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Everything posted by musclestuduws

  1. Sorry but I find laughable that your main source on this issue is a Wikipedia entry and that you would question me based on that. Smart and genuinely concerned people would instead admit their ignorance and ask questions to find out more rather than attacking someone “ad hominem.” Anyway, I guess that’s your modus operandi on this website from what I’ve seen elsewhere. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, as Alexander Pope said. My sources are not anecdotal, I happen to be friends with scholars at top Brazilian universities who publish academic articles, books, and well-researched reports on these issues. I also know gay activists who have been fighting against discrimination in Brazil for decades. Several gay political leaders and activists were killed during the Bolsonaro administration without any serious investigation from the authorities. Many more killings of trans people have gone unreported on the media. Here is just a sample of the many articles on the subject available online. In English. I have several academic articles on file myself. There are tons more if one does a little research, which you could have done yourself. Of course, a lot more sources and reports are in Portuguese. But just the sample included here paints a pretty devastating picture. Anyway I’ve spent too much time already on this so it’s up to you now to be willing to be enlightened by the research. For instance, a damning report from the University of Alabama Institute for Human Rights shows that even the passing of legislation that expanded right for LGBTQ+ people, had not actual effects on their lives or even less in restraining the violence and rising number of hate crimes. It is a gross mistake to equate the passing of legislation with the reality of people on the streets. https://pulitzercenter.org/stories/brazil-continues-be-country-largest-number-trans-people-killed https://www.reuters.com/article/us-brazil-lgbt-murders-trfn/reported-murders-suicides-of-trans-people-soar-in-brazil-idUSKBN25Z31O https://www.openlynews.com/i/?id=765ed1d7-c620-48a8-ab60-2e04e16a3971 https://www.hrw.org/report/2022/05/12/i-became-scared-was-their-goal/efforts-ban-gender-and-sexuality-education-brazil https://www.thepinknews.com/2021/02/18/brazil-trans-murders-jair-bolsonaro-175-people-murdered-2020-antra/ https://theconversation.com/amp/how-lgbtq-people-are-resisting-bolsonaros-brazil-through-art-115072 https://sites.uab.edu/humanrights/2022/09/30/lgbtq-rights-in-brazil/
  2. You are free to think what you like but I don’t think Wikipedia is a reliable source on these matters as supporters of Bolsonaro probably intervened in the editing of that entry. I know several gay activists and professors in gender studies who lived in Brazil under Bolsonaro so I know what I’m talking about.
  3. To compare sexual orientation with eye color only exposes how dogmatic your understanding of genetic determinism is. It’s a reductio ad absurdum that reveals the contradictions in your argument. To claim that by saying “biological” instead of “genetic” you are contemplating environmental and sociocultural factors only shows how little you know about current evolutionary and performative notions of behavior, among other things. The examples about Iran and Saudi Arabia are just ridiculous insofar as what we discussed in regards to choice but they do expose how white, racist, and Eurocentric your political views are. As I said, the defenders of genetic/biological determinism, which are btw one and the same, are themselves unaware of how close their views align with the racial eugenics of fascism. Your comments and the racially loaded examples you chose conclusively prove this point.
  4. Yeah, I also so wish we had a time machine to go back and make good on all the opportunities for hot sex we missed because we were not out yet or just shy, or else! 😁Wouldn’t that be something? On the other hand, I might never return to the present… haha.
  5. But the genome by no means determines sexual orientation. Genetic determinism is precisely saying that your genome defines your orientation (and anything else).
  6. Thank you for your apologies in the later posting. And I am pleasantly surprised reading this one. Now we’re actually talking and having a meaningful conversation. This is exactly what I meant in positioning the issue as a philosophical and political one, above all. You captured the spirit of it very well with your examples and suggestions. That’s what I meant. Let’s explore and favor perspectives that allow us to “open up” to and embrace the endless multiplicity of individual, changing behaviors. Human nature is defined by change and constant evolution. It’s just fruitless to try to encapsulate it with definitive explanations and absolute truths based on positivist, reductive science. As the history of science shows, those hard definitive truths were always proven wrong later. I believe that our capacity to go against that which is preordained and given to us defines the human condition and ultimately, what makes life worth living.
  7. We’re not “ruled” by genetics. If you bother reading the massive amount of recent serious research on the subject, some of it shared on this thread, genes are only part (sometimes even a small part) within a complex, unpredictable, and highly dynamic network of multiple environmental factors, social norms, and individual behaviors, among other items. I myself shared one of the most important research reports involving the largest samples ever, you’ll find it a few pages ago in this thread. The findings are conclusive in showing how the role of genes has been grossly overestimated. Genetics certainly does NOT “rule” when it comes to human sexuality. And apparently not even in animals, as recent research also show how reductive and deterministic our understanding of their sexuality has been.
  8. Thanks for dismissing my point of view and calling me delusional. That’s how great minds operate , right? The funny thing if you didn’t even bother to think through what I explained. As I said, it’s in the end a political position. By so arrogantly dismissing mine, you show how totalitarian and dogmatic yours is. Thanks for proving my point. I rest my case, your Honor.
  9. I can’t stand Ben Platt either. I’ll probably see Parade once/if he’s replaced. Otherwise I won’t bother.
  10. I completely disagree. But you did not get my point. It’s a philosophical one with vast political implications. And it acknowledges the historical relativity of all science against both positivism and determinism.
  11. Beyond anything else, I will always choose freedom over determinism, and that includes sexual orientation, sexuality, and gender. Science has being wrong many times in the past when it comes to human sexuality. So ultimately, I’d rather err on the side of choice and freedom and avoid forcing people into the neat taxonomies of traditional natural sciences.
  12. I hear you. So sorry for all the opportunities you missed in high school ! Did you share with this guy how much you wanted to fuck most of your teammates, maybe including him? Did he suspect you were into guys too?
  13. Cute but not my type. Too thin for me.
  14. This was the first gay themed movie I ever saw. Loved it.
  15. Well, Medvedev is out. I so wish Alcaraz were in the mix. Especially after seeing his Calvin Klein underwear ads. 😍
  16. Let’s hope he keeps winning and celebrating shirtless!
  17. The entire Museum Island area is fantastic. Every museum is superb. And the Staatsoper is nearby. I love Berlin.
  18. I disagree completely. Both things are related. Also, Bolsonaro’s handling of the pandemic was horrifying, refusing to take any serious action for months. Nobody knows the exact number of people who died. Official numbers were grossly manipulated. And several friends of mine living in Brazil attest to the fact that many gay people and in particular the transgender community now live in constant fear. Hate crimes have multiplied exponentially and hate rhetoric is everywhere on social media. Fortunately for Brazil, this fascist clown lost the last election. You can choose to bury your head in the sand and ignore the political context but reality proves otherwise.
  19. I understand that Bolsonaro’s politics have made it difficult and scary for gay guys to live their lives openly. I am sure his fascist rhetoric and life threats against leaders of the gay movements in Brazil have had a chilling effect on most gay people.
  20. Yes 4 sets but still, Rafa has a long way to go before fully recovering. I read what he said after the game and he is aware of the steep challenges he is facing after being plagued by injuries last year. It’s a miracle he’s already playing. Let’s see how he evolves. I just don’t like Djokovic as a person, even more so after the whole scandal last year when he refused to get vaccinated against COVID. I’d prefer that Rafa keeps the record of most Gran Slam titles for himself. Time will tell.
  21. I think he’s looking at the cucumbers in the posted photo. 🤣
  22. That’s exactly what I thought he wanted to suggest. Quite a subtle allusion, isn’t it? Very clever of me to catch it! 🤣
  23. Im guessing it’s because marines can’t handle the truth? 🤣
  24. Well, I know that several friends of mine find “cucumbers” to be their main source of pleasure and relaxation. And I can tell they’re very serene afterwards! 🤣
  25. I hope Rafa has fully recovered from his injuries. I’d love to see him win a final against Djokovic.
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