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Everything posted by musclestuduws

  1. Thank you for this detailed review. Sorry there was no happy ending although you do seem to be happy with the experience. P.S.: regarding the weight discrepancy between ads, what would you way is his weight: 145 or 170 lbs?
  2. Any intel on Jay? He’s listed on the webpage below as new but without a photo. Anyone hired him? I wonder if he is JayFit on rentmasseur. The brief description matches. On 11/25/2022 at 8:19 PM, Benhbysaid: The link of gallery of the 27 men spa staffs: https://1drv.ms/w/s!AtmF7gK7GrODglHha8JOWXUovNW2
  3. Here’s the interview where Merman tells the story.
  4. That in itself was quite a feat: how could anyone manage to talk louder than Ethel Merman!!! 😁 Also, it is believable that Merman would throw out the drunk guy by herself. That woman was a force of nature.
  5. I meant I understood that the receiver could not tell if you texted from your cell phone or vía Google Voice. Don’t they just get an anonymous cell phone number anyway when you first reach out? Forgive my ignorance in these technical matters.
  6. 🤣 I guess LookingAround just wanted to highlight that you saw him 3 years ago and that we are talking about his issues or hang ups providing erotic massage this past year or 2021. I really hope it didn’t take Hipólito that long to get over his alleged heartbreak.
  7. Barbara Walters was a very smart journalist adept and familiar with the inner workings of power. Not an innocent housewife. She of course knew who Roy Cohn was. But her ruthless ambition trumped ethical concerns. How do you think she got so far in a profession where you are swimming with sharks? Regardless I recommend you read and learn about Roy Cohn. Every gay man must know who he was and what he did. Here’s a good documentary. There are several. Btw she did not “date” Cohn in college. And even if you want to justify that, once again there’s no justification to her being a character witness for Cohn in his disbarment case other than she clearly owed him important “favors.” By then absolutely everyone with a brain knew what an evil person and corrupt lawyer Cohn was.
  8. As it turns out, she was Roy Cohn’s beard. Their “engagement” was announced in most New York’s newspapers. And as I wrote above, she was a character witness in Cohn’s disbarment case, when he was stripped of his license because the evidence against him was massive. He was not just a “connection” or someone she was introduced to “socially.” And Cohn surely helped her to advance her career. Everyone knew since the time Cohn was senator McCarthy’s right hand that he was a horrible, amoral human being. Trump was his protege and best disciple. Watch “Angels in America” if you haven’t yet.
  9. Funny I was reading tonight about your awful saga from more than a year ago with this prickly scammer, right before you posted this karmic update. So glad to hear you got a refund after all this time and trouble, good news to start your year. Happy New Year indeed!
  10. I wonder what BW thought of “ Angels in America.” I bet she never interviewed Tony Kushner for her specials.
  11. She seems to have mental health issues. I hope she gets the help she needs.
  12. Goodness. I thought they couldn’t tell if you used Google Voice. In any case, it’s a hard pass for me. He has “trouble” written all over him.
  13. So sorry you had to go through this. I hope you manage to get a refund somehow. Thanks for warning everyone here. He looks familiar to me. I wonder if he works out at my gym.
  14. He sounds like a total prick already in his ad. Yikes.
  15. Well, you did try to be discreet at least 😉 Still, lots of respect for negotiating a 200 discount before getting your ass filled. You must be good at talking 🤣
  16. I guess he reserves his insatiable sexual appetite for porn movies. It makes sense. Why to waste your sexual prowess while doing massage when you can get paid way better by showcasing it in a movie? Btw, He’s coming to nyc for most of January. Anyone interested?
  17. All this additional info confirms and solidifies my first impression when I had a massage with him a while ago. I am glad I never went back. Definitely not a repeat for me.
  18. According to his ad, Marco will be gracing Detroit with his presence starting tomorrow. See above. And we look forward to having you in nyc in mid January, Marco. 😉
  19. Such a profound and beautiful movie. Loren and Mastroianni are sublime together. I love Italian neorealism, so many great movies came from that school. Thanks for reminding me of “Una giornata particolare.” I watched it many years ago. I shall watch it again soon.
  20. I remember thinking the same way! Number of children equaled the number of times parents had had sex. Perfect logic, right? 🤣 I was so young and naive…
  21. I agree. Ironically, the movie’s main problem is Billy Eichner himself. He lacks the acting chops to be the romantic lead and his character’s overall tone is too bitter to make him likable at all. This becomes painfully evident in the two long, endless monologues he wrote to talk about himself. Even though I am a big fan of Billy and I love his work on TV, I could not get myself to care about him or their relationship. Also, the rest of the characters were irrelevant, mere props for his jokes or issues with love and intimacy. Several actors were pretty good and showed potential but they were not given a chance. It would’ve made a big difference if at least two of the secondary characters would’ve been given a meaningful story line and more on screen time.
  22. In the immortal words of Obi-Wan Kenobi, “only a Sith deals in absolutes.” 😁
  23. You know this or assume it was heartbreak?
  24. Good for him. Hopefully he got over his hang ups. Have the pics been updated or are these still the old ones? Meaning before gaining 30 pounds…
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