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Everything posted by TylerInTexas

  1. I Concur, someone has seen him.
  2. Had the same experience as Kevin above. A big no repeat.
  3. Does anyone else “inspect” their provider before commencing a session? I do, and neither has objected.
  4. The chest tattoo makes it look like he’s suffered a burn.
  5. Someone, take one for the team!
  6. Why not post current pics if he’s maintained himself?
  7. I would want some documentation to see they were truly vaxxed.
  8. Wow. And he's close to Texas!
  9. https://www.the-sun.com/news/4920197/university-southwest-golf-bus-driver-pictured-texas/ “That is the very picture of lunacy — to allow a 13-year-old behind the wheel of a pickup traveling down the road at 70 miles per hour at night. That has got to be the zenith of lunacy,” Gary Raines, father of Karisa Raine, killed in crash.
  10. Any idea where rim chairs are obtainable?
  11. Hilarious comments! He's not even a man, in my book.
  12. XYZ, you got lotsa problems buddy. Con job here, CEO shit, bringing a prostitute overseas and don't know if your phone will work? Shiiiiiit.
  13. Why even leave our beautiful country? Heck, I don't even have a passport.
  14. 2 day old underwear worn by a MAN. Not some Fem.
  15. I am encouraged to get a massage after look at these postings.
  16. Saw Tinder Swindler lately. Think original poster should also.
  17. This guy strikes me of being a 'hottie', and over used term in my book. I see hottie and then click only to see a provider looking like a 16 year old Justin Beiber with frosted hair and a limp wrist. I like manly men. Beards, shaved heads make'm even better.
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