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Everything posted by sydneyboy

  1. If this guy is real he is the discovery of the century: www.sleepyboy.com/uk/London/escort/MARBOL
  2. This is slightly off topic but it’s an issue I would like to raise. My favourite London escort used to advertise exclusively on Gay Romeo but since the (disasterous) changes to that website tells me he has had a marked decrease in new enquires and now advertisers on Rentmen and Sleepyboy. To put it brutally Gay Romeo has been stuffed completely. I for one can’t get used to it and I’m not the only one.
  3. My favourite London escort charges 120 pounds on hour in call.
  4. As I have written on this thread I don’t totally share the effusive enthusiasm for the place. It suffers by comparison with the Brazilian saunas. Having said that if I return to Barcelona I will return to Thermas. I’m off to São Paulo in 2 weeks. Lagoa here I come!
  5. There is a sign in the foyer of Thermas in Spanish with an English translation to the effect of paying for sexual services prohibited. Management obviously does not lack a sense of humour.
  6. Has anyone been to this rent boy saunas lately? I have not read any recent reviews. The Google reviews are useless because they are written by people who did not realise it was a rent boy sauna. Comments from recent attendees welcome.
  7. sydneyboy

    Jay Dymel

    I suggest you look at the Rentmen reviews and go to a review by WHH dated 8 July 2018. Reviews do not get better than this.
  8. sydneyboy

    Jay Dymel

    Today’s cover boy is certainly a stunner. The Rentmen reviews are positively ecstatic. A rare find it would seem.
  9. I think you would have to be a rather unique individual to be straight but have sex with a person of your own gender. This is particularly the case as an escort when you are with a very wide spectrum of people. Some cultures eg Latin men often refer to themselves as “bisexual “ and do not have as many hangups. I have been to Brazil many times and I am sure that many of the guys I have met in the rent boy saunas are straight and sex with other men is not an issue but men from anglo Saxon cultures would to use my word in the first sentence have to be “unique”.
  10. He’s adorable but I worry about straights who work as gay escorts. Bradley is even cuter but the same qualification applies.
  11. From the Rentmen reviews this is my favourite dated 7 August 2018: ''Mike has this quality about him that is quite intriguing. I am sure a majority of people may disagree with me but for me Mike is like a great book. Some books have great covers but the inside is plain trash. Some books are just fine but don't last the test of time. Great books you just want to keep reading because each time you do one finds something new, something engaging, and something truly fascinating." Is the author of these noble words Wordsworth, Hazlitt or Coleridge reincarnated?
  12. The reviewers would appear to be trying to outdo one another in finding words to describe their rapture.
  13. The reviews on Rentmen for today’s cover boy Mike Wickedboy are extraordinarily effusive. He is a real find if these reviews are to be believed. They are certainly consistent.
  14. Opera Australia have announced their 2019 Sydney season. New Productions: ''Wozzeck'' (a co production with the Salzburg Festival and the Met), ''Madama Butterfly'' (with Karah Son and Hyeseoung Kwon alternating in the lead), ''Anna Bolena'' (with Ermonela Jaho and Sonia Ganassi, a very strong double) and ''Il Viaggio A Reims'' (with a large cast of imports and locals). I should also add ''West Side Story'', this years money making offering. Revivals: ''Turandot'' (with Amber Wagner and Yonghoon Lee), ''Werther'' (with Michael Fabiano and Elena Maximova), ''Salome'' (with Lise Lindstrom), ''The Marriage of Figaro'' (with multiple casts of imports and locals) and ''La Boheme'' (with Joyce El-Khoury and Ivan Magri in the first cast). Last but by no means least 2 concert performances of ''Andrea Chenier'' with Jonas Kaufmann, Eva-Marie Westbroek and Ludovic Tezier. All in all not a bad selection.
  15. Last week I saw Opera Australia's new production of ''Aida'' at the Sydney Opera House. Firstly the production itself by Davide Livermore. The set was made up entirely of moveable LED screens that could display anything from traditional static backdrops, digital animation and even film footage. Apparently Livermore has used similar screens in recent productions at La Scala and other European houses. Opera Australia head Lyndon Terracini said this ''Aida'' takes the approach to new extremes. It was highly effective and well received by audiences and critics alike. The singing. Our ''Aida'' was Amber Wagner, who may not be the most svelte and sexy ''Aida'' but what a voice! Its a long time since I have heard such a magnificent soprano in our Opera House. She was complemented by other international artists, Riccardo Massi as Radames and an excellent Amneris in Elena Gabouri. All in all a great night at the opera. This Friday Opera Australia is announcing its 2019 season.
  16. These “misunderstandings “ and outright demands for more money are not exactly unknown at rent boy saunas. I had a very nasty episode at Lagoa, São Paulo some years ago. A less unsavoury episode occurred at the now defunct Rogers on Rio on one occasion. Considering the number of times I have been to Brazil (9 times) and Barcelona twice with countless visits to the rent boy saunas these unsavoury episodes should be put in perspective. I have a policy of writing down the amount agreed making sure it’s in the local currency and go from there. It will not eliminate all potential difficulties from the unscrupulous but will minimise potential difficulties.
  17. My request was a general one to anyone who has been to both venues. I have been to Thermas many times on 2 visits to Barcelona but I am interested in comments from anyone who has also been to Adan and how it compares with Thermas.
  18. sydneyboy


    I think he’s a stunner. An amazing bonus. No tattoos!
  19. This guy is sensational. More information please.
  20. The talk of the town in operatic circles in Sydney at the moment is the performance of Amber Wagner in a new production of “Aida” at the Sydney Opera House. I see it next week and will report back.
  21. Seeing Juan Diego Flórez is still my great unfulfilled operatic wish.
  22. My spies tell me that Ms Jaho will be singing the Donizetti Tudor Queens in Sydney over a 3 year period starting next year. I hope they are right! Apart from the Sydney Traviata that started this thread I have subsequently read fabulous (and I don’t use that word loosely) reviews of her performances in other roles on major houses.
  23. I predict a mass exodus of readers of this esteemed forum to Argentina.
  24. I was 11 days in Barcelona in June and paid a number of visits to Thermas. This was my second time in Barcelona the first 4 years ago. As I reported earlier in this thread I did not share the enthusiasm of others for Thermas. I would to draw a distinction between the venue itself and the boys. I still do not like the layout of the place and on this visit I found it quite dirty, particularly the toilets, on one visit disgustingly so. The first level below the entrance constantly reeked of cigarette smoke. The boys were another matter. There is no denying the quality particularly on a Saturday afternoon but I would still argue not to the standard of the major Brazilian saunas. I’m off to São Paulo in October for my favourite rent boy sauna, Lagoa and I can’t wait.
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