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Everything posted by SundayZip

  1. I wish that mostly-straight as a orientation label would have been more prevalent when I was in my twenties. I would get so confused by interactions with some men who identified as straight. They would show an interest in me and want to experiment and I would assume that they're actually gay and just starting to come out of the closet. If I could have only seen it for what it was, I wouldn't have allowed my head to get so screwed up over them.
  2. Yes, there is the mean (aka, average) but there's also median and mode. Seems like the mode would be most meaningful for this exercise. ;)
  3. Here's how the World Health Organization defines gender, "Gender refers to the socially constructed characteristics of women and men, such as norms, roles, and relationships of and between groups of women and men. It varies from society to society and can be changed." A couple people posting to this thread seem to be proud of their ignorance regarding gender identity. What's that all about?
  4. Of the cities mentioned so far, I have hiring experience in San Francisco, Chicago, NYC, Miami/Ft Lauderdale and Montreal. For me, NYC is by far the best for hiring. I have better luck finding escorts that appeal to me there. Maybe it's because of the sheer number of escorts in the city, or maybe it's their diversity or maybe it's just the type of guy that chooses live/work there. Montreal is fun for the strip clubs, but escort selections are very limited. Although great places for other reasons, San Francisco, Chicago and Miami/Ft Lauderdale are also limited compared to NYC. I've also hired in Toronto, but that was over 10 years ago, so my experiences there may not reflect the current situation.
  5. @studchaser, it's interesting how your perception of reality is so heavily influenced by your fantasies.
  6. I saw both Neil Patrick Harris and Darren Criss play Hedwig on Broadway. Overall, I think Neil did a better job of disappearing into the character. His performance was awesome. But I preferred Darren's performance of the last song of the show which is a more soulful ballad that suited Darren more than Neil (IMHO). I've only seen John Cameron Mitchell in the movie, but I would have loved (LOVED!) to see him in a live theater production. The clip of Darren Criss singing at The Pantages in LA (posted above) doesn't 't do him justice. His Broadway performance sounded much better.
  7. Calling these events "retirement planning dinners" is inaccurate. They're an opportunity for the host to sell you some product for which they get a commission or percentage. Go for the food but don't get duped into a product that is not in your best interest. I went to one where the host wanted me to move a portion of my assets into a manged account, meaning he'd get a percentage of the account balance regardless of how well it performed. The food was okay but not worth going back a second time.
  8. Hey Benjamin, I'm interested in why you selected R Family Vacations. I've spent some time investigating various LGBT friendly river cruises and had not come across them. But now I'm intrigued. I love that their cruises are for a more diverse demographic (I sometimes get tired of all male venues). I'm not sure I want to tour with lots of children, though. That said, the Uniworld Venice cruise looks nice. Why did you happen to select R Family Vacation? Unless, of course, you have a sponsor that selected this cruise.... then it's none of my business.
  9. I've long given up trying to understand the curtain/no-curtain situation at Campus and Stock Bar. At Campus, the lack of curtains seems to make very little difference in the activities allowed during a lap dance. You get the right dancer in the right lap dance booth and the two of you make up your own rules. Regarding curtains at Stock Bar, they give you more privacy, therefore you'd think that rules about physical contact would be less stringent. But that's certainly not been my experience. It probably makes sense to someone... but not to me.
  10. I had the same concern about traveling solo until I went on a gay river cruise. Although roughly 75% of the passengers were with a partner, I never once felt like the odd man out. To me, it felt a bit like going away to college for the first time... you're suddenly among a new group of people (albeit a bit older than college age) and everyone is a stranger, eager to get to know each other. Of course it helped that it was a more mature crowd that no longer selects friends based on who is the prettiest and has the best body. You only need to be yourself, open and friendly.
  11. No. I've been hiring for years and have never been asked for a deposit.
  12. I knew that dancers are not actually employed by the bar and pay to work there, but I never fully understand the legal reasons for the arrangement. Now I do. Thank-you. It seems that the arrangement has worked for years. Customers have come for the hot dancers and dancers have come because that's where they customers are. But now, if its no longer working, something must have changed. Any idea what that is?
  13. I had a date with him earlier this year. Pictures are accurate.
  14. By the way, @jjkrkwood, I love (LUV) your new avatar! Yummy.
  15. Daily. Unless I have a special date. Then I'll change them right before the date. I keep a supply of at least 14 pairs so I can go a couple weeks without doing an underwear load.
  16. You might find this thread helpful: How to do due diligence on a potential hire
  17. Thank-you for this post. It's great to hear positive comments about a trip to Montreal instead of all the complaining about the condition of the gay village.
  18. I rarely book more than an hour when its my first time with an escort. There's no guarantee there will be chemistry, even with a well reviewed escort. But I usually know within 10 minutes of meeting the escort if there's chemistry. If there is, I can ask if he's able to extend the date to two (or more) hours. I'd say that well over half the time I'll ask to extend a date. Of course, sometimes the escort can not accommodate me. If so, that's okay. I can always ask for a second date. But most of the time the escort is okay with extending our first date.
  19. For me it changes all the time. Most recently its been Rami Malek and Josh O'Connor (although my Rami phase might be fading). Rami Malek Josh O'Connor
  20. I would not mind being contacted by an escort with whom I've already had a good experience. I typically hire when I travel and rarely at home (probably because I'm doing other things when at home). But if the right escort were to send me an email suggesting another get-together, I just might take him up on it. Even if it means an impromptu weekend trip to NYC, San Francisco or some other city where I enjoy spending time and can find other fun things to do. I can think of a couple escorts in particular. I'd welcome an email or text from one of these guys that started out something like, "Hey <xxx>, I've been thinking about you and the fun time we had together last time. I'd really enjoy getting together with you again. You up for more fun times? I've got a few ideas <etc>" There's a good chance his email would get me checking airfare.
  21. SundayZip


    It looks to me like the "Orientation" options on rentmen are: Gay, Transsexual, Transgender, Bisexual, Straight and Ask me. They appear to be missing Portrait and Landscape.
  22. SundayZip


    When I see an escort ad that states "ask me" for his sexual orientation, I see it as an invitation to have a discussion about expectations and boundaries. And that's a good thing. There are too many inaccurate assumptions that come with the limited set of sexual orientation labels available to an escort on rentmen (gay, straight or bi). Why not accept the escorts invitation and ask? It's a perfect opportunity to communicate your expectations and get a better sense of your compatibility.
  23. Yeah, the aspect of the past being distorted by nostalgia for 'back in the day' seems right (correct?) to me.
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