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Everything posted by Chancealot

  1. One is much older than the others - red flag
  2. Feel like he did you wrong in several ways. I’ve gotten better at making sure it’s discussed and agreed what’s what prior. That way I feel like I’m not assuming anything which would be on me nice guy is great but you didn’t hire him to be a friend the I jacked off earlier is lame btw - bad form by him I’d review and stick to the facts - agreed upon prior and what actually happened Otherwise others could fall into the same trap
  3. For me SA allows me to quickly interact with multiple potential guys to have a good time or more with. I appreciate the regular guy/less jaded general vibe - exceptions for sure. I vet the options via texting - they vet me as well - and often there’s a reason to meet The sex is important however I appreciate the potential to get to know someone at a time in their life when they’re exploring and can benefit from a mature ear or voice
  4. Ya you coulda been more nuanced I suppose but I guess if you’re on RM as a provider that’s always a possibility
  5. Been there - feel free to reach out
  6. No intel just appreciation
  7. A versatile twink can be a blast - flipping and such not this one
  8. It’s like he’s royalty
  9. Latest back forth revealed a couple things that were good to know he’s all bottom - I told him his profile says versatile - he was surprised then said he’d edit it and he hasn’t he’s not into kissing - again good to know but not mentioned rates a bit high yes but if you can get it I’ve no complaints i find recently the lack of good info on the profiles requires a lot of investigation prior spending time finding out things that are contrary or omitted from profile
  10. Lol I’m calling bullshit. Just re-read your take then again and ya it’s an elitist take. “My fatter wallet opinions are better than yours” is not a reasonable take
  11. Sorta surprised he went there since he asks for pics. He’s attractive for sure. Not sure what’s in his heart but not a good look
  12. Feel like some people can judge others better via text than others. For me it’s simple - I ask a few questions that help me make a decision - if I sense something off I might ask the same question 2x. Liars don’t remember lies i agree that the illegality of it is absurd but given recent SCOTUS thing i suppose I shouldn’t be
  13. Chancealot


    GaTechJock has not responded to two texts couple days apart - verifying much of the prior comments
  14. Have been texting him as I was interested in meeting him. Seems chill and reasonable. I asked specifically about things - I always do lol - to maximize potential of a good time. All was good except he mentioned he doesn’t kiss. And that’s a deal breaker for me. Seems like nice guy tho and good communicator
  15. Best young Twinks and Jocks are on Grindr or SA. While you have to work a little harder as some/most aren’t “looking” for that on Grindr for example - I find the return well worth it
  16. I always ask reviewers for specifics to fill in the blanks - often a good review is based on needs of that person which may not be in sync with mine
  17. Anyone bite ? I like his look https://rent.men/Thickmuscle
  18. Chancealot


    It appears he tag teamed during Pride in NYC - big fan of his sidekick https://rent.men/Dillon_sd
  19. It’s a free country I think - to not read/post or to enter the fray.
  20. Hope your friend is ok but nail polish on/off is not a reasonable example of what you describe Or I’ll rephrase to “in my opinion”
  21. You can’t help yourself can you. I agree that sending someone home w/o some comp if something was not discussed prior is awful. But you’ve spent this entire thread branching out from this individual poster bad move - hiring then sending one away without consideration is not a reasonable thing - into something much bigger and have denigrated others who don’t see things as dramatic as you So reread your posts perhaps before you play the victim or attempt to victimize
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