daydreaming, etc. Hope she helps you out.
  4. Nah, American society remains heteronormative. If wishes were horses…
  5. Queer merely denotes a sexual or gender identity that does not correspond to established ideas of sexuality and gender, especially heterosexual norms. Diversity embraces difference. Assimilation is anti-humanist.
  6. Nope. Not cruel, abusive, abhorrent people. Diversity means all immutable characteristics.
  7. Carpinteria! Great little seaside town.
  8. Awesome bod. Pity about the lip fillers.
  9. Not until he shaves off that terrible beard. Being blindfolded isn’t enough.
  10. Well…no. You are queer. You are living a queer life. And, you just confirmed it. A style can be changed. Your bisexuality can’t. (queer = lgbtqia+)
  11. Physically not my type, but wow-wow-wow sure is a recommendation! 😊
  12. Quite right. And the whole “absent father/clingy mother” thing is so 1952. The only thing that nurturing has to do with sexual identity (which isn’t binary but exists along a spectrum) is the degree to which one grows to accept, fear, reject, enjoy, deny or embrace it.
  13. But being in a profound relationship with a same-sex partner is a gay life, not “a gay lifestyle.” Being vegan or a hiker or sober - or celibate - is a lifestyle. Being gay is who you are, not what you do.
  14. It’s 2024, and still the ludicrous fiction of a “gay lifestyle” is being used!
  15. Your hole must be sizable. 😉
  16. Are there studies exploring why some brothers turn out to be straight? Using heterosexuality as the benchmark, from which gay people deviate, is a problem.
  17. Also, in his profile he says he’s “st8 acting,” which means clueless (and I don’t mean he’s just inept with abbreviations). Too bad, given that excellent body. 🙁
  18. Actually it’s three German-Moroccan kickboxer brothers who Mohammed hangs with, but yes, Abubakr Abu Azaitar is by far his favorite. (He’s got 2 million followers on IG.) Mo divorced the wife several years ago.
  19. Nice that MBS will let the ladies go hijab-less, but he’ll still order you cut to pieces with a bone saw if you piss him off. Tolerance has its limits, meaning you do not possess bodily autonomy in that backward hellhole.
  20. “…a degree in Social Media Management…” Twitter pro?
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