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Posts posted by rvwnsd

  1. Unfortunately, there is usually a trade off between price and the product you get in return. Unfortunately, most Americans prefer a cheap price to more leg room, wider seats, food, free baggage, etc. Where offered, people can upgrade to business or first class if they want more legroom and wider seats and food, etc.

    I should be noted that Southwest Airlines does not charge to check a passenger's first two bags.

  2. I consider myself an attractive guy who hires. However, I also know that chemistry takes two for it to work. I always provide a succinct yet informative physical description of myself to my companion. I try to be as objective as I can about height, weight, etc. When it comes to race, I state that I'm Latino. I even tell the guy I'm uncut. I do all this for 2 reasons: I like for the escort to be as fully informed as possible so that he can opt in/out but also so that he can put himself in the frame of mind to make the best of our time together. The second reason is pride: by writing down or telling him my dimensions - height, weight, race, etc, I'm subsconsciously owning who I perceive myself to be physically. Not with the intent to box me in, but to be proud of my own packaging.


    Yet another occasion where we think alike. I always give a description of myself, including a mention that I am 6'4", as some guys are either uncomfortable with being significantly shorter (a guy of "average" height, which is 5'10," is six inches shorter than me) or the gymnastics required to, say, kiss while fucking, may not work.


    My advice to the OP is to describe yourself and not ask if a guy is "OK with your race."


    Believe it or not, when growing up in the 1970's Mr. White Guy here was subjected to verbal taunts due to his ethnic background. I'm of Polish and German descent. If it wasn't a dumb Pollack comment it was being called a Nazi. It got old. Very, very old.


    When people long for those halcyon days before "political correctness" made open ethnic and racial slurs the subject of scorn I have to gag.

  3. ...I've seen those. They're hilarious (to us, anyway).


    Have you posted this link before? I'm pretty sure this site was where I saw the link....


    I don't recall posting the link here. Also don't recall how I first heard of the site.



    ...Not nearly as bad as Lurid Digs. Now we're getting into the realm of picky.


    Maybe Lurid Digs passes its less hideous submissions to Obscene Interiors?

  4. More on Porn-o Decor-o


    Has anyone ever seen a porno that took place in a place that was NOT clean?


    I mean look at how gleaming this place is.





    Porno really is fantasy. :)

    Most of the studios have clean, well-arranged sets. However, I remember some of the early "real guy" porn sites were less well-maintained. If I can find any I will post a couple of links.


    That said, you are right: they are shining!!


    PS: Maybe that's 'cuz they need a cleaning crew after every scene. ;)

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