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Everything posted by Axiom2001

  1. He looks "adorably sweet" and mighty mouthwatering!!!
  2. "This should satisfy me for the next twenty-four!"
  3. That's a very quick way to quench one's thirst!!
  4. To this day I think my money, or most of what I'd left inside of the room with Hector had been taken by him and did not desire to discuss the matter with him, for his facility of the English language and mine of Spanish was indeed quite limited. Cuba is one of the safest countries in our hemisphere. I felt safe at all times, and when I returned solo in 2018, I went everywhere. On that trip I'd booked a casa particular (bread and breakfast type lodging) for sleeping and had an airbnb apartment rented for "playing." Unfortunately, I lost out on the latter. I do hope to return, for I desire to take my two week sojourn that I aborted in 2017 because of back problems. On day 2 of my trip, I took one of those hop on/hop off buses; unfortunately, I remained seated on a very hard and uncomfortable seat for far too long. The next day my back gave out which frightened the hell out of me, so I cancelled what was to come and returned back to California. I lost a lot of $$$, for I did not have my trip insured. I did have the required health insurance.
  5. Fifteen or so years ago, I joined a group of men from various sections of this country and ventured to Thailand, "The Land of Smiles." We traveled (on this tour) that included lots of culture messed with many opportunities for one to explore the sexual attributes that lay in that land. While in Bangkok, the group did lots of supreme cultural activities during the daylight hours, but when night fell, all sorts of things transpired which was a hell of a surprise to me. One evening this "randy group" went to a club. While we were there, approximately five rather cute Asian guys of varying heights occupied the stage and danced. At intermission, a few of them meandered throughout the group of us, but one in particular, a rather hunky and rather hung Korean cutie went from row to row inviting and encouraging the assembled to "taste" his thick, turgid cock. I passed, for I thought about all of the germs that would intermingle. Too bad for me because his "thang" looked oh so mighty appetizing. Days later the group found itself up North in Chiang Mai; aside from the abundance of history and antique culture reigned some semblance of contemporary gay culture. One evening our American guide from Los Angeles entertained us to dinner that was held outside of a spacious lodging. The meal was quite sumptuous, but the "dessert" was a bevy of hot, hot, hot, hot men. While we concluded our desserts; the "human just dessert appeared from afar and encircled our rather expansive table. It was as if they came from out of space. I became super-heated for some sex from one or more of them but finally settled on an extremely hot man, a model and somewhat known individual who'd made his mark doing (I can't remember.). But what still lingers in my mind is that I left the gathering and found myself riding behind him on his fancy motorcycle. Once he and I had arrived at my lodging; we went into my room to play. Unfortunately, and to my dismay, he was not to be as purported. He failed to be interactive, and to this day I still keenly remember his constant verbalizing of: "I am not gay." He left me being quite disappointed and rather pissed, but to this day, I am glad that I went on this adventure and for the earlier part of that particular evening. Thailand found me back on two other trips that I'll always cherish.
  6. ...seems like this guy needs to be taught how to relate to his clients as well as the particulars associated with being an escort/provider. He's been on "my radar" for some time.
  7. Since that acutely rude behavior has happened to you and your provider on two occasions, next time POST an 8 X 11 sign on the door that reads "PLEASE DO NOT DISTURB!" "If we wanted company, you would have been invited." "We are serious!" (three vertical lines) Ring the front desk and tell the individual who's "manning" it to come to where your room is located and ward off the SOB who desires to participate in all of that hot, steamy fun!
  8. ...have been here for eons and have seen lots of changes over the years. I applaud and thank you for your endeavor and do hope that it prevails for a long time! 😍
  9. Since you seemingly have a problem with men whose "blessing" is perhaps over 6 inches-- select those who have 5 or 6 inches then practice opening yourself with one finger followed by two and so forth in order to accommodate a man who is more blessed. I don't consider myself as one who gives "stellar head," but the men who've been with me have truly been endowed and have known how to "plough me" into oblivion. I received the "best fuck" of my life from a mighty endowed Argentine during my second visit to Buenos Aires. Damn, he definitely knew how to please one thoroughly and then some,and, from my writing the preceding, "I think I NEED a HHH--"handsome, hung, hunk!"
  10. Check out gaycities.com. On this site is a listing of saunas, gay bars, hotels, restaurants, etc. Although seeming relatively limited, do give it a try.
  11. Although I am not interested in "bottoms," this guy/escort uses that word perhaps, for he possibly perceives his prime hole as being a "pussy." And if I were a Top or Top versatile, I could feed that relatively tight hole (pussy) beyond oblivion for the bottom escort to remember.
  12. "One can tell that this "beauty" has been broken, for that big cock easily slid inside that hot "Chunnel" of his!"
  13. I checked out his website (ad and photos). ...liked what I read and viewed. Unfortunately, this hunk never allowed for his "private photos" to be opened. Unlucky and unfortunate me, but there are others out there whom I can seek.
  14. "Is that a laser beam?" I'm mighty envious!!!
  15. They're really feeeeeling it!
  16. ...looks like he and I could have a "STERLING" time together.
  17. From time to time when I think about a country where I've traveled, invariably one or more of my prior experiences emerge. Afterwards, I tend to render a huge smile. In 2015 or 16, I went to Cuba and joined eleven others who comprised in my group. Our guide (a woman) was simply, simply magnificent, and for the most part the eleven other travelers and I bonded: this trip I shall always remember, The only downside of the trip was the limited time that our government allows one to spend while traveling to this island country that is only a mere seventy-five miles from the shores of Miami, Florida. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Besides the cultural and historical components, I'd also wanted to seek out some of this island's handsome, hot and hung men. One evening I rang an escort who had been introduced to me by word-of-mouth from the experiences that an acquaintance he'd previously undergone. I rang a number and spoke with a man who had perfect (unaccented) English. His last words were: "Hector would be at your hotel by 8:30 P.M." I became further encouraged and waited outside of the hotel for this man. Lo and behold the taxi arrived, and out popped Hector and one of the guys who was a member of my small tour group. Both approached me, but I ignored the Americano and immediately took to Hector. Although I spoke English, Hector spoke only a few words. He and I hailed a taxi and went to his place, or to the lodging that he claimed as being his. We arrived, ventured inside, and was met by a woman. He introduced us then proceeded to lead me to the bedroom where I'd hope that he'd "take me beyond oblivion." Well, this handsome chap and I rid ourselves of our clothes. He motioned me to lie on his bed and turn onto my stomach so he "could jump my bones." He put on one of the magnum condoms and did "the deed" oh so deeply and sexily. Afterwards, I went to the bathroom but was annoyed as well as upset: there were NO paper goods or towels whatsoever. So I returned to his room, dressed, and paid him for the room, but when I continued to look where I'd stashed my money to pay him, there was none to be had. I became frighted, for this was something that I'd never experienced. My being in a foreign environment and not knowing where I was exactly.... I told Hector that I did not have enough money to pay him but he could return to the hotel with me, and I'll do what was expected: pay him for services rendered. Before we left the dwelling, the woman approached me and relayed that Hector would like to see me again. Although I had a few days left, I told her that I'd be leaving tomorrow; thus I would be unable to meet again. We bid each other farewell, and off were the two of us. Hector hailed one of the (I presume) free autos that already had folks in it. I sat in the front seat afraid as hell and prayed that we'd get back to the hotel. After going for many blocks but a few short of my hotel, Hector asked the driver to let us out. The driver complied, and Hector and I walked about an additional five or six blocks, but instead of our walking together, he decided to walk a slight distance away from me. Today, or right at the moment of my writing this, I just concluded why he did such. He was a handsome lad, and although I could have been mistaken as a native, I was much older, taller, and wider than he. Apparently, a dead give away to folks who viewed our being together. We arrived at the hotel, and while Hector stood on the patio, I went upstairs to obtain his fee. When I returned I discreetly placed his fee into his hand, thanked him, and wished him the best. When I returned to my hotel room, I was pissed, for to an extent, I had been had. And as far as the Americano who was a member of the group, he and I spoke and slightly related during the duration of this trip, but neither of us talked about Hector. I returned to Cuba in 2018 intending to stay for two weeks; unfortunately after day two, I had to abort my trip because my back had begun to give me problems after my having occupied a very hard seat on a "HOP on HOP off bus for far too long the preceding day. To this day (03.27.23) I am still upset with myself, for I had rented an Airbnb apartment just for "playing" although I was initially staying in a casa particular (a lovely b n b lodging).
  18. Minutes ago I attempted to see if one of my threads had been addressed here, but after scrolling some 13 pages I couldn't find it, but I did encounter this one. In looking at the three men about whom I inquired, I can now address each one. Kev is out: he desires a photograph. I don't have any to send to him. Jake's requested fee is out of line with what I'll pay: $300 and upwards to $400 if I remember what he wrote to me in our communicating. I thought I had an appointment with Dino, but when he and I finally talked, he was unable to confirm but did offer two days later. Unfortunately, I was unable to take him up on it but do plan and hope to see him in the future, for he seemed interested, and you damn know that I wanted to experience his expertise. Before the summer, I hope to see Dino!
  19. Yesterday, (March 21), Billy Porter was on "The View." Near the end of his segment, he announced that he'll be touring the States. This truly piqued my interest to the point that an hour ago I purchased a ticket to see this event in San Francisco on May 5, 2023. This should be a grand experience for all: I am anxiously awaiting'. If he is one who interests you, I'll welcome your checking his performing if he's scheduled to perform in your area. Support him and what he has to give to humanity.
  20. HE'D make a nice feast for sure!!!!!
  21. What's up with Facebook? I ask this question because I've been posting candid words at Forums that feature handsome and hot men that are part of this site. Since doing this, I've received warnings and have had my hands slapped. A few minutes ago, a photo appeared of a handsome, hot man who was bare chested, wearing a pair of slightly loose jock shorts and holding a skillet that had his encased jock hanging inside. In my response to this, I posted a huge rainbow tongue that I'd obtained from Facebook's collections of symbols. Afterwards, I went downstairs and did a few things. When I returned to my study and to my screen, there was an enlargement of the tongue that I'd obtained from FACEBOOK's bank of symbols and had posted in conjunction with the photo that had been submitted. Along with this came their warnings, etc. What friggin' hypocrisy hails there! A similar thing happened to me last year when Twitter froze my account. A hot guy continuously posted the most candid photos of himself almost daily. I reacted by writing some encouraging words to him. Well, lo and behold, Twitter discontinued my using its services because the guy or someone had complained about the words that I had written. Men, what's your take and advice?
  22. If you can access TripAdvisor Cairo-- check out the restaurant recommendations and travel to them via taxi. If your hotel has a concierge, request that s/he book for you two. [...too bad that you were not able to do some checking prior to your travel adventure. I know; I know it slipped your mind.] 😀😀 ***Thanks for posting; I enjoyed your read. Continue to experience as positively as possible!
  23. ...would love to be on the receiving end!!!!
  24. That's unfortunate as well as bizarre. Over the 25+ years that I've been engaging the services of providers, I've always supplied my first name. If my surname appears on the screen of the phone, so be it. It has never been a problem with me. One time my former go-to-guy in San Francisco range my landline; his real surname appeared on my screen. Out of respect-- I never revealed that to him.
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