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    BSR got a reaction from marylander1940 in 3 Straight Providers come to SF...   
    I clicked on this thread thinking it was the first line of a joke. So, three straight guys come to San Francisco. The first one sees ...
    But no joke, just a warning. And as others mentioned, links to three guys who don't look particularly straight
  2. Like
    BSR reacted to BluDay in "Airbnb'ing" your property to an escort?   
    I didn't see anyone answer on this.
    Yes, I think it is. The question is not actually a flip, was there is one basic difference: the number of "guests". A successful escort travelling would have a few guests each day. I'm not sure what that number would be, but assuming he was fully booked for his entire time, it could be a decent number of people.
    In general, a client would have one or two total escorts over. I think it would be unusual for a client to have more than 1 escort per day. It's basically the same number as someone getting lucky at the bars.
    In general, a client would get an AirBnB because they are on vacation or work, and an escort visit is a 'treat'. An escort is there to conduct business and the AirBnB is where it happens.
    Someone who rents out an AirBnB expects a person or persons to stay there rather like a hotel, perhaps having people over for platonic visits, and perhaps some bedroom activity. A person renting out an AirBnB would not expect a renter to be running an escorting business out of the bedroom.
    I don't rent AirBnB's, and I wouldn't put my house up for rent there. I do think an AirBnB provider as taking on risks like a hotel does, where renter may cause some damage and certainly use items. Escorting would not be expected, but is certainly a possibility, and as we've seen, happens.
    Since a lot of AirBnB's are private residences, it does mean that a serious of "one-hour" visitors to an escort could be noticed. That sort of thing is somewhat masked in a hotel, so an escort renting an AirBnB increases the change their business would be reported to the property owner.
  3. Like
    BSR got a reaction from + Avalon in Ever Been To A Card Room?   
    You see and hear a lot when you live in Las Vegas, especially if you go to the casinos as often as I do. I once met a guy who was, at least for a time, a professional card-counter. He paid his entire way through UC Santa Barbara by playing blackjack. When I said that I thought the MIT guys ruined it for everybody, he said that you could still do it but had to be super careful. He works a day job now and plays blackjack just for fun and for some pocket money.
    If you're ever in the unenviable position of trying to pawn your watch for gambling money (or money for any other purposes), be advised that if you bring in a brand new Rolex to a pawn shop, they'll probably offer you only 10% of the retail price. Yikes!
  4. Like
    BSR got a reaction from + Avalon in Ever Been To A Card Room?   
    I've lived half my life in poker rooms, or so it seems sometimes. All traditional poker rooms in the US are non-smoking. Most rooms, unfortunately, are adjoining the main casino, so a lot of smoke does drift in, but at least you don't have to put up with the guy next to you chain-smoking. I've never been to the other type of card room, where games like pai gow are played.
  5. Like
    BSR got a reaction from + Avalon in Ever Been To A Card Room?   
    What's a "card room"? Does that mean a poker room? I can't think of what else it could refer to.
  6. Like
    BSR got a reaction from + bashful in Panhandler price points.   
    I might have said this before, but it bears repeating in this thread. Las Vegas is fortunate enough to have a Catholic Charities that is very dedicated to helping the homeless. CC has very deep pockets because their fund for the homeless always takes in more in donations every month than they can spend. If you are homeless, CC will do just about anything to help you. They will feed you, they will give you groceries from their well-stocked food bank, they will find you temporary shelter, they'll help you get permanent housing, they'll set you up on job interviews, they'll counsel you on how to handle a job interview, they'll get you nice new clothes for those interviews, they'll pay for a makeover at the barber shop/beauty salon, they'll get you into rehab if you have a substance abuse problem ... in sum, they will move heaven and earth to get you off the streets.
    The reason they take in more in donations than they spend every month is that they place two conditions on their assistance: 1) you have to get off the drugs/alcohol, and 2) you have to be willing to work. They've found that if a homeless person isn't willing to do those two things, they inevitably end up back on the streets. And in a feature in the local paper, the workers at Catholic Charities said that there are a surprising number of homeless who just aren't willing to work and/or aren't willing to kick their addictions. Ever since I found out about Catholic Charities' work, my view of the homeless, at least here in Las Vegas, has changed. Granted, some of the homeless I come across may not know about Catholic Charities, but whenever a homeless person asks me for money, I direct them to Catholic Charities. I even offer to let them use my phone. By the way, Catholic Charities will pick up a homeless person anywhere in the city and transport them to a temporary shelter. I don't give money to the homeless any more, but I do donate to Catholic Charities, even if its coffers are brimming.
    Another way that the homeless situation in Las Vegas might be different from that of other cities is the amount that the homeless make panhandling. An article in the local paper featured a husband and wife who each panhandled two hours a day, seven days a week, so 28 hours total per week between the two of them. They tracked how much they took in a year: over $47K! OK, so maybe they're better at the panhandling thing than most homeless people, but they say that such generosity to the homeless is particular to Las Vegas. It's the mentality that if I give this homeless guy a dollar, I'll hit big on the slots tonight or all my football picks will come out. And I swear, you see some people almost falling out of their cars trying to give homeless people money. I doubt such zeal is merely passionate selflessness.
  7. Like
    BSR got a reaction from + GregM in Panhandler price points.   
    I might have said this before, but it bears repeating in this thread. Las Vegas is fortunate enough to have a Catholic Charities that is very dedicated to helping the homeless. CC has very deep pockets because their fund for the homeless always takes in more in donations every month than they can spend. If you are homeless, CC will do just about anything to help you. They will feed you, they will give you groceries from their well-stocked food bank, they will find you temporary shelter, they'll help you get permanent housing, they'll set you up on job interviews, they'll counsel you on how to handle a job interview, they'll get you nice new clothes for those interviews, they'll pay for a makeover at the barber shop/beauty salon, they'll get you into rehab if you have a substance abuse problem ... in sum, they will move heaven and earth to get you off the streets.
    The reason they take in more in donations than they spend every month is that they place two conditions on their assistance: 1) you have to get off the drugs/alcohol, and 2) you have to be willing to work. They've found that if a homeless person isn't willing to do those two things, they inevitably end up back on the streets. And in a feature in the local paper, the workers at Catholic Charities said that there are a surprising number of homeless who just aren't willing to work and/or aren't willing to kick their addictions. Ever since I found out about Catholic Charities' work, my view of the homeless, at least here in Las Vegas, has changed. Granted, some of the homeless I come across may not know about Catholic Charities, but whenever a homeless person asks me for money, I direct them to Catholic Charities. I even offer to let them use my phone. By the way, Catholic Charities will pick up a homeless person anywhere in the city and transport them to a temporary shelter. I don't give money to the homeless any more, but I do donate to Catholic Charities, even if its coffers are brimming.
    Another way that the homeless situation in Las Vegas might be different from that of other cities is the amount that the homeless make panhandling. An article in the local paper featured a husband and wife who each panhandled two hours a day, seven days a week, so 28 hours total per week between the two of them. They tracked how much they took in a year: over $47K! OK, so maybe they're better at the panhandling thing than most homeless people, but they say that such generosity to the homeless is particular to Las Vegas. It's the mentality that if I give this homeless guy a dollar, I'll hit big on the slots tonight or all my football picks will come out. And I swear, you see some people almost falling out of their cars trying to give homeless people money. I doubt such zeal is merely passionate selflessness.
  8. Like
    BSR got a reaction from sexymonk in 3 Straight Providers come to SF...   
    I clicked on this thread thinking it was the first line of a joke. So, three straight guys come to San Francisco. The first one sees ...
    But no joke, just a warning. And as others mentioned, links to three guys who don't look particularly straight
  9. Like
    BSR got a reaction from hornytwells in Swooning over Adam Rippon Figure skater   
    In reference to another thread about guys with small cocks, lemme say that I couldn't give half a flying sh*t if Chris Mazdzer were hung or not. That body, that face, that fur ... mmmmmmmm ... plus it looks like he has a really goofy sense of humor, which makes him all the sexier.
  10. Like
    BSR got a reaction from Populist Fury in Swooning over Adam Rippon Figure skater   
    I'm sorry, I must have missed the rule that you need to win at least an Olympic bronze medal before you're allowed to express an opinion.
    Patrick Chan, gold medalist in the team event, earned a tech score of 87.67 whereas Yuzuru Hanyu, gold medalist in the men's singles, earned a tech score of 109.55. A score of 87.67 was the 2nd highest tech score in the team event (Kolyada was just a smidge higher at 88.35), yet it would have placed Chan only eighth in the free skate standings in men's singles. Hanyu's score was good enough for only second in the free skate, behind Nathan Chen's jaw-dropping 127.64. Rippon's tech score was 86.20 whereas men's singles bronze medalist Javier Fernandez scored 101.52. Of a maximum eight jumping passes (two can be combinations, one can be a series, the other five must be individual jumps), Rippon did two double axels and zero quads, good for the third highest tech score. Twelve-year-olds can do a double axel. In contrast, Javi did two quads and two triple axels, yet Javi's tech score was only good enough for fourth in the free skate. Chan and Rippon placed ninth and tenth respectively in the overall men's singles standings.
    The Olympic Committee and the skating federations love the team event because it brings in ratings and money. In a sport with staggering expenses but just a trickle of revenue stream, Canada's gold medal will bring in a lot of money for Skate Canada. In that sense, I begrudgingly support the team event because anything to help with the horrible financial burden of figure skating is a good thing. But come on, the level of skating in the team event is a joke. Three nations fielded legitimate teams; three teams win a medal. Do the math.
  11. Like
    BSR got a reaction from ketut in 3 Straight Providers come to SF...   
    I clicked on this thread thinking it was the first line of a joke. So, three straight guys come to San Francisco. The first one sees ...
    But no joke, just a warning. And as others mentioned, links to three guys who don't look particularly straight
  12. Like
    BSR got a reaction from Cody Converse in 3 Straight Providers come to SF...   
    I clicked on this thread thinking it was the first line of a joke. So, three straight guys come to San Francisco. The first one sees ...
    But no joke, just a warning. And as others mentioned, links to three guys who don't look particularly straight
  13. Like
    BSR got a reaction from dinboston in Figure skating   
    I think you're being too harsh. Figure skating is an insanely expensive sport. Skaters not only have a "head coach," like Brian Orser for Hanyu & Fernandez, but also assistant coaches (Tracy Wilson), "specialization" coaches (Javi worked with a different coach specifically to work on his spins, plus with someone from the Ballet Nacional to work on posture & positions), and choreographers (David Wilson). Plus they have to pay a fortune for ice time, travel expenses, equipment, and costumes. Yes, the US Olympic Committee and the US Figure Skating Association do give skaters some money, but apparently it's not much, not nearly enough to cover all those staggering expenses. Yes, American figure skaters are looking to make money, because that's their financial reality.
    I don't know in-depth the financial situation of skaters from other countries, but I'm willing to bet the Russian Olympic Committee and Skating Federation provide a lot more financial assistance to their skaters than we give to ours.
  14. Like
    BSR reacted to LoveNDino in Swedish Olympic Curling Team   
    @Reisr30, you're welcome...

  15. Like
    BSR got a reaction from Populist Fury in Zagitova or Medvedeva?????   
    Zoinks! She can do a triple loop with almost no speed going into the jump. That jump combination is like nothing I've ever seen!
  16. Like
    BSR got a reaction from + Eric Hassan in Team USA Hotness   
    Eric, if you're lucky enough to see a pair of thighs like Joey Mantia's all the time, then you live a charmed life. I don't, so Joey makes me go absolutely apeshit.
  17. Like
    BSR got a reaction from + honcho in Guillaume Cizeron   
    I'm totally with you on Massot. Another French figure skater I like is pairs skater Morgan Cipres.

  18. Like
    BSR got a reaction from HotWhiteThirties in Guillaume Cizeron   
    I'm totally with you on Massot. Another French figure skater I like is pairs skater Morgan Cipres.

  19. Like
    BSR got a reaction from MassageDrew in Guillaume Cizeron   
    I'm totally with you on Massot. Another French figure skater I like is pairs skater Morgan Cipres.

  20. Like
    BSR got a reaction from + Italiano in I’m Not Saying It’s The Best Pizza In The World   
    This video is brilliant I love Italian food in Italy but absolutely despise Italian-American. Back in Boston I always vetoed any suggestions of Italian because almost all Italian restaurants In New England are Italian-American, not authentic Italian. Since most of my friends had never been to Italy and therefore had no idea what the difference was, they thought I was just being a pain. No, Italian-American is awful! Once you've had real Italian, your reaction to Italian-American is like those poor Italianos in the video. Fortunately, there are a couple of excellent authentic Italian restaurants in Las Vegas. They are awfully pricey, however.
  21. Like
    BSR reacted to Atlanta_Guy in Swinging Richards update   
    A couple of things from someone who is a “regular” of the club. The video is not a good advertisement or representation of the club.
    Most of the video was shot in 2009. Thats 10 years ago. Dustin, a dancer whose death was spoken of in the video died in the summer of 2009. The ‘movie’ started out as a concept for a reality TV show. It never went anywhere. Most of the dancers wanted nothing to do with it. Many of the dancers come from conservative homes. There is a reason the Deep South is known as the Bible Belt. There were probably 10 to 20 really hot guys working st the time that refused to be a part of it. So basically, you had the attention whores who were convinced they were going to get fame and money.
    As for some of the guys

    Dallas: still there. He’s actually aged well if you liked his look. I never had a thing for him but he’s actually a nice guy.
    Matthew: I spit my drink out laughing when he said he “slept mostly with women.” I think the only time he’s ever touched vagina was when he was born. He left Atlanta and for a time was the DJ st floppy roosters.
    Pierce: must have been having a bad week or month. He was hot, very sexy and he didn’t look up to his usual standards In the film. He was smart. Never understood how he got caught up in the film. He got an education and I’m told is doing very well.
    Shawn: he’s the guy that talked about how the money had gone down. This is the same shit every dancer talks about when they lose the “new meat” factor and/or lose some of their regulars. As a point of reference I was there Saturday night and one of my favorites was disappointed he had only made $600 as of midnight. So much for no money...Oh and this “favorite” of mine isn’t new but has been dancing for 4 years. To be fair, he is smoking hot and one of the best looking guys in the club now. PS - there is another dancer named Sean at Richards now... he’s been there since about 2010.
    Stephen - he was 40 plus years old when the film was done. He was a nice guy, attractive for some people but not really what you would expect appearance wise from a dancer. As the film mentioned he disappeared and was found dead. The official report said foul play wasn’t suspected.... but I never understood why.
    Matt Colunga - he was the DJ/Manager. A bit moody at times but he was good and did a good job of recruiting talent. I haven’t been to his new cub in Florida (Johnson’s) but have heard good things.

    The bottom line is the film does not give you a great picture of what you can expect at Swinging Richards. I’ve been to almost every strip cub and many gogo dancer clubs. Outside of Montreal Swinging Richards is the best you will find. The warning I would give is that they do have “off”nights... especially during the week. The weekends are almost always pretty good.
  22. Like
    BSR got a reaction from tyro in Johnny Weir @ the Olympics   
    Come on, this isn't 1890. In the 21st century, everybody pretty much expects figure skaters to be gay! Gay! GAY! And Johnny is only flamboyant off camera, like in his social media accounts. When he's doing commentary, he gets down to brass tacks and provides some great insights.
  23. Like
    BSR got a reaction from MikeBiDude in Do You Like Avocados?   
    I love avocados! Yes, lots of fat, but your system does need some fat, and avocados provide good heart-healthy fat. One of my favorites is avocado ice cream, which has been popular among Filipinos for decades. With the recent avocado craze, avocado ice cream is starting to be a "thing" in foodie circles. I gotta think that putting avocado in ice cream counters whatever health benefits of the avocado. Hey, I never said I ate it for my health; I just love the taste.
  24. Like
    BSR reacted to + GregM in Anyone been to the Borgata in Atlantic City?   
    Atlantic city is still open?
  25. Like
    BSR reacted to + Pensant in Johnny Weir @ the Olympics   
    I have to say that I’d much rather have drinks and dinner with Johnny and Tara than with Adam.
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