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Everything posted by BSR

  1. Hey, I hate to waste food as much as anyone else, but uh ... Burger King assistant manager arrested for serving customers fries from trash can
  2. Are you sure it's 24k? That would be highly unusual for a bracelet or any piece of jewelry because 99.99% gold is so soft. If you can make a dent in the metal with your fingernail, it's 24k. If not, it's an alloy.
  3. Let's hold off popping the champagne until at least October, after 2 more expected Fed rate increases and the resumption of student loan payments. Credit, i.e. borrowed money, fuels the US economy, and bank lending hasn't tightened until quite recently. By October, banks will be lending out far less money at an even higher rate. Apparently the 43.5 million Americans with student loan debt have been living it up during this deferment -- spending money that would otherwise have gone to loan repayment on things like shopping, vacations, and entertainment. When all that "faux" disposable income disappears overnight, consumer spending will drop dramatically. I had an interesting conversation with a guy who worked in ultra-high-end real estate (like private islands) back in the spring of 2007. He warned that the fit was going to hit the shan because properties that used to sell in an instant were stagnating for months without an offer. Shearson filed for bankruptcy more than a year later (Sept 2008), the worst of the recession didn't hit until 2009-2010, and NYC real estate didn’t bottom out until March 2012. In other words, these things take a while to play out. Jamie Dimon and Elon Musk didn't become self-made billionaires by being stupid about the economy.
  4. "Federal Reserve data show that in August 2019 there was $14.9 trillion total in circulation. By January 2022, there was $21.6 trillion." Where did that additional $6.7 trillion come from ... leprechauns' gold? manna from heaven? the mother of all lottery jackpots? Nope, the Fed just printed it out of thin air. And when you print dollars out of nothing, the value of each individual dollar shrinks, thus inflation.
  5. To me, this is like asking how much does it cost to have a car. You can buy a 5yo Toyota Prius, or you can buy a paint-still-wet Lambo. One time at Popeye's, I was able to eavesdrop on the conversation between a mid-50s guy and his 19-20yo companion. Imagine my amusement once I figured out they were discussing a possible sugar arrangement. It took all the self-restraint I could muster to refrain from jumping in and screaming to the kid, "Sugardaddy's treating you to Popeye's?! RUN!!!"
  6. How many layoffs has ESPN had? The headline of "ESPN layoffs" is announced so often it's starting to feel like Groundhog Day.
  7. I don't always have it on hand because Trader Joe's is kinda far from me, but I like their paté as a snack. It's surprisingly inexpensive given how pricey paté is everywhere else.
  8. I had alligator once in Florida, just had to try it. Just as I was about to take my first bite, my travel buddy said it's supposed to taste like chicken. I told him, "no, it tastes like a reptile that lives in a swamp." First and last time I'll ever have 'gator.
  9. I liked that it decided home field advantage, but apparently the players hated it. That said, even when the ASG used to matter, I couldn't bring myself to watch it.
  10. I don't know how to say it in French, but in Spanish, a rey muerto rey puesto. I can't get myself to watch the match, usually can't stomach Novak's Slam losses. But I do know that Alcaraz played great and fully deserved to win, so congratulations to him!
  11. Thanks for the heads up, the trailer is cute.
  12. I am highly suspicious of most 1-star reviews of gay-themed films & TV series, not just the very short ones. Since I always read some Imdb reviews before watching something on Netflix, I notice that way too many reviews sound just a little too similar. They never take issue with the gay storyline, characters, or even the sex & nudity. They always discuss the acting, script, production values, etc., but as if they're all written off the same template. Hmm, there is far too much similarity for it to be just coincidence. Anyway, thanks for your review. I checked out the trailer on YT. Oh yeah, the 2 leads are real easy on the eyes.
  13. In this video, James Cameron details how he came to the conclusion on Monday morning that the sub was gone. When he sends out emails to all his contacts in the deep-dive community, note that he doesn't mention any contradictory responses. In other words, everyone knew the sub was gone. That's why I am so convinced. Go ahead & buy into government propaganda (always a good source, uh huh) if you so choose. I choose to believe the deep-dive community.
  14. This is classic government coveryourass-speak bullshit. Note the lack of a subject in the first sentence (no accountability, a government trademark) and the platitude ("Monday morning quarterbacks") in the second. No response as to who exactly doubted that the sub was gone, nor any alternative scenarios to explain the simultaneous loud bang+loss of comms+loss of tracking. Why not? Because no one doubted and because everyone knew that the loud bang/no comms/no tracking could mean only one thing: the sub was gone.
  15. With a sub at 3500 feet deep, a collapse of the sub means instant death because no human can withstand the water pressure at that depth whereas people survive building collapses all the time. Poor analogy. For example, as catastrophic as the Surfside FL condo collapse was (98 dead), 3 people did survive.
  16. The US government should have told the families on Monday morning that the simultaneous loud bang + loss of comms + loss of tracking meant that the sub was gone. Anything other than that would be misleading. Maybe they did tell the families behind closed doors that the sub was gone, no chance of survivors. But the very public narrative was that there was still a chance of rescue.
  17. It will be the 21st century version of Marie Antoinette's notorious line. But instead of cake, "let them eat synthetic meat!"
  18. You caught me on Sarajevo. My ignorance, I didn't know Bosnia was a Muslim-majority country (barely, 50.7% according to Wiki). Some brave souls did stage a Pride March in Istambul in defiance of a government ban. 40 marchers were detained. If the government bans Pride and arrests participants, I don't think that counts. They used to have Pride in Lebanon, but as in Turkey the government banned it. No source, just working off my knowledge of Muslim-majority countries that hold Pride. Can you think of any others? Worth noting that Pride in Muslim-majority countries has relatively few participants and is held only in the biggest city. In Christian countries, on the other hand, even small towns hold Pride celebrations. I saw a feature on the cutest Pride march ever in a small town in England. The town had only 1 gay resident, and the march consisted of this 1 gay guy and all his friends. The rest of the town stood on the sidewalks and cheered as this "march" went by. That definitely doesn't happen in Muslim countries. Whether 2 or 3, my point was you can't lump Christian countries (~150, almost all of which allow Pride) in with Muslim countries (3 out of 50, and it's always precarious).
  19. Wow, and you accuse other people of buying into conspiracy theories, LOL. 1) I have not reported anyone or any post in this thread. 2) It's just basic Internet courtesy to use the @ when mentioning another forum member so that they are aware you cited them. Sorry for so rudely interrupting your paranoia.
  20. Who here actually thinks that misleading the family & friends of the 5 men was the right thing to do? If you know that my husband/brother/son is gone, just tell me, even if you don't have proof yet. But don't make me cling to bullsh*t false hope for a few days because I'll be so much more devastated when I hear the truth. Plus I will explode with rage once I figure out that you fed me a lie. How is it a good idea to feed desperate, distressed people false hope? What am I missing here?
  21. Feel free to report my post.
  22. One shade of gray I mentioned previously: the US government acknowledges the universal consensus in the deep-dive community is that the loud bang + simultaneous loss of comms and tracking mean that in all likelihood the sub is gone, but that search efforts will continue until the 96 hours lapses. At least that way the government isn't feeding false hope to the friends & family of the 5 men. @mike carey said, "There was still doubt about whether that was conclusive." OK then, who exactly doubted? Name names and list their credentials. And if this expert or experts doubted, what alternative scenario did they suggest could have caused the loud bang coupled with simultaneous loss of comms & tracking?
  23. "Not trying to attack anyone" ... except you just did, LOL. You backpedaled only after I called you out for it. Let me ask the question I asked earlier but no one has answered: can you find one expert, outside the *coughlyingsackofshitcough* US government, who believed that in light of the loud bang + simultaneous loss of comms and tracking, there was a chance that the sub was still viable and its passengers were alive?
  24. Feel free to report my post if you feel so strongly about it. Again, the entire diving community, including the US Navy, knew that the sub was gone. So why did the US government maintain the grotesque charade that there was still hope of rescuing the 5 men on board?
  25. Making a big show about rescuing survivors when they knew the sub was gone. The entire diving community knew it, the Navy knew it. Yes, that qualifies as a lie.
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