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    fedssocr1 reacted to + tassojunior in Fort Lauderdale "Where the Boys Are"   
    Me too but currently a lot of Prague guys don't work Prague ....only Zurich. And if you're lucky enough to catch one working in Prague they will want closer to Zurich prices ($250 vs $150). The standard rate in Prague is now 3000 CK, ($150), up from 2500 a year ago. I always go for two weeks in May but I'm thinking of splitting the trip with Zurich to catch all my guys. Up and Down (old Temple) is the only hustler bar there now. Very hit or miss, usually miss.
    All of Germany is much cheaper. Hustlers (Bahnhofjunge) are part of German culture. 70E ($100) is base rate. Hustler bars are everywhere (they look down on the Bahnhof boys who have disappeared anyway). Unfortunately all the hustler bars in Berlin and Hamburg are now all rough Romanians. Last year I stopped there for a week and was pickpocketed inside Pinocicco. The little bar behind Pinocchio a block (forget name) is quiet and safe. Boytoy across the street is more safe and BlueBoy is safe. Internet is better.
    I'll be in FLL tomorrow 2/6 and 2/7. My friend works there and Luke Volta will be in Miami. I'll hit Boardwalk and may hit Johnsons and leBoy. Last month I was there and Johnsons had a number of skinny fem twinks and a very few nice looking normal guys. FLL doesn't need 2 leBoys and I'm sure they will figure that out. I'll report although weekends are much better.
    My friends who work at my guest house when visiting never set foot in a bar. I have to beg them to go with me for a couple hours to Secrets. One used to work at Boardwalk and hates that work....so much work for so much less $. He only does incalls and gets several a day. The best guys really get used to filling their evenings with incalls from like 5 to 10. Their internet ad is answered by an agent who sets their dates for them so they can keep working. It is 90% internet now everywhere.
    Sorry if some of this is known already. Just trying to help visitors. The definitive thread is "Such cute boys in Prague" over at Boytoy, 1000 posts, dozens of reviews and photos.
  2. Like
    fedssocr1 reacted to LoveNDino in Nathan Chen   
    Matteo Guarise

  3. Like
    fedssocr1 reacted to bigvalboy in “Come to my place and spend a few hours with me”   
    You could potentially have a lot to lose. You know nothing about him. I would do a meet-n-greet first at a local Starbucks or some public place..
    "Better to err on the side of caution"
  4. Like
    fedssocr1 reacted to jjkrkwood in “Come to my place and spend a few hours with me”   
    I wouldnt go to anyones place that I didnt know. If you are interested, suggest meeting in a public place and then play it by ear. There are alot of predators out there, Instagram or otherwise.
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    fedssocr1 got a reaction from Bearofdistinction in Twisted Fantasies in Baltimore   
    entrance in the rear seems appropriate
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    fedssocr1 reacted to FurryDude in Seeking arrangements success!   
    Judging from the self-descriptions in the profiles on SA, and I've read a few, I think the entire cohort of aspiring med school students in the U.S. must be on that site. As is every retired dancer under 25.
  7. Like
    fedssocr1 reacted to Kenny in strip club decline -- causes?   
    Strip clubs are declining because Bozo has disappeared.
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    fedssocr1 reacted to LaffingBear in strip club decline -- causes?   
    I'd agree that the internet is having an effect on strip clubs. For some patrons, preferable to sit home in private, searching through a menu of guys. And, considering the "work for tips-only" policy of many strip clubs, why wouldnt a performer prefer a safer, less invasive setup where he can get $3 to $5 a minute or more.... and just sit there, not bumping & grinding, until someone's paying?
    Tech also adds the options of Grindr and similar apps.... less dependence on thrill of a dancer, or the video arcades, etc.
    Add in that, while theres still progress to be made, being gay is less taboo. That is having an effect on gay strip clubs, gay bars, all-gay cruises, the need for gloryholes, etc.
  9. Like
    fedssocr1 reacted to Derrick Rigg in strip club decline -- causes?   
    Young gays aren't going to the bars as much - probably down 45 percent. So, they meet on dating apps or something like it.
    Being on the frontline in bars as a stripper, the amount of people (all) has declined in going to clubs and bars. That has resulted in a less playful and fun environment where all kinds of people meet and get together for a good time.
  10. Like
    fedssocr1 reacted to Kr8zy in strip club decline -- causes?   
    There was a time when gay bars and strip clubs flew under the radar. Today they are more high profile, and I think suffer a bit from unwanted attention. And like blopndeq states,it is becoming more and more costly to operate these establishments. I don't think they ever really made a killing. Well,actually that may be part of it, too. I think a number of the older establishments were perhaps too involved with other crime activities. As those get cleaned up, they disappear.
    But mostly I think culture has moved on. Straight strip clubs are also on the decline, and i think that is because on one hand people are more open with their sexuality and thus don't need to sneak into these types of establishments,but also today's generation I think is less into the whole sex thing in the first place.Yes there are still some, and there are still some clubs. But more people are looking for things beyond sex and beyond finding their "own kind".
  11. Like
    fedssocr1 reacted to + tassojunior in Prague   
    The Boytoy thread "So Cute Boys in Prague !" is the definitive internet source of reviews, photos, etc of guys in Prague. 1000 posts and very current on a daily basis. Most posts are reviews of guys and photos, gossip, etc. Questions answered quickly. Yes, I contribute there.
    Escape is closed by police for boy trafficking. No loss unless you're into emaciated twinks. Rarely did anything quality filter through there and prices were ridiculously high. Quality is definitely also lacking at Temple, which is now named Up and Down bars. Prague is strictly a Romeo town and many of the porn actors are on it by names that change too often.
    The worst news is that most of the quality Prague guys only work in Zurich now where they get twice Prague prices.
  12. Like
    fedssocr1 got a reaction from + WilliamM in River cruise (or similar)   
    I've never had a lot of interest in cruises, but have been thinking more about a river cruise lately as have many of my friends.
    I did do a short 2 night Mekong cruise in Laos a couple of years ago which I really enjoyed for the most part. It was me and about a 15 elderly Japanese people plus their perky tour guide. Very laid back. We only sailed during the day and tied up at night. Incredible sunsets and sunrises. But that was such a small boat that I don't think it really compares to a European river cruise.
    When it comes to Europe I tend to prefer to spend more time in one place.
  13. Like
    fedssocr1 reacted to + Pensant in River cruise (or similar)   
    I like do do a lot of hiking, biking and mountain biking in all parts of Europe, but would definitely consider a Viking cruise in the future. I often make my trips too strenuous, and it would be nice to move ar a more civilized pace. @OneFinger : your recommendation to book a cheaper space is great advice, especially if the boat travels at night.
  14. Like
    fedssocr1 reacted to OneFinger in River cruise (or similar)   
    I've done 2 Viking cruises and would NOT consider anything but Viking. We usually chose the cheaper lower deck. The only time we're in the room is to sleep and spend lots of time on the spacious deck. Can't justify paying more for the cheapest room. Food is always fantastic (including wine) and the tours are spot on. They usually offer 2 tours in each city. One for "normal" people and another for "mobility challenged". I've done both and they are great.
  15. Like
    fedssocr1 reacted to nynakedtop in Hotel suggestions in Bangkok   
    I have lived in Bangkok for several years, both while worked in the local office of an large American philanthropic foundation and as the site for my graduate thesis on rural-to-urban labor migration. I still maintain an apartment in the City and am there regularly.
    Despardo's posting is quite spot on. What many people do not realize, largely due to a very successful campaign launched by the Thai tourist authorities, is just how poor the country is. Not to "essentialize", but I have found the Thai people to be wonderful to be around, both in casual everyday encounters and more long-lasting relationships, professional and personal. But one must always keep in mind that life there is very difficult for most people... instability in the government, rural poverty, a degrading environment, corruption, and just bad infrastructure make the everyday an ordeal in many ways. Also keep in mind that the sex industry there really is an industry, efforts to sugar coat it notwithstanding.
    As for coping, Despardo's advice is good... I speak the language so I can politely decline offers in Thai which both surprises, amuses, and renders speechless most people who might approach me. Otherwise a polite smile and a simple phrase: "mai ow, krub" will suffice.
  16. Like
    fedssocr1 reacted to + g56whiz in Seeking arrangements success!   
    The best strategies are the strategic ones. Lol
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    fedssocr1 got a reaction from liubit in Lars Norgaard - Homophobic Porn Model?   
    interesting. DIfferent strokes I guess. He's certainly not unattractive, but Bel Ami has hundreds of better-looking guys imho.
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    fedssocr1 reacted to MikeyGMin in Lars Norgaard - Homophobic Porn Model?   
    I love the variety of tastes we all have. The boy does absolutely nothing for me because there's a complete lack of masculinity, but he does seem like a poster boy for Bel Ami. I would love to hear the soundtrack of his thoughts during a scene. Is he just trying to fantasize about a girl and stressed about giving it up or is he thinking really negative homophobic thoughts about his partner.
  19. Like
    fedssocr1 reacted to + tristanbaldwin in Trip Report So Far- Buenos Aires Argentina   
    Just wanted to put out some quick notes for Forum members / Escorts alike, in case their travels take them here. @latbear4blk is problably a better resource then me, but here’s my two cents so far:
    Cost(Gearing this for most US people, not international): Obviously, it’s a long flight- so expect to be in the 800-1400 range, just for the flight, unless you find a steal. However, your mileage on hotels and meals is going to go a lot further for the dollar- completely offsetting the cost of that flight, in my opinion.
    Getting to / from the airport: If you take a taxi, expect to be 40+ range; however, there is a minibus service called Manuel Tienda Leon that runs every 30 mins or less for 12 USD, takes you near the Sheraton Hotel near the North docks. From here, it’s literally a block and a half to the subway system that connects the entire city, and cheap. Entrance to the subway is 7.50 ARG, or approximately 45 cents. Ride that bitch all you want for that- go clear across town. It’s VERY effective, clean and safe.
    Weather: Not sure about other times of the year, but it’s been 85-92 and completely clear, ALL this week for me. INTENSE UV- 10+, but with a perfect breeze to offset the heat.
    Attractions: Museums and Attractions are generally VERY cheap to get into, and there’s tons of them. Watch out, streets become somewhat empty and have a more dangerous feel after 9PM. It’s like people turn into pumpkins- steel shutters come down and vibrant streets close up.
    Daytime- this is a GORGEOUS city with parks everywhere, and CLEAN.
    Nightlife- The Gay disco ‘Amerika’ is the place to be, if looking for that sort of hookup- very energetic.
    The People- Arguably some of the most attractive men and women I’ve seen as a cross-section of a populace, anywhere in this world. What a vivid combination of hair and eye colors...most everyone is in shape, and TALL. Body types are very attractive.
    Now the downside:
    If you’re an ESCORT, unless you speak Spanish fluently....communication here is difficult. And these types of clients want communication(as would I, to be fair...), before they book sessions. They’re very aggressive, Alpha, and want to break you down price wise. However, most have gone out of their way to stress that they’re not into anal play of any kind- surprising. Expect counter offers for your services for more ‘vanilla’ play only.
    If you’re a CLIENT....as @Epigonos informed me, www.soytuyo.com is where you want to go to find guys. They’re stunning, they’re cheap- but you may have some difficulty bringing them into a hotel. Hotels tend to flag what appears to be locals going in, so you may have the awkwardness of explaining who they are. For me, I had an ideal situation- a restaurant in the hotel I stayed in....that was already past the front desk...and near the elevators...so the clients could sneak up. Same thing would work for escorts. I think the larger the hotel or an AIRBNB will be easier to make this work, vs. a boutique hotel.
    A city I truly have enjoyed for vacation purposes, but not one that I’d encourage most American-born escorts to take a stab at, if they’re intending to actually turn a profit.
  20. Like
    fedssocr1 reacted to jjkrkwood in Is Acne A Turn-Off?   
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    fedssocr1 got a reaction from MassageDrew in Is Acne A Turn-Off?   
    as some one who had terrible acne during my teen years and have had it popping up on my chin for the last year, I can say it's not easy for everyone to get rid of. The dermatologist I visited recently suggested that most adult acne has a dietary cause...most likely sugar. He prescribed some insanely expensive topical cream that doesn't seem to be making much difference for me.
    I have had some success with tea tree oil, but even that doesn't work consistently
    As to whether it's a turnoff...depends how severe and the location
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    fedssocr1 reacted to bigvalboy in Protect Yo’ Cash, Pretty Peeps   
    If you feel uncomfortable taking some of the suggestions from above, a simple house safe that is either bolted to the concrete or secured to the floor boards would give you some peace of mind. They are relative inexpensive and can be installed with simple tools. I can't ever remember not having one. Spend a little extra and get one that is fire rated to a degree that would protect your contents if the building burned down or survive most natural disasters. Jewelry, extra cash, important papers, passports etc. can all be safely protected for very little money. You can also get creative and install it someplace that most people would never dream of looking.
  23. Like
    fedssocr1 reacted to LaffingBear in question re. renting a car   
    Try going direct to the rental car company... not through third parties like expedia.
    Search online for coupons. Explore your memberships. I get offers from AAA, and from my credit card carriers.
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    fedssocr1 reacted to + Keith30309 in question re. renting a car   
    I've observed rental car rates fluctuate wildly from the same company/same dates so, if it's more than a couple of weeks out, I make a reservation with the cheapest rate I can find on several sites and re-check every few days and rebook a new reservation if a lower rate pops up... right up to the moment I step off the airplane in my destination city. (I like Skyscanner and Google travel). Sometimes the best rate I've gotten has been 2 months out and sometimes 2 hours. I assume it's pure projected supply and demand. Setting an alert on a couple of sites like Kayak helps but can feel spammy.
    Checking nearby cities can pay off... like PBI/FLL/MIA in South Fla.
    On the downside I've begun seeing 'non-refundable' car rental reservations pop up (as with hotels).
  25. Like
    fedssocr1 reacted to AlexMass2004 in Seeking arrangements success!   
    The website owner doesn't want you to take money away from his other website, What's Your Price, where you do pay to meet someone.
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