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Everything posted by BSR

  1. I googled Opus 40 because I had never heard of it even though I used to live in NYC (how embarrassing). It looks beautiful, and the story behind it is fascinating. I am definitely adding it to my bucket list. If a bunch of hippies & modern-day Druids happen to be there the day I visit, that's cool. Live and let live.
  2. The key, of course, is "can be." In Japan, yes (so I've read), but tips are most welcome in the Philippines. There is no set percentage. Plenty of Filipinos don't tips at all, some tip just a 100 pesos (less than $2) on a huge check, some tip 10% or more. When an aunt visited Baguio, she played at my uncle's tennis club. She loved playing in the Philippines because you could hire a "pulut-boy" (ballboy) who would chase down all the balls & feed them to you (just like the pro tour!) for just 50 pesos for the whole match (this was a while back, so adjust for inflation). She always gave 100 pesos (easy when you have Yankee dollars), and sometimes the pulut-boy would literally break down & cry tears of joy. Mind you, I can't promise that your pinoy ("Filipino" in Filipino) escort/masseur will cry tears of joy if you tip him, but safe to say that tips are greatly appreciated.
  3. If you look at the multiple of median income :: median home price, housing in most regions of the country is shockingly expensive. College tuition has soared, increasing far faster than overall inflation. Forget social media, a grasp of simple arithmetic will make young Americans realize that housing & debt are crushing them. But I agree, social media can make them even more miserable, like salt in the wound.
  4. Referring back to the article I cited earlier, I think Navratilova is referring specifically to trans women who have not undergone hormone therapy (69% haven't) and are therefore biologically and physically the same as any man. Even trans women who have undergone hormone therapy still enjoy physical advantages (e.g., height, armspan, greater lung capacity) over cis women.
  5. When the quad axel was only being talked about, long before anyone did one in competition, I thought it was just a pie-in-the-sky fantasy. Now that I've seen Malinin nail the jump, I still can't believe it even after rewinding and rewatching it a half-dozen times. And it's not like the other five quads are like falling off a log. Even the last series, the triple lutz step into a triple axel, boggles my mind. Congratulations to Ilia and family for his first world championship!
  6. How did Navratilova ridicule trans people? I'm not seeing it.
  7. In 1977 Renee Richards sued for and won the right to compete on the WTA Tour but has since changed her stance: "Having lived for the past 30 years, I know if I’d had surgery at the age of 22, and then at 24 went on the tour, no genetic woman in the world would have been able to come close to me. And so I’ve reconsidered my opinion. There is one thing that a transsexual woman unfortunately cannot expect to be allowed to do, and that is to play professional sports in her chosen field. She can get married, live as woman, do all of those other things, and no one should ever be allowed to take them away from her. But this limitation—that’s just life. I know because I lived it."
  8. My initial reaction, can't imagine I'm alone in this, was an eye-popping "wow, he's still alive?!"
  9. I love how this guy doesn't bother hiking his shorts back up after being exposed ...
  10. That's what I was wondering. If they're just asking, then the Stanford study is as reliable as a Grindr profile. If they're measuring, how da heck do you get that job??
  11. Most Filipinos are circumcised, but I couldn't give a percentage. I assumed it was the American influence but apparently circumcision is a Filipino tradition that predates the arrival of the Spanish.
  12. I really needed that final scene after all the ugliness of Cohn & Co. I won't spoil it either, but the ending was beautiful in its sadness. Thanks to @MikeThomas for starting this thread. Since I watch so little English-language TV & movies, I probably would have missed Fellow Travelers otherwise. As tough to take as the series was at times, I really enjoyed it.
  13. Like @BOZO T CLOWN, I question the $400 million total given (net worth $2.8 billion, btw). In any case, whenever Oprah gives even a dime to charity, she makes sure the whole damn world knows it, which reaps great financial benefits for her production company in general as well as each individual project. Plus each & every donation sparks the entire entertainment industry as well as the so-called news media into an orgy of Oprah-worship. No matter how much the sh*t-for-brains sheep worship their Saint Oprah, I will always see her as just another Hollywood narcissist. As for Ozempic, it's incredibly expensive, has some scary side effects, and once you go off it, you gain all the weight back. But all Saint Oprah cares about is another fat check.
  14. Maybe others are better at striking a balance, but when I've gone to strip clubs with a friend, I spent most of my time talking to my buddy and too little chatting up the talent. If I want to hang out with friends, I go to a regular bar. If I want to "play" with strippers, I go to a strip club by myself. My only other advice is to measure your alcohol intake. The fastest way to empty your wallet, no matter how much cash you bring, is to get too tipsy. At least that's what a friend told me *guiltylook*
  15. Does Borna Coric intentionally buy shorts one size too small? Not that I'm complaining, of course.
  16. Interesting ... an Australian news outlet did a comparison of an electric vs. ICE BMW 7-series, the cost of driving Melbourne to Sydney, and it cost more in the electric, not to mention the trip took longer because of time to recharge. They concluded that electric is cheaper if you're charging up at home and just driving locally, but more expensive for road trips that require recharging at public charging spots.
  17. Every once in a great while, I buy a box of Cap'n Crunch Peanut Butter which I have for dessert, a guilty pleasure that takes me back to childhood. But I have no desire to have it, nor any other cereal, as my dinner. I haven't bought Peanut Butter Crunch in a long time because the price jumped so much -- eek!
  18. We had a very typical winter here in Las Vegas, neither warmer nor colder than average. That probably means we'll also have a typical summer, i.e., 110° every single day from Memorial Day to Labor Day ... ugh! I love the weather in Las Vegas for 9 months of the year, almost perfect. But the summers are H-E-double hockey sticks.
  19. Or you could put the $75,000 toward getting an MBA and see how that advances your career.
  20. Marcos Giron has been playing great recently and reached a career-high ranking of #44. As a player climbs the rankings, tennis broadcasters start showing more of his matches. Watching Giron's matches are worth your while just for the shirt changes ...
  21. Thanks, @maninsoma, the guy's got some mad skillz ... and a nice chest.
  22. As good as Fellow Travelers is in so many ways, I'm struggling to get through the series because of all the ugliness. I love Jonathan Bailey, both for his performance and his nerdy sex appeal, I love the whole cast really, love the script, direction, and production quality, but as someone posted previously, forget how awful McCarthy et al were to gays (as if that weren't bad enough) -- how could we be so awful to each other?? I'm almost done with Ep 5, 3 more to go, but it's been the most difficult series I've ever watched.
  23. The guys who started predicting a recession back in 2003 weren't "consistently wrong" throughout the aughts. It just took a while for the gigatons of sh*t to hit the fan.
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