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Everything posted by TylerInTexas

  1. How would he know it is me?
  2. Has anyone seen AJ / Alonzo lately? Communication with him via text has been strange. Hard to get tone in text.
  3. Isn’t this medical fetish (medfet)?
  4. 404 not found. is he monitoring this site?
  5. I have always thought of him as a humanist, one of the great ones.
  6. This guy is in my area currently, is he worth $300/hr?
  7. Gosh, might have to give him a try.
  8. https://www.visitberlin.de/en/pergamon-museum
  9. 43.04. AGGRAVATED PROMOTION OF PROSTITUTION. (a) A person commits an offense if he knowingly owns, invests in, finances, controls, supervises, or manages a prostitution enterprise that uses two or more prostitutes. (b) An offense under this section is a felony of the first degree.
  10. Is he past his shelf life? All escorts do have a “pull date”, they just don’t know it.
  11. I’ll be in LA starting in mid-Dec,I’ll cure the constant bumps here.
  12. I saw Fauno when he was in Austin, where he told me he’s moving to early December. Nice Mexican national who I will see when returns. If you have questions, DM/PM, don’t know what remarks are allowed here.
  13. He slapped you in the face while you tried to kiss him?
  14. Tracking ankle monitor should say it all.
  15. He’s a bit older than stated, and didn’t realize how petite he was. My intuition says I would never want to be on his bad side. Personal experience here.
  16. I have (had!) a friend of 30+ years alienate me after he inherited millions of $$. And I wasn’t the only one alienated. Somehow we were good enough anymore. Sad.
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