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Everything posted by dutchal

  1. Has a Texas phone number: https://rentmen.com/QbnnbQ
  2. Here's the most recent discussion on him,long, but short on recent, personal experience. He may be priced a bit high for this crowd: https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/landon-mycles-for-the-holidays.119662/
  3. Going to take the plunge?
  4. Is he top or bottom or ? What does he charge?
  5. The model's instgram page shows that he's been in NYC for at least several months.
  6. https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/frankey-in-philadelphia.56575/#post-510058
  7. http://www.daddysreviews.com/search/Active/james/james_2_nyc http://m4m-forum.org/threads/jamesxl.119521/
  8. Disappointing, much thinner than in the pics, massage much shorter than one hour.
  9. Ad link doesn't work any more.
  10. Now based in Vegas and coming to NYC: https://rentmen.com/Antuan
  11. Anybody with recent experience? He's got mostly new pics, which suggest the most recent review which says he's got an all new body is accurate, but the pics aren't consistent with stats of 5'9" and 170 lbs. https://rentmen.com/fernandonyc
  12. He's in NYC: https://rentmen.com/sultanspain
  13. dutchal

    411 on Papi Ignacio

    He's been around for a while, years. I suspect he's older than he states. Has often had an ad on A4A, less frequently elsewhere. Hired him once, and he was an interactive, willing, sexy bottom. A year or so later, contacted him, made an appointment, and then he canceled on short notice, saying he wasn't in the mood or something like that, but with more of an attitude. Can't remember exactly how he expressed himself, but it was off putting. Never went near him again.
  14. Hired him in NYC a couple of months ago. Was great fun.
  15. http://www.companyofmen.org/threads/411-on-dave-in-nyc.119242/#post-1184865
  16. Anybody with any actual experience?
  17. dutchal

    Dario Owen

  18. Tried him out. Agree with Parker. He's in NYC until tomorrow, then back to Barcelona. The $150 rate is real, too.
  19. That seems to have disappeared. Anyone else with experience?
  20. Now has a rentmen ad: https://rentmen.com/Joshuacatrach
  21. From Europe: https://rentmen.com/Leonx
  22. That would be a fennec fox: http://fennecfoxes.net/fennec-diet-and-health/
  23. He has an ad on gayromeo, same pics, with gobs of ecstatic reviews.
  24. Beautiful guy, inside and out, excellent massage.
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